13 Tips for Parents Traveling With Children

Any parent knows that traveling with young children isn’t the easiest thing to do.  At times, it can be outright challenging.  Especially, if you’re a single parent. But, most parents are known to be resourceful.  Which, is why we know they would love any travel tips or suggestions that would make traveling with children easier and much more fun!  Today, we have tips for parents traveling with children.  Let’s check them out!  



travel tips for parents



Here is a set of tips and tricks for all parents who wish to make the most of their globe-trotting experience with their children: 


 Don’t Forget the Medicine at Home

This is very important and something a lot of parents overlook. Do not forget the medicine! Bring medicine for pain, upset tummies, fevers, allergies, and any prescription medicines.


Book Transportation in Advance

When leaving on vacation with your child, it is important to think ahead. Transportation is so important.  Arrange a limo service from your home to the door of the airport terminal and back home. This eliminates parking the car and getting the children from the parking lot to the terminal. Also, don’t just rely on the fact that you will find a taxi when you get off the airplane!  Call the hotel to inquire about shuttles.  If you need to rent a car, make a reservation in advance.  Make sure the rental company has car seats and/or boosters if you’re not bringing yours.  Most importantly, most airlines will ship your car seats for free.  However, for a small weekly fee it may be more convenient to just rent.


Board Early

We know it can be hard to leave the house early when going on vacation with a small child.  However, you must give yourself sufficient time to arrive at the airport early.  This will allow time to allow the children and you to relax.  Additionally, most airlines will allow parents with children to board early. Boarding early will also release tension and stress. 

travel tips


Bring Toys and Electronics 

You will need to bring toys and electronics to occupy the children.  These are great while you’re waiting to board the plane, on the plane and occupying them at the hotel or resort.  You will need to bring chargers for the electronics.  As far as the toys, travel light. 


Don’t Be Afraid of Your Stroller

Some parents avoid bringing the stroller because it’s too heavy or too hard to carry around on vacations. However, we advise against that. A stroller can be a huge help, especially on vacations and in airports.  They’re great when you have to do a lot of walking. You also need to know that strollers don’t count as luggage.  So, they will ship for free. 


Do a Little Training Before You Leave

If your child is old enough to remember tasks, then it is wise to do a little training before you leave on your vacation. Explain to them what to expect and what is expected from them. Make it short, because we all know kids aren’t too good at paying attention for long periods of time.


Invest in a Child Tracker

The thought that you might lose your child is enough to make any parent break out in a cold sweat.  Get a child tracker. Research what other parents have used and recommended.  Most can be worn as a bracelet or attached to clothes. Pick the one you think is best for your kid!


Do Your Check In Online

Online check in has improved airports so much!  You can avoid lines by simply checking in online.  Procedures vary from airline to airline, so be sure to check your Carrier’s procedures.  Download any apps and make sure they are working properly before you head to the airport.  On-line check in allows you to breeze through the airport in no time.


Flight Attendants are Your Friends

Flight attendants are there to help you and you! As a parent traveling with a small child, you should take advantage of  as much as you can. We’re not saying that you should pester them with non-stop requests, but you shouldn’t feel guilty when you need something.  They’d be more than happy to help!


Research, Research, Research

Researching a hotel is one of the best things a traveler can do before booking a vacation. You need to know if a hotel offers babysitting and activities.  Also, ask if they have a crib, playpen or laundry service. Everything you need to have a great vacation!  Websites such as Hotels or TripAdvisor are awesome for finding out this type of information.


Noise Cancelling Headphones

A pair of good noise cancelling headphones can really make a difference when traveling with a young child. You can use them when your child is napping on the plane or train.  Make sure that you choose a pair that fits. 


Early to Bed, Early to Rise

When on vacation with a small child, it is very important that they go to bed early.  Making sure they are rested for the next day’s activities is important. Besides, if they go to bed early you get a little time to yourself. Unwinding, relaxing, and planning out the schedule for the next day.


Stay As Close the Attractions as Possible

When booking a hotel, do your best to choose a hotel that is as close as possible to the attractions. These hotels do tend to be pricier.  Also, you save a lot of time and you can be in and out of things such as museums, parks, and other sites that you can walk t

Finally, we hope that you find out tips for parents traveling with children beneficial.  You may also like:  How to Plan a Family Vacation.    



About the Author

Cristina Costea

Cristina is the Community Manager of BookSinglesHolidays.com, a themed travel website offering a vast collection of singles vacations & solo holidays. She is also a passionate traveler, cat aficionado and novice writer.


