How to Get Rid of Harmful Indoor Garden Pests


harmful inddor garden pests


Gardening is a very popular hobby among many people today.  It seems to be an easy task for most people thanks to the acceleration of advanced technology. However, gardeners face many challenges.  Harmful pests are often at the top of the list. There is no doubt that harmful pests can destroy the garden in a short time. They may include aphids, cabbage maggot, caterpillars, cutworms, fleas etc.  If you have plants indoors, harmful indoor garden pest can be a problem there too.

To eliminate harmful pests, there are two treatment methods you can choose from: chemical products and natural repellents.  Both can help you remove harmful indoor garden pests.  Nonetheless, while industrial products give you very fast results, natural repellents require more consistent application and a little more patience.  Check out our tips on how to get rid of harmful indoor garden pests below:

Chemical Products

Nowadays, there are hundreds of items in the market for you to choose from.  Fleas are a common issue for many gardeners. There are many chemical based products available to eliminate them.  However, you need to bear in mind that these chemicals are potentially harmful for your pets and your own health. There are specific products for indoor and outdoor gardens, so be sure to choose the correct one. To find a safe and effective flea killer for your house, it’s a good idea to ask your vet or else read the online product reviews.  Be careful to strictly follow the instructions given with the product.

Homemade Repellents

harmful indoor garden pests


Homemade repellents are ones you can make yourself with simple, readily available household ingredients. They do tend to be slower to work than chemical methods, but many people prefer them because they are eco-friendly and safer for their health. Ingredients used are usually acidic, such as vinegar or lemon juice. Spices are also used as pests often do not like these either. For instance, pepper, garlic and salt.

Method With Vinegar

Fill one bottle with white vinegar (50%) and water (50%) to kill weeds and grass poking out of the cracks in your concrete.  Vinegar can also help kill ants.  DO NOT spray vinegar directly on the plants as the high acidity concentration could kill them.

Method With Hot Pepper


harmful indoor garden pests


Boil together a mixture of 1 tablespoon of pepper and ½ gallon of water for about 15 minutes and let it cool. Strain through cheesecloth and add 1 tablespoon dishwashing liquid. Put into a spray bottle and spray the plants every 5 days.

Other Methods

A mixture of garlic, canola oil and hot pepper is an effective insecticide that works on soft-bodied pests such as aphids, but won’t harm your plants. To make it, mix several cloves of crushed garlic, ¼ cup canola oil, 3 tablespoons hot pepper sauce and ½ teaspoon liquid soap in 1 gallon of water, mix well. Put into spray bottle and shake well before using.

Another insect repellant that you can easily create is made with onions, cloves garlic and pepper. You just need to take the following steps: Puree 4 onions, 2 cloves garlic, 2 tablespoons cayenne pepper and one quart of water. Set aside and dilute 2 tablespoons soap flakes in 2 gallons of water. Add the onion mixture from your blender; shake or stir well.

Your efforts will be wasted if you don’t take any preventative measures. An untidy indoor garden is always at higher risk of pest infestation than a well-cared for one. Follow these simple tips to keep your indoor garden looking beautiful and free of pests.

Control Measures

Keep the garden free of weeds, especially in the early spring when the pests are looking for food. Weeds can become their shelters to escape from our notice. Remove any dead or dying foliage, as this also provides shelter for harmful indoor garden pests.

Use barriers to cover young plants, which are so vulnerable, to prevent them from being harmed.

Delay planting at the end of the season, especially after a mild winter. Pests at the beginning of the season will cause the most damage and their numbers will skyrocket if winter weather is not cold enough to kill them.

Fertilize and water your garden regularly, to promote good, strong, new growth. The healthier your plants are, the better they will be able to stand up to insect damage.

Use yellow sticky traps, available at plant stores, to trap fleas in the garden.

At the end of the harvest season, clear the garden of all debris and rake up the grass in the garden so that pests do not have shelter. Bear in mind that the cleaner and neater your garden is, the fewer pests it will shelter.


