Tips for Raising Teen Girls

Should single dads take their daughters to get bras or should they seek the assistance of a woman in the family? As mothers, we just take on the responsibility when the times arrives.  But, what about dads?  There are many situations today where moms and dads co-parent.  There are also situations where dads have primary custody of their daughters. When I was growing up, this was basically unheard of.  However, times have changed.  Today there are gay couples raising daughters, single dads raising daughters, widows raising daughters, grandfathers raising granddaughters, uncles raising nieces and the list goes on.  Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on raising teen girls.


raising teen girls


At some point our little girls, regardless of who’s raising them, will start growing into young ladies.  They will need a bra.  When I look back on my childhood, I can’t imagine my father taking me to the store and purchasing one for me.  I was raised in a traditional home, bras and feminine products were my mother’s responsibility.  Had my father been widowed, I think he would have reached out to one of my aunts or another family member.  Raising teen girls was one thing, but going shopping for a bra was another.

Decades later, I am proud to say that I have nephews who have primary custody of their children and who co-parent.  I think my dad would have been proud and very supportive of them taking on this responsibility.  He would have seen this as a demonstration of character and a demonstration of the morals and values that have been instilled in them.  He probably would wish they would have made wiser choices with the young ladies, but none the less he would have been proud.  I’ll save how this all came to fruition in another post.


teen girls

Here’s a few tips for raising teen girls:

  • The endeavor has been made easier for parents these days.  Young girls are now wearing bralettes.  Yes it seems that our young ladies no longer refer to their first bras as training bras, but bralettes.  Dads can purchase bralettes, which resemble undershirts, from Walmart, Target or Macy’s. They are the rage with young ladies now.  Also, they come in a variety of colors and stretch as they develop.
  • Their are several benefits to bralettes:  1)  Dads and daughters don’t have to endure the embarrassment of going to the store and asking for assistance or measurements.  Bralettes can purchased in sizes 4 – 6x and 7-14.


For all the single dads raising teen daughters, take a deep breath.  Purchasing a bra for your teen daughter is easier than you think.