Pre and Post Vacation Cleaning Tips

tips for a clean house after vacation


Taking a vacation once a year is very relaxing. It helps you unwind and take a break from your busy schedule. By the time you resume your official duties, you feel fresh and energized. However, if not planned well, the last days of your vacation can be stressful as you try to run errands and do cleaning chores. Here are useful tips to help you manage the situation with minimal effort.

  1. Plan for your return even before you go on your vacation

Take care of some of the monthly routines before you leave. Pay any outstanding bills. If there are any utility bills that may fall due when you are away or soon after the vacations, contact your service provider and pay in advance. This will eliminate any anxiety due to late payments when you come home. It will also free time to do other things once you are back.

  1. Clean your house before you leave for your vacation

You do not want to be welcomed by a foul smell of dirty dishes or stinky trash.  Wash all dishes and put them away.  Empty the trash cans and keep them clean.  Throw out any food in the refrigerator that will expire while you’re on vacation.

  1. Tend to your lawn

You do not want to find overgrown grass when your return.  Mow the lawn and trim it before you leave.  You can return from vacation with a feeling that you don’t have to immediately attend to the lawn.

  1. Turn all the water taps off before leaving

Make sure all taps in the house are turned off. Especially, during winter when taps are susceptible to freezing. Also, make sure there are no running toilets or water leaks.  This will ensure that water does not spill and destroy your household items while you are away. Things can get messy and cause you unimaginable loss if your valuables get soaked in water.

Post-Vacation Cleaning Tips

You can travel peacefully knowing that you will have lesser issues to attend to when you return home. After enjoying your vacation, plan to travel home several days before you return to the office.  Always give yourself time to rest and get over jet lag.  It is unwise to return to work immediately after your vacation.  Especially if you have traveled a long distance.

Once you get home, unpack and relax. Sort the laundry and do a load when you can without pressure.  If you have pick up and delivery service for your dry cleaning, call your service provider.  If they do not pick and drop services, plan when you will take the laundry to them. Treat yourself to maid services to assist with the cleaning if you can afford it. This will allow more time to rest.

Use your extra time to catch up with your family and friends. If you bought gifts, visit and share the items. Tell them your stories about your vacation and allow yourself to enjoy the memories. Sharing your memories will  lift your spirit and leave you happy and emotionally strong.  Be sure to attend to any matters that could require your time before you return to work.

I hope these pre and post vacation cleaning tips will help you the next time you decide to head out for a little rest and relaxation.  What pre and post vacation cleaning tips do you have to share?

About the Author:  Beverly Jenkins is proud of her staff at The Tidy Maids house cleaning service in Raleigh, NC. She has 24 years of experience in house cleaning, customer service, and business operations. She knows all the tips and tricks and do-it-yourself hacks when it comes to cleaning and her clients’ homes are the best proof for that.


Second Honeymoon Travel Tips

How do you picture your perfect honeymoon?  Do you day dream of walking hand in hand on a tropical beach?  Maybe you’ve always wanted to visit Europe? Or perhaps you both want to pack your hiking books and head to Morocco?  To help couples worldwide, we  have put together 8 essential travel tips to help you with planning a honeymoon that you and your loved one will reminisce about for years!



tips for a second honeymoon


How do you picture your perfect honeymoon?  Do you day dream of walking hand in hand on a tropical beach?  Maybe you’ve always wanted to visit Europe? Or perhaps you both want to pack your hiking books and head to Morocco?  To help couples worldwide, we at WeLoveHoneyMoons.com have put together 8 essential tips to help you plan a first or second honeymoon that you and your loved one will reminisce about for years!

Set a Budget

Every project needs a budget including planning a honeymoon.  You can use a honeymoon-budget sheet to help you keep track. Start with a general budget and then drill down by categories.  If you prefer apps, use Expensify to keep track.

There’s no reason to cut corners on your honeymoon planning. After all, there are ways to honeymoon for less. This includes staying closer to home or choosing an affordable honeymoon package.  You can also save by booking your honeymoon online or by using your miles to get a cheaper flight. On top of that, you can try alternative means of transportation.
If you are renewing your wedding vows, be creative and set-up  a “Travel Fund”.  Set a travel date and start looking for more ways to save.  You can sell things or take on a few odd jobs to help raise the extra funds.
The best part is that you don’t have to lower the expectations. There are ways you can still have an amazing time and not spend a fortune or go in debt!

Look For the Most Suitable Destination

Easter Island or the Maldives sound like amazing destinations for a honeymoon on the island. However, do you know how far these places are from where you live?  So, when you’re planning a honeymoon consider the distance you will be traveling.