In conclusion, there are several ways to get rid of harmful indoor garden pests including eco-friendly repellents and chemical pesticides. Chemicals are useful when you have a large-scale problem on your hands, and need to take emergency measures. However, for long-term prevention and treatment, we’d recommend more natural products, to safeguard the health of your family, pets, and the environment.   We hope that you found our harmful indoor garden pests tips helpful.


Author Bio:  Richard Clayton

I’m an owner of a small gardening shop. I love gardening, especially lawn care. I can spend all of my free time taking care of my lawn and discussing lawn care experiences with my friends. Especially those who have the same hobby as me. My site, is my playground, where I discuss everything about lawn care techniques.

Creating a Child Safe Garden for Your Family


creating a child safe garden


Summertime is near, and that’s the perfect time of year for quality family time and making some memories.  Quality time is good regardless of whether you’re planning to go away on vacation or just hanging out enjoying in your own back yard. The lighter evenings and warmer temperatures are perfect for play activities with your little ones.  Naturally, you want to keep them safe from any harm. Toddlers are into everything by nature.  However, we want them to have fun exploring, not end up in tears. So if you’re experiencing summer with an active toddler, here are a few things to check when creating a child safe garden:

Pad Out Patio Sets

Outdoor furniture is designed to be durable and robust.  But, not always with a child safety as a primary concern. Some garden furniture can be made of metal.  As a result, check any rusted edges that you will need to remove. Additionally,  if you have a wooden set make sure that it doesn’t require sanding and sealing again.  Sanding and sealing will prevent little fingers from getting splinters.  Check out sofa sets for patios that featured padded cushioning, soft edges and no protruding bars to help keep your children safe.

Cover Metal Fixtures

Uncovered metal fixtures such as taps, hoses, etc. can heat to sizzling temperatures.  So, make sure you keep them covered to stop little hands from getting burnt.  Hoses can moved to shady corners.  If there are taps sticking out from the wall, consider padding it temporarily.  A wad of cotton and some rubber bands should do the trick. And if you do have any external power outlets, invest in plastic socket covers.  They will stop young children from poking stuff into the outlet.


backyard garden ideas

Check the Planting Scheme

Sometimes those pretty flowers and shrubs you admired before children can turn into a hazard.  Especially, when you have toddlers who like to put interesting things in their mouth!  Some plants can be poisonous when ingested by small children or animals.  So, you should have a pre-emptive sweep of the garden and get rid of any offenders.

It’s worth knowing that kids don’t necessarily have to eat the leaves or flowers on shrubs.  Just touching them and then putting their fingers in their mouths can cause illness.  Plants to look out for are Giant Hogweed, often found along riverbanks and paths can  cause skin blistering and even blindness.  Also, Bluebells, Chili Peppers, Lily-of-the-Valley, Foxgloves which contain Digitoxins, Poinsettia, Hyacinths, Iris and Ivy can be harmful.  Always make sure your child washes their hands thoroughly after a playing in the garden.


backyard garden ideas


Secure Play Structures

Many of us like to add play equipment for kids to enjoy in our gardens.  This includes climbing frames, slides, swings and sandpits.  These items need careful attention to ensure they are safe.  Furthermore, make sure the structure is placed on completely level ground.  This will ensure that the equipment is stable and won’t fall over. Bumpy grass or natural inclines in the ground can cause equipment to shift over time.  So, it’s best to place them on a sold surface if possible.  Unfortunately, there may be changes to the ground over time.  So, check the equipment periodically as part of your normal garden maintenance.

When shopping for playsets, make sure that you purchase equipment that has accredited child safety standards.  As a result, you know they are constructed with quality material and with safety as a primary concern.  Most importantly, only let your child play on equipment that is appropriate for their age.  If you need to pad things temporarily, cheap foam pool noodles can be cut to size.  Simply, slit in the pool noodle in the middle to grip onto edges and bars.