Here is some information:
• it takes 17 hours to fly from New York to Easter Island
• it takes 21 hours to fly from Los Angeles to the Maldives
If you only have less than a week to spend on your honeymoon, you don’t want to be on a plane for almost two days.  A better idea is to look for destinations closer to home. If you live in the US, a honeymoon in the Caribbean can be a great choice.  Just remember, you don’t want to be on a tropical island during the hurricane season.
When picking a honeymoon location, think about the weather. While being stuck inside with your spouse can be exciting, pick a place where there are interesting seasonal things to do when you’re ready to get out and about.
If you choose an early summer month, Southern Europe is a good idea. You can decide to go on a honeymoon destination in Italy or maybe choose a honeymoon package in Greece. When budget is a concern, consider a less popular time to travel.  Europe in the summer is expensive, but not in the winter. The Caribbean is always cheapest in August -September.  Find a destination to match your budget rather than the other way around.


planning a honeymoon


Choose a Good Airline

Flying business class for your honeymoon may sound good, but it can be a very expensive affair.  Save money either by using miles to upgrade or by simply booking economy and choosing seats with extra leg room.  Don’t be afraid to choose a low-cost airline. They have new fleet and are affordable.  Consider the leg room when choosing your seats.


Book In Advance

Book your honeymoon package six to eight months prior to the event! This window gives you a good chance to find affordable airfare and availability in the resort of your choice. If you want to stay at a certain resort or do something specialized, you may want to push that booking date back to a year if possible.  Sign up for fare alerts for the flights you are interested in.

Avoid making changes to the airfare or accommodation after you book. Changing the date on your plane ticket or accommodations could lead to paying penalties.   
Buy Travel Insurance
This is something that many people tend to overlook, but make sure you have travel insurance. Why? Because the right kind of insurance can protect you against a lot of things: from delayed flight to lost luggage or stolen goods.  And not to mention that it can save you a lot of grief during emergency situations or medical issues.   Lisa, blogger at Playa del Carmen agrees: “If any time should be stress-free, it is your honeymoon! It is worth the peace of mind.” Make sure the insurance you choose covers the activities you plan to enjoy (eg. scuba diving).

Travel Light

You really don’t need to pack half of your closet.  However, you don’t want to go to a fancy restaurant and not have anything for the occasion, either. Pack smart and think layers.  For a honeymoon on the beach, consider packing a lightweight dress and a pareo or cardigan for the evenings.  You may want to leave your high heels at home if you plan to visit Europe, with its old, cobblestone cities. Also, it’s worthwhile to consider packing that ultra-light waterproof jacket no matter where you’re headed.

The less stuff you carry with you, the more flexibility of movement you’ll be able to enjoy. Also, get a bag with wheels and don’t strain your body! Your energy should all go towards enjoying your trip with your loved one.  Roll your clothes to maximize the space in your carry on.


planning a honeymoon




Share Your Travel Itinerary 

You should share your travel itinerary with at least a person you trust.  Things do happen and it might be useful and even life-saving if your loved ones know how to find you when necessary.


Relax and Enjoy Your Honeymoon

Make sure you plan for a balanced mix of activities and down time while you’re planning your honeymoon. That means allowing yourself to enjoy it. You’ll get back to the real world eventually – but you only get one honeymoon. Relish it.

About the Author – Cris Puscas is a contributing writer at WeLoveHoneymoons.com the best place to book memorable honeymoon travel packages. She is a hopeless romantic, equally passionate about discovering new places to explore and writing about them.



An England Family Vacation Is Worth The Flight

Getting to England with kids isn’t easy. And, it’s a pretty long flight.  So today, I’m sharing travel tips on a England Family Vacation.  If you want to see what the rest of the world raves about, it’s worth the trip.  England is the home of the British Royal family, cute accents, and incredible landscapes. Most importantly, if you want to take a vacation overseas, England is a great option for family fun.



england family vacation tips



Lots of people are curious about England. It’s a tiny country that packs a big punch when it comes to tourist attractions. The word ‘quaint’ is used a lot to describe English villages, houses, and local activities. After all, there are some pretty weird, wonderful, and whacky things that the English like to do! Rolling big cheeses down hills, Morris Dancing, and welly wanging. Those are just some of the village delights you might come across up and down the country.

English Yorkshire Pudding and Sunday Roast

Yorkshire Pudding


When it comes to food, you may also find some little gems and weird dishes. Most towns and villages have their own local delicacy. This might include cakes, biscuits, or cheeses. Seaside towns might offer jellied eels and liquor pie. What about a beef stottie? And the Cornish pasty will definitely delight your entire family. Common favorites include the traditional English Breakfast and the Yorkshire pudding roast dinner.