Reconsider Gravel

Although gravel is attractive and low-maintenance, it can also hurt toddlers who are prone to falling over.  If you do have large patches of gravel, consider replacing it with turf.  Grass provides a much softer landing for little knees and hands.  Plus its kinder for the environment.  If you don’t want the hassle of mowing, look into artificial grass substitutes.  Artificial grass has come a long way.  Now it looks more lifelike than ever.  Also, it stops family pets from digging up real grass.


backyard water pond ideas


Be Careful of Water Features

It goes without saying that even small water features are a hazard.  Children can drown in a couple of inches of water.  Furthermore, if you live near an open water course install a strong fence with a childproof lock to keep them away from the water unsupervised.  It’s not just drowning risks you need to consider either, standing or stagnant water can be a magnet for bacteria and insects.  Bacteria and insects can be harmful to children.

If you have a family pool, its better to have a locked, fenced area around it.  Make sure children know that they should never enter without an adult. Even small inflatable paddling pools require kids to be supervised.  You should empty them completely after each use.

Store Equipment and Tools Safely

Gardens can contain tools, equipment, and chemicals that can be  dangerous if not stored securely.  Make sure you’re able to store everything securely.  When you’re barbecuing, never let children play unattended when the grill is hot.  Make sure the kids are supervised while you’re cooking.  If you use a gas grill, propane tanks must be locked away in an area where kids can’t reach them.  Make sure you store utensils, coals, and lighter fluid.  Also, lawn mowers, electrical yard tools, and sharp implements must also be stored securely as well.


How to Attract Backyard Birds with Eggshells

Today I’m going to share how to attract backyard birds with eggshells.  Spring is the perfect time to share eggshells with our feathered friends.  Spring when backyard birds will be migrating to a new home. So, don’t throw out those eggshells. I crack eggs by the dozen when my family is visiting or when I’m visiting them. My grandson eats 2 – 3 daily either in an omelet or cheesy eggs. Wondering what cheesy eggs consists of? Eggs combined with sharp cheese, milk and a little salt and pepper. He devours them.  So, rather than throw the egg shells in the trash I look for ways to recycle them.


attract backyard birds with eggshells


Since I love feeding the birds, I decided to include eggshells in my backyard bird feeding regime.  I currently feed my backyard birds black oil sunflower seeds, saffron seed, peanut butter and suet.  But, you can attract backyard birds with eggshells too.  Furthermore, adding eggshells to the food regime is a good idea if you want to attract different birds.

Eggshells help supply female birds with calcium.  Laying eggs just like childbirth can be exhausting.   As a result, female birds are drained of calcium after laying their eggs.  The eggshells help to restore calcium. 


Attract Backyard Birds with Eggshells:


Birds that love eggshells are:

  • Bluebirds
  • Baltimore Orioles
  • Scarlet Tanagers
  • Tree Swallows
  • Barn Swallows
  • Eastern Kingbirds
  • Finches
  • Wood Warblers,
  • Gnatcatchers


I have Bluebirds, Baltimore Orioles, Barn Swallows, and Finches in my neighborhood.  So, I they will enjoy this special treat.


attract backyard birds with eggshells




If you want to add eggshells to your current bird seed regime or simply feed eggshells to your backyard birds, follow these instructions:

  1.  Thoroughly wash out the inside of the shells after you crack the egg.  Use warm water to remove any egg inside the shell.  (Store the shells until you have acquired enough to use).
  2. I also use eggshells in my vegetable garden, so I accumulate quite a few shells.  You can dry the shells on a piece of parchment paper on a cookie sheet in my oven.  I use the lowest setting for about 10 – 15 minutes.  The eggshells should be brittle.
  3. Also, you can place the eggshells in the microwave for a few minutes if you don’t have a large number of shells.  Be sure to use a microwavable dish, and monitor them while drying.
  4. Once dried, crush the eggshells into small pieces.  You can place them into a gallon baggie and crush them with a rolling pin. Or, let the kids crush them.