American theme parks may be huge, but the British are definitely catching up. There are several to choose from all over England. Your kids will probably find their favorite TV characters at the themed parks. English favorites like Thomas the Tank Engine and Peppa Pig have their own parks!  You can buy your attraction tickets online in advance or at the entrance kiosk. Many parks have special events at certain times of the year. It’s worth doing your research to find out what they’re offering. Some include large wildlife parks. Additionally, those that are by the beach offer extra value when you’re out for the day.

However, if it’s the beach that brings you to England, you’ll not be disappointed. Some are world-renowned for the surf. Cornwall, in particular, brings professional surfers to the UK. There are plenty of surf schools and courses to choose from around the coast of England too. English kids like to bring a bucket and spade to the sand. Then they make elaborate sand castles with sea water moats. You can find sand sculptures at some of the popular tourist promenades.  If you’re feeling particularly relaxed, you can enjoy letting your kids bury you neck deep in the sand too.



England Tourist Attraction


Scotland and Wales might boast some of the most characterful castles. But England certainly has some remarkable ruins and inhabited castles for tourists to visit. Some have been turned into hotels. Others are free to visit and roam around the old ruins. Many have activities to help engage your kids in the history of the place. They can even experience what life was like hundreds of years ago. As well as castles, you can find estates, manors, abbeys, cathedrals, palaces and country houses that are all open to the public.

Other activities in London that you may want to consider is the world-renowned museums and art galleries. You can visit Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament at Westminster. This is also the home of Big Ben. St. Paul’s Cathedral is a remarkable building. Its design is particularly interesting for those who have a passion for acoustics. Children will love the Whispering Gallery.

British theater is also lots of fun for an afternoon out with the kids. You can find plenty of shows in the West End. If you visit England in the winter, you can experience the delights of the British Pantomime. These productions are very funny and will leave your kids squealing with delight. Well-known celebrities and TV stars often perform, so you might even recognize a few familiar faces.  Some performers engage the audience with a little audience participation. Adults love them just as much as the kids, and the humor will definitely appeal to all.

Making the trip to the UK may feel like a huge undertaking, but the pleasures of an English vacation will make up for it. There are so many great attractions. There are interesting things to see and do that will suit the entire family no matter what their ages or interests.  The lack of language barriers definitely helps if your kids like to explore on their own. If you’re looking for something a little extra special,  start planning your next year’s vacation to England.

5 Places To Travel for the Best Wildlife Experience

Today I’m sharing travel tips on places for the best wildlife experience.  As the English writer Samuel Johnson said, “The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality.  And, instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.  So, if you’ve always imagined how it looks like when a huge whale breaches the ocean’s surface or a lion hunts its prey, there’s no reason not to go and see it in person.   Luckily, today there are many wildlife holidays you can opt for.




best places for wildlife



Gansbaai (South Africa)

There’s hardly anything more extreme than diving into the shark-infested waters of South Africa. Gansbaai is a small fishing village in South Africa, famous for shark cage diving. Since the waters in this part of South Africa are full of sharks.  However, tourists have a chance to get into a cage and see these marvelous creatures in person. The cages in which you go under the water are 100% shark-proof and there’s nothing to be afraid of.  Furthermore, this thrilling experience is something that’ll inspire you for a lifetime. The best time to visit Gansbaai is May to October.  That’s when the success rate of shark sighting is highest and surpasses 95%.


African Safari Tips




Quebec (Canada)

Quebec is a city that sits on the St Lawrence River.  It is a couple of hours away from the gulf of St Lawrence.  During certain times of the year, you can spot up to 13 different whale species  This includes humpback, blue, fin and killer whales among them. The best time to visit Quebec and go on a whale-watching trip is between mid-May and mid-October. There are many whale-watching operators that can take you to this beautiful place. There’s nothing to be afraid of as there are strict rules and ships aren’t allowed to get too close to the whales. So, place Quebec on your list as best places for wildlife. 


Corcovado (Costa Rica)

The national park of Corcovado is surely one of the most intense biological places on the planet. Cloud forests, old-growth wet forests, wild beaches and mangrove swamps in this national park are absolutely magnificent. Not only this, but Corcovado is full of tropical wildlife.  Tapirs, red macaws, quetzals and many different types of monkeys are just some of the animals you can spot. If you’re lucky, you might even get a chance to see a mountain lion or jaguar hunting. Since this is one of the wettest places on earth, make sure you visit it during the dry season (January to March).



best places for wildlife


Serengeti (Tanzania)

The great migration is one of the most dramatic scenes of African wildlife.  During the migration, more than 1.5 million wildebeests and 200,000 zebras set off on their 1,200-mile odyssey. What makes the great migration so special is that all of these animals are hunted by predators during their journey. Wildebeests and zebras follow the rain, which means you’ll have to plan your travels accordingly. The best time to visit Tanzania is  February or March.  This the time when animals congregate in Serengeti. By June and July, animals get to Masai Mara (Kenya), and that’s where you can witness Grumeti River crossings.