Now that we have a supply of crushed eggshells, lets talk about how to attract the backyard birds.   You can  can attract backyard birds by simply  placing them on the ground in your yard.  I always enjoy watching the birds, so I place mind in a place where I can bird watch.  Also, you can use a shallow dish, place them on a log or in a platform feeder.  I have a platform feeder and I also have a bird feeding station that has a shallow dish.  Both are perfect for holding eggshells.  There has been times when I have left the shells uncrushed.  The birds have an easier time retrieving the shells if they’re crushed.  If you decide to crash them, don’t crash them so small that they are basically powder.




attrackt backyard birds with eggshells



Furthermore, you can add the add eggshells to suet in the winter too.  So, if you want to attract backyard birds with eggshells start cracking and drying them.  Your backyard birds will thank you.  You may also like Birdseed Peanut Butter Pinecones.

Nature and Gardening Tips for Kids

Backyard vegetable gardening should include your children.  Are your children always on their computers, phones, TVs, and other electronic gadgets?  Today’s generation has lost connection with nature.  They are too engrossed in technology.  So, today I’m sharing tips on nature and gardening tips for kids.

Nature offers endless opportunities for children to learn and discover.  Getting them to leave their room and head outdoors is getting more and more difficult.  If you introduce them to backyard gardening they will love it.  


gardening activities for kids


Most importantly, lecturing them or pressuring them to go outside is not the way to get them interested. Even if you managed to get them outside, learning something beside a park and playground can peak their interest.  So, get them interested in gardening.   Check out our nature and gardening tips for kids:

Digging is fun

If you have kids, you know just how much they enjoy getting dirty.  Let them dig up the soil for the seeds you will be planting.  Hopefully, digging and playing in the dirt will encourage them to go out.  Additionally, they will explore the numerous hidden wonders in your garden. Work with them to get them more interested. Not only will they be able to dig, play, and have fun, you will have help planting your seeds.  Make sure they only dig in designated areas.


Let them plant seeds

If you have an area in your yard that needs to be seeded or re-seeded, let them grow grass from seed.  Allow them to see and become involved in the stages of growth.  Becoming involved in nature can be educational, but also interesting and fun.



Gardening Ideas for Kids




Plant their favorite fruits

Also, if you have space in your garden plant fruit trees.  For example, plant a mango or an apple tree.  However, if the space is limited plant strawberries or blueberries.  Having their favorite fruit growing in the garden will encourage your kids to want to nurture the plant and later devour the fruits. Kids will love to pick their own fruits from the plant.  Additionally, it will encourage a healthier diet.


Plant their favorite vegetables

We know how picky our kids can be when it comes to eating vegetables.  Have them plant and grow their own vegetables.  It’s also a good way to encourage them to eat nutritious vegetables.  As a result, help them grow cherry tomatoes or carrots.  Your children will love harvesting full-grown carrots from the garden.


Plant a stunning butterfly garden

Planting a butterfly garden is a wonderful way to get your kids to leave their electronic gadgets too.  Planting a butterfly garden is a great way to introduce your children to butterflies.  They will love seeing different colors and species of butterflies.   Plants that attract butterflies are:  milkweed plant, butterfly bush, calendula, and the daylily.


Create a secret hideout

If you have a large garden with lots of greenery, shrubs, and trees, you can create a secret hideout for your kids.  C You can create a place where the kids can hang out and play or just a digging spot where they can store their explored treasures and other things.  Get creative.

Tell your children stories about your involvement in gardening, hiking etc.   Additionally, you can plan picnics and hikes with the family.  Also, teach them new and interesting things about their environment.  So, if you want your kids to love nature, you need to love it yourself too.  We hope that you found our nature and gardening tips for kids beneficial.









How To Create A Great Outdoor Living Space:

Outdoor Living Space Ideas


Outdoor living is quickly becoming a trend.  More people are taking pride in their yard and patio areas.  As a result, they spend more time outside.  What was once considered a normal part of the home has become an extension of your home.  So, a great garden and outdoor living space can even be a selling point for your home.