Yellowstone (USA)

The Lamar Valley of Yellowstone National Park is listed as one of the best places for wildlife.  This place is famous for being a home to “big five” animals in the USA. The famous “big five” consists of the grizzly, bison, elk, wolf and cougar.  If you visit Yellowstone, chances are you’ll get to see all of them. If you get up early in the morning, you might even spot a bear or wolf looking for a prey.  Spotting a cougar may be more difficult but it’s possible if you’re persistent enough. If you want to record these incredible creatures by night, make sure you check out trail cameras before you visit Yellowstone.


All of these five best places for wildlife experience guarantee you a great time.  So there’s no reason why you shouldn’t book your flight today.  Be a witness to some of the best places for wildlife experience on earth.

Have you be on a wild life vacation before?  If so, where were you a what did you see.  If not, what spot would you like to visit.   You may also like 4 Top Family Activities in Bali.

Author  – Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls simply in love with interior design and DIY projects. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.


4 Top Family Activities in Bali

Bringing kids along on an exotic vacation can be challenging.  Today, I’m sharing family activities in BaliBali is a province of Indonesia and the westernmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands.  Luckily, Bali isn’t just an exotic island.  I knew that it was the best choice for our first international family vacation because of its high standards for safety and adventure.  My 14-year old soccer-loving son (Aaron) and his 11-year-old sister (Olivia) would agree.  Check out my other travel tips before you leave.




Bali vacations, friendly vacations, vacations



Here are the top family activities in Bali:

Elephant Riding
First, Bali’s main asset lies in the island’s picturesque natural landscape. Gorgeous beaches are a plus too. We decided exploring nature by visiting one of the island’s top elephant safari parks. My kids love animals, so it wasn’t that hard of a choice.  We headed to a nearby rainforest where we took our sweet time admiring the endangered Sumatran elephants. The massive exhibit of a mammoth skeleton in the park’s museum is breathtaking. To top it all off, we had a tasty dinner at the nearby lakeside restaurant. Afterward, we returned home with several bags of souvenirs.

White Water Rafting

Next, White Water Rafting is a fun activity for the entire family.  However, I don’t recommend it for the squeamish. Olivia decided to stay on the sidelines on our first go-around. She relented after seeing Aaron having so much fun.  Consult experts before booking a ride, not every place is suited for children.   Kids 9 years old and above will love The Telaga Waja River. The Ayung River is slightly easier and is suitable for children as young as 5.


Bali has perfect spots for water fun.  Therefore, one of the most popular is Waterbom.  It’s a paradise of water slides that made me feel like a kid again.  Aaron and Oliva were screaming their heads off with joy the entire time.  Their water slides that made me feel like a kid again too.
I recommend paying a visit to Splash Waterpark if you have small children. It is smaller, which allows you to keep an eye on your kids across the whole park.  It also makes the children safer in the water park and the experience less dangerous.  Come fully equipped with swimsuits in tow.
Treetop adventures
So, after splashing around for some time we felt the need to cap off our vacation with a bang. We knew that Aaron was into sports and that Olivia would likely want to follow her brother’s lead.  As a result, we headed to Treetop Adventure Park.  It was filled with all sorts of circuits and courses, and old fashioned tree-climbing.  It was just what the kids needed.  Furthermore, your little ones will want to explore at length leaving you and your weary bones in the dust.  Also, the zip line we boarded at the end of our trips still makes my head spin.
Last, the island is remarkably kid-friendly.  My children were welcome in most places with open arms. Bali will always be at the top of my list for family vacation spots.  Finally, I encourage anyone to try it out and see for themselves what all the fuss about.


Image-Heather-GreenHeather is a accounting professional turned SAHM of two and a Midwest housewife.  Heather was born in England, but met the love of her life in Italy while studying abroad. In her free time she enjoys gardening, jeopardy, and planning family gatherings and vacations. 


6 Second Honeymoon Destinations

Just the mention of the word ‘Honeymoon’ and one thinks of romance. First, a honeymoon is such a beautiful experience. So, why have it just one! Don’t stop at your first honeymoon, take a second, third or fourth.  Every couple deserves a honeymoon.  And one that doesn’t break the bank. Furthermore, it’s nice to get away from the normal routine of every day life.  Especially, when you can spend some time alone with your partner. Many couples struggle to find alone time.  Especially, as kids come into your life and responsibilities multiply. Because alone time strengthens and cements the relationship, a honeymoon should be important to every couple.    Today, we’re going share honeymoon destinations.  We hope you enjoy these travel tips.





travel, caribbean destinations, honeymoon



Furthermore, taking a second honeymoon can be accomplished economically. The trick is to plan in advance.  Also, choose a destination that offers the excitement you are looking for.  Most importantly, choose one within your set budget. Here’s our pick of Top 6 Honeymoon Destinations That Are Exotic Yet Inexpensive:


Sikkim, is a popular honeymoon destination in India. It is a place that offers a beautiful experience for travelers. The rich culture and natural beauty adds a magical and an exotic experience to the trip. Couples can enjoy the peace and serenity.  Additionally, they can delve into the history and mouth watering local cuisine. Also, they can spend a few days just soaking up the multiple facets of Sikkim.


Next, Thailand is a beautiful beach honeymoon destination. It should come as no surprise that it’s always buzzing. Thailand has it all. If your idea of the perfect holiday is lying on the beach, shopping or just plain relaxing, you can find in Thailand. It’s budget friendly.  It also offers a multiple choice of accommodations and entertainment. 

Did you know that Thailand offers destinations with pristine waters and natural beauty? You can choose between being secluded by surrounding yourself with water or staying in the city. These pros make it an amazing honeymoon destination. You can try your hand at water sports and adventures and/or gorge on delectable seafood and local cuisine.


Kerala in India is well known for its backwater and massage experience. Combine the two and you have the perfect honeymoon destination! Furthermore, imagine soaking up the sun while nestled in a houseboat. Or sipping on sweet and pure coconut water. A professional masseuse will help you unwind by soothing stressed joints and limbs.  Isn’t the thought is divine!  You can also indulge in some guilty food pleasures.  Furthermore, you can marvel at the natural beauty.  If you’re feeling adventurous, visit some of the beautiful temples.


Next, Budapest is a European delight! It is small, but oh-so-beautiful! The chain bridge across the river, the ruins, the castle and shops are filled with energy. Together they offer an experience that will leave you asking for more! Also, the thermal spas are a popular getaway for the locals and a must for every traveler in Budapest. You can choose from a variety of hotels, B&B’s, and motels. It’s a beautiful mix of peace and energy!


Last, if you are looking for a Europe holiday, Porto city in Portugal is the perfect place. It’s full of culture and a marvelous experience for  travelers. Next, the rich history, warm people, and great food adds to the experience. Lets not leave out the serene natural beauty Also, you can revel in the flourishing vineyards and exotic wine flavors. So, expect to be floored by the richness of culture and activity.  Yet, you can also spend time relaxing and just be lazy!

Finally, you have our picks for the 6 Second Honeymoon Destinations. So, start planning an adventure full of love, romance and rejuvenation! 

I hope that you found our honeymoon destinations beneficial. You may also like Second Honeymoon Travel Tips.

About the Author: Tejaswi Bhagavatula

An avid biker, published author and a regular blogger who has written for sites like Huffington Post, Life Hack, Better India, Times Network and more.


Bearoy Back Seat Organizer Review


car organizer


car organizer, backseat organizers

How many times have you taken a road trip and you’ve ended up struggling to reach an item or you have a screaming child in the backseat who wants something. I travel frequently. Sometimes I drive and other times I fly. Either way, I’m on the road to my destination or the airport. If I’m traveling with my grandchildren, one or the other ends up wanting a snack, drink, electronic device or some other object that I can’t reach from the front seat if I’m driving or can barely reach if I’m a passenger.

When I was contacted to review the Bearoy Organizer I jumped at the chance. I had actually been shopping for an organizer and tray, so the timing was perfect.  This is a picture of the organizer hanging in the backseat of my car. I love that the 8 year can easily access the organizer and retrieve items for both him and his sister when needed.




This is an up close of the organizer in the back of my car. As you can see, the organizer is a nice size and holds lots of items.  I grabbed the items that I normally take to keep the children occupied when I’m driving.  There’s a drink for the 8 year old, the 4 year old has a cup holder on her car seat, but there is room for both of their cups.  I love the pockets, they’re insulated so drinks will stay cold. or baby’s bottle warm. 

I have the Kindle in the picture, but it’s large enough for the iPad and the Samsung Galaxy too. We normally carry 2 Kindles and either the Samsung tablet or iPad. The pocket has an opening on both sides to plug in headphones or a charger. I love that feature. The kids run down every electronic device that they can get their hands on. We always have a device on a charger. I have a charging station in the console of the car and truck, so the side openings are perfect. I also love that I can keep the tablets in a central location, and not wonder where they are later. 

Lets not forget snacks.  Lemon Heads and peanut butter crackers are a must. Books will easily fit into the bottom pocket.  I pack coloring and reading books as well as crayons for the little one. There’s also 3 pencil holders for pencils, pens and markers for the 8 year old, he loves word search puzzles. 