Having the space and making it neat and tidy are great, but how do you make it a more useable area?  How do you encourage yourself and your family to spend more time outside?  I wanted to share a few ways that you can invest in  luxurious items, accessories and other things to create an a great outdoor space. We encourage you to invest your time and your money in your garden.  You won’t be disappointed, it will pay off in resale value.


outdoor seating ideas

Image source


Make an outdoor dining area

The one thing that enjoyed most is dining outside.  So, if you find yourself stuck with what to do with your garden or patio area consider a dining area.  Keep things simple, but invest in a new dining table and chairs.  Also, add an umbrella to shade you from direct sunlight.  Furthermore, invest in a cover to keep the furniture in good condition too.  Especially, during the winter.  If you don’t feel like you have a large enough space for a table and chairs, consider extending your patio area.  A decked level would also work.  You can add details like wooden shades and planters to make an impact.

Take the cooking outside

Dining outside is great, but why not think about doing the cooking outside as well.  Again, you can keep things really simple and invest in a BBQ.  Some BBQs are full on outdoor stoves where you can cook a full meal or grill.  If you’re brave enough when the weather becomes chili, you can still enjoy your outdoor stove.

However, a BBQ can just be the start of your outdoor kitchen.  Home owners love the idea of creating an outdoor cooking area.  Some have included a pizza oven, a fire pit to keep warm and even an outdoor sink.  These are some amazing examples of outdoor kitchens that could tempt you into investing in one so that you can create a great outdoor living space too.


outdoor kitchen ideas

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Add a fun element to your outdoor living

 Who says that a yard is just for sitting, reading or sipping on a beverage.  Although there is clearly nothing wrong with this, adding fun elements to your outside space could really bring it to life.  A portable hot tub can make a big difference. You may be thinking that a hot tub is a little extravagant, but there are some health benefits to having one.  For example, hot tubs help relieve anxiety and stress as well as improve your sleep.  Another idea is to create a children’s play area.  You can separate parts of your yard to ensure that you have adult space as well as a great place for your children to enjoy.  You could add a treehouse, a slide or swings.  While you’re relaxing on your deck, the children can enjoy their space.

Socialize more in your garden

Socializing can often be seen as something you do inside your home.  After all, that’s why a majority of people invest in an open kitchen and dining areas.  Or, they invest in a plush kitchen. However, socializing can now be extended to your outside area.  Consider having additional seating and LED lighting installed.  Adding the seating and lighting around a fire pit makes the area inviting.  Additionally, when the temperature drops a fire pit could help you extend the use of the seating area too.

While it can be quite tempting to dismiss your garden during the winter months, keeping it tidy is recommended.  Stay on top of the flower beds and your lawn.  Having a tidy space is also inviting, so invest in outdoor storage to keep lawn care items out of sight.

I hope that some of these suggestions have offered you some inspiration on how to create a great outdoor living space.

Tips on Renovating Your Backyard

renovating your backyard


Now might not seem like the best time of year to get busy in the garden.  However, it is if you’re planning on a complete renovation.  Because it’s a big job, it’s likely to take a number of weeks or even months to complete.  So, if  you start now you should be ready by the spring to start enjoying your garden.  Here are a few tips on renovating your back yard:

Tear Out The Old

First, clear out the old to make way for the new. This could mean ripping up old decking slabs, getting rid of shrubs, or trees and hedges.  Additionally, knocking down walls that you no longer want. You will need to remove the grass and top layer of soil if you’re going to lay a new lawn.  Removing the old grass is going to be the hardest part. Considering hiring a professional company like  Additionally, be prepared to put in a whole lot of work. If you can, round up family and friends to help you.

Create a New Plan

Once everything has been cleared from the yard, you can evaluate the space and decide what you’re going to do next. For example, you can draw out scale plans of where you want everything to go.  This includes the lawns, flower beds, a pond and everything else.  This will give you an idea of how big individual components will be and how you want it to look.

Lay The Patio

Every garden will benefit from a patio. It’s space where you can put a table and chairs and sit outside. You can enjoy family meals outside when it’s warm.  Also, you can BBQ or enjoy a glass of wine while you enjoy the nice weather. Furthermore, you could lay some slabs or go with decking. Decking looks smart and works well for both large and small gardens.  Most importantly, it can add significant value to your property.  If you are a DIYer, consider doing the work yourself.  Installing composite decking will make your life even easier. This is because the wood fibers are blended with .  As a result, it’s naturally weather .  Furthermore, you won’t need to sand, stain or oil like wood decking.  It save time and money.

Build Ponds, Walls or Water Features

Before installing any grass or plants, you will want to build any of the structures you have planned for your garden. There are lots of Youtube videos and articles,  as well as design ideas on Pinterest.  Check them out for DIY ideas.


renovating your backyard

Put Down The Lawn

Lawns are a good choice in gardens.  They bring color to the garden in the winter and are nice to sit on during the summer. Over time lawns can start to wear.  So, every few years reinvigorating it is worthwhile. The trick to a great lawn is prepping the soil underneath.  It should be properly levelled, aerated and nourished before laying down your turf or grass seed. Get your edges dead straight for the best finish.  It leave you with nice neat flowerbeds around the perimeter. From there, you can fill your beds with shrubs, trees and flowers- choose varieties that flower at different times of year for the best effect.


6 Ways to Create a Garden Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland ideas


Christmas is fast approaching, and soon enough there’ll be frost on the sidewalks and carols playing to sound Christmas cheer. If you’ve been nicer than naughty this year, I’m sure you have, there’ll be sleigh bells ringing and the pitter patter of reindeer on the roof one special night.  Christmas isn’t just a magical time for the kids, but a magical time for the whole family.  What better way to make it special than turning your garden into a Winter Wonderland! Check out ideas on how you can create the perfect winter wonderland in your yard:

1. Winter plants

First, a garden in full bloom isn’t only for the Springtime.  In winter there are many beautiful flowering plants for your garden.  So, you are guaranteed more foliage than just a Christmas tree!  Both Heather and Japanese Quince bloom in winter.  Their pink and red blossoms say Christmas.  If you’re looking for a plant which flowers in spring but is still decorative at Christmas, check out the bare stems of a Red-Osier Dogwood. They turn a fiery red.  Quite like the suit of a certain Mr. Claus!

2.  Make it Snow

Second, not everyone is lucky enough to live in a place where it snows, and it naturally turns into a Winter Wonderland! But that shouldn’t stop you from having that perfect Christmas card snow scene.  There are plenty of options for snow without the sky opening. You can buy or make artificial snow at home.  Even a snow blanket that you simply roll across your lawn will do the trick.  Your kids will be thankful to have a little slice of a winter wonderland in their own backyard.  It will be a festive season they’ll never forget!

3.  Lights

Additionally, with cold nights rolling in and the days getting shorter, it’s good to add some shine to your Christmas garden.  We decorate our trees with lights and sometimes our houses, but lights in a garden can add Christmas magic.  A good way to do it without breaking the bank is just to add lights on the trees and shrubbery.  If the understated look isn’t your thing, go for a Santa, reindeer and little elves that light up.  They’ll make the kids eager for the magic of Christmas morning.

4.  Magic Touches

It’s nice to decorate the Christmas tree in front of a roaring fire, while you and the kids choose your favorite ornaments to hang on the tree while you’re listening ten to your favorite Christmas songs.  Spending time with family is truly the best part of the Christmas season.  It’s a great way to make memories you and your family will treasure for a lifetime.

Decorating your garden is another way to share the magic of the season with your loved ones. Kids will love to hang tinsel upon the plants outside. Helping to transform the garden into something like  Santa’s Grotto will be something your kids will never forget!  It’s nice to put Candy Canes along the footpath if you have one, or around the border of your lawn, as they are an easy and affordable way to make the garden all Christmassy.  A Santa Please Stop Here!  sign will remind your children of the joy of Christmas morning, and cut- outs of reindeer keep the magic of Santa alive.

5.  Get Out and In it!

Next, winter plants are blooming in fantastic reds, the Christmas tree is up and sparkling in your garden and fake snow has made everything Christmas Card perfect.  And, those special little touches truly add the famous seasonal magic.  Looking at your garden through the window is nice, but it’s much better to get out and in it.  Bundle up and go outside and enjoy your winter wonderland.  Tell your children Christmas stories and sing Christmas songs.  You’ve created the  perfect setting, making it truly the a real live Winter Wonderland!