If your wondering about the fit, don’t. The organizer fits over the headrest and adjust easily. I highly recommend the Bearoy Luxury Backseat Organizer. 

Note: I received the Bearoy Organizer in return for this review; however, all opinions are my own.


18 Places To Travel Off Season

Today, I’m sharing travel tips on places to travel off season.  I love to find travel bargains.  First, off season travel gets you the most bang for your travel buck.  So, I start planning my summer vacation off season.  As a result, planning is essential. Deciding where I want to go, and then coming up with a ball park figure on how much it’s going to cost are essential in my planning. Enduring crowds is bearable, but my preference is for the crowds to be small and the prices reasonable when I travel.



vacation destinations


I put together a list of 18 Places To Travel Off Season and when the best deals are offered:


New York in January – It’s the city that never sleeps. You can find great shopping, Broadway shows, sight-seeing, and dining in so many places.  For example, Harlem, Manhattan, China Town, Soho and the list goes on.

Montreal in February – Brush up on your French.  Because Montreal is considered to be cosmopolitan and is the second largest French speaking city in the world.  Also, it is second only to Paris.  Montreal is known for its museums, shopping and great food.

Italy in March – Next, Rome, Sicily, Naples, Venice, and Milan are places that I wish to see.  Milan is famous for it’s designer shops and Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, The Last Supper.  Also, there’s the canals in Venice.  Italians are known for great pizza and pasta.



Rio de Janeiro in March –  Rio is known for it’s world famous Carnival, beautiful beaches, and the infamous Sugar Loaf Mountain.

Rocky Mountains in April –  You can enjoy the Rocky Mountains from British Columbia and Alberta in Canada.  This includes Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico in the U.S.  The mountains are approximately 3,00o miles from Canada to the U.S. Cross country skiing and snowshoeing are popular in April.

Australia in May – If you like wildlife, Kangaroo Island is the place to go.  Additionally, you can meet sea lions on the beach, kangaroos, koalas, penguins and more on the beach.  Furthermore, you can also snorkel, dive or swim on one of the beaches. While you’re there, head to the Australian Alps and spend your time hiking.

Lake Tahoe in May –  For me, either North or South Lake Tahoe will suffice.  The choice is yours. Lake Tahoe borders the Sierra Nevada, state borders of California and Nevada. Tahoe South is great for skiing, boating, bike trails, and bar hopping.  Tahoe North is great for biking, hiking and golf.  Either way you will enjoy this freshwater lake surrounded by beautiful mountains and alpine trees.  Lake Tahoe is the 6th largest lake in the United Sates.  Great family vacation spot.
Dallas in June
– So, if you’re a Cowboys fan this is a perfect city to visit.  And there’s plenty of beef and history in Dallas too.  To name a few, Sixth Floor Museum and Southfork Ranch, which is about 25 miles north of Dallas.

Thailand in June – Thailand is located in Southeast Asia’s Indochina peninsula. Known for its tropical beaches, royal palaces, ancient ruins and displays of Buddha.  Add Asia to your vacation list.

Palm Beach in July – Great beaches, shopping on Worth Avenue and a tour of celebrity homes.  Howard Stern, Tiger Woods, Serena & Venus Williams, and Rush Limbaugh are a few celebrities living in the Palm Beach area.

Caribbean in July
– Choose from the Bahamas, Dominican Republic, St. Thomas or Aruba to name a few. Turquoise water, white sandy beaches snorkeling, diving and great food for reason enough to vacation in the Caribbean.

Las Vegas in August –  What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.  There’s plenty to do in Nevada’s Mojave Desert. Gambling on the Las Vegas strip, catch one of your favorite celebrity’s show, visit Hoover Dam, the Grand Canyon or the Colorado River.

New Orleans in August –  Looking for a diverse city with plenty of French, African, and American cultures?  Head to New Orleans.  It is located on  the Mississippi River and near the Gulf of Mexico.  It provides plenty of action around the clock.  Likewise, if you like it hot, there’s plenty of spicy food to be found there as well.

Martha’s Vineyard in September – Martha’s Vineyard is only accessible by boat or air. Namely, vacationers head to Martha’s Vineyard for its beaches, lighthouses,  farmland, and celebrity sightings.

Vancouver in October – Known for whale watching, Grouse Mountain, ziplines, Capilano Canyon  and horse dawn carriages.

Riveria Maya in November – Next, Riviera Maya extends along the Caribbean coast of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula from Puerto Morelos to the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve.  Notably, its beautiful white beaches and the bluest water that you can imagine is a major attraction too.