6. Make it Cozy It

It certainly gets cold outside this time of year. The best way to enjoy your Winter Wonderland is to use a patio heater like those from Best of Machinery.  That way you’ll be cozy in the magical winter wonderland your family created.   Finally, when the little ones go to bed, you and your husband can enjoy a glass of eggnog or two in the perfect seasonal setting!







6 Amazing Ideas to Transform Your Garden

Are you tired of the same bushes and pots of plants in your garden? There are a few things that you can do to improve your outdoor living space, and transform it into a magnificent recreation place.

After many years of planning and saving, you finally have your own house. Or maybe after years of living in a tiny apartment, you can have your own little place to play and relax. Your new home has some very useful rooms, a very nice kitchen, and a beautiful front yard.  Keeping your garden area beautiful is a fun and exciting experience.




ideas to transform your garden


Are you tired of the same bushes and pots of plants in your garden? There are a few things that you can do to improve this green area and transform it into a magnificent recreation place.

After many years of planning and saving, you finally have your own house. Or maybe after years of cramming inside a tiny flat, you can have your own little place to play and relax. Your new home has some very useful rooms, a very nice kitchen, and a beautiful front yard. Keeping your garden beautiful is a fun and exciting experience. Pay attention to the following tips, and you’ll see how your garden starts to glow.

  1. Water your plants

It may sound obvious, but it has to be the first on your list. Plants vary according to how much and how often they need to be watered. The different plants need different amount of water, and thus you need to plan accordingly. You can build a smart water system that can use the unused water or rainwater. A good water system in the garden can make your garden blossom with flowers and fruits.

  1. Decorate with a hammock

If you have two big trees and they are reasonably close to each other, you can try hanging a hammock between them to add an extra chill look to your garden. You can take a quick nap while enjoying the beauty of your garden.

  1. Paint some rocks

Rocks are the natural decorative elements of a garden. They are everywhere. Find a medium-sized rock and then paint it with a bright colour. It will transform your garden into a perfect eye-catcher. However, don’t paint them all as huge pink rocks all over the place would have the complete opposite effect. Another practical décor idea is to have artistic paints on the surface of the rocks,

  1. Choose a theme for your garden

Who says gardens are boring? You can choose a topic or theme and plan your garden following that idea. Jungle, beach, or the forest are some of the vegetation types that you could use to give your garden a touch of the foreign world right there in your house. These plants have a special treatment, and you should also pay attention to your lawn care. If your lawn does not follow the same style of the theme you have chosen, it will definitively look odd.

  1. Ask a gardener

Sometimes an expert advice is the best way to start. If your garden has some problems, such as water supply, tricky areas for lights or maybe a fungus is attacking your plants; the best option would be to call a professional. It is nice to have somebody monitoring the place once in a while.

  1. Glass bottle border

If you want to divide your garden into areas, you can use some glass bottles. First, you will need to decide on the size and shape of the bottles, the medium-size ones work best if you want to delimit a path. Then, you can try painting the bottles and aligning them following a color pattern you have selected. If you don’t like it, you can easily remove the bottles and start all over again.

Hope these ideas to transform your garden will help you find the perfect balance to improve your garden. It can be difficult at the beginning to find the rhythm and energy to maintain an area as green as you want. But, it is surely worth trying.

About the Author: Jane Anderson loves to write on various topics such as health, gardening, and lawn care.  For more information visit



7 Ideas To Decorate Outdoor Space for Fall

outdoor space for fall


Fall is in the air.  The air is getting crisp, and soon the leaves will changing from green to shades of red, brown, yellow, orange and burgundy.  As a result, most people are thinking about how they can decorate outdoor space for fall. It’s the perfect time to change up your décor and give your backyard and porch a makeover.

First, the changes don’t have to be extravagant.  You can go from summer to fall