Napa Valley in December –  Last, San Francisco has hundreds of vineyards.  Take a ride on the infamous Napa Valley Wine Train.  In fact, it’s actually a restaurant in vintage Pullman railcars with views of the vineyards.


Finally, select your dream destination and start planning your next vacation today.  Most importantly, you can save hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars with our list of places to travel off season.  In conclusion, check out my post how to pack light for vacation and enjoy your time relaxing and enjoying the sights.  So, what’s your dream vacation destinations?  You may also like:  15 Things to Do in Palm Springs.  



Amish Country: Quilts, Transportation & Great Food

The Amish


This is Part II of my posts on the Lancaster, PA, The Amish community.  Today I’ll be focusing on art, great food and unique transportation used by the Amish. Lets start with the quilts. I consider them a work of art. Finding beautiful quilts in Lancaster is not difficult. You can find them in shops or hanging on clothesline in the backyard.

First, Sylvia’s Quilts, in Bird In Hand.  It is one of my favorite places to visit.  I’m always in awe of what awaits me on her front porch and clothesline. Her quilts are handmade and flawless.  Furthermore, they start around $500 and up.  This type of artwork doesn’t come cheap.  Amish women invest hundreds of hours making quilts.  So, it is not uncommon for a mother and daughter to work on a quit together during the winter.  Also, it’s a great way for widows to occupy themselves during winter months.  Once you have admired the artistry outside, head inside her shop.  You will find hundred of quilts in every size as well as wall hangings, fabric and more.


Amish, Amish quilts, Amish handmade quilts, Dahlia quilt, Lancaster PA quilts



amish quilts, Lancaster Pa quilts, spinning star quilt, Sylvia's Quilts

Spinning Star


Additionally, murals can be found on the side of various buildings in Lancaster. This particular mural was on the side of a business in the Kitchen Kettle Village.  Quite frankly, I think it sums up Lancaster nicely:  yesteryear, rolling hills, and the warmth of beautiful art.






Most importantly, the main mode of transportation for the Amish is the horse and buggy.  Additionally, they use scooters and do plenty of walking.  Just like an automobile, their horses are groomed and brushed to perfection. You will spot several types of Amish buggies and wagons.  As a result, they have buggies for every day transportation.  They have buggies for church or wagons that are used to pickup supplies and the harvest.

Furthermore, most of the buggies are black.  However, the Lancaster Amish drive gray buggies as well.  You will find brown buggies in New Wilmington, PA. and yellow buggies in Mifflin County, PA.  However, the Nebraska Amish drive white buggies. In addition to horse and buggies, scooters that are used by youth and adults can be purchased for a starting price of $200.00.  Although they are not allowed to own motor vehicles, they are allowed to ride in cars, buses and trains.  No airplane rides are allowed.


Amish, Amish Shetland Ponies, sheltland ponies

Also, you can also find the unexpected in Lancaster.  What’s the chances of finding mules in that order or a young Amish boy riding a miniature pony up and down the road.   There’s definitely photo opps in Lancaster.     

So, if you’re hungry and you’re near the Kitchen Kettle Village, check out the Kling House Restaurant.  It’s located in Intercourse, PA. It’s a great place to eat lunch.  Somehow, I’ve never managed to get there in time for breakfast.  But the restaurant is open for breakfast and lunch.  Depending on what you’re craving, their sandwiches are great.  And they have a nice selection of salads.  You should know, the restaurant was actually a farm house.  And the surrounding area acreage. The front porch, living room, dining room and office remain a part of the restaurant. Service is great and so is the ambiance. I was lucky enough to get a seat by the window.  Saturday’s are great days to watch the action.

In addition, across the street from Kitchen Kettle Village are a few vendors that sell pizza, wings, Whoopie pies etc. The wings alone are worth the trip.

Finally, the smorgasbords in Lancaster are worth a trip too.  So, if you have a hardy appetite, check out Bird In Hand Family Restaurant and Smorgsbord, Millers and Shady Maple buffets to name a few.  They serve everything from Prime Rib to homemade apple pies. Oh, the apple pie alone is worth the trip.


Not far from the Kling House Restaurant in Kitchen Kettle Village is Lapp Valley Farm. Their specialties are homemade ice cream and kettle cooked potato chips!  Because I have a weakness for kettle cooked potato chips, I always buy a bag to munch on later.  In Lancaster, Whoopie pies are big among the Amish. Unfortunately, they are little too sweet for my taste.  So, I leave them for others to enjoy.

Finally, I hope that you have been inspired by The Amish series.  In the future, I will be posting on fall foliage, places to stay & more in future posts.  Until then, you may also like Why You Should Visit Amish Country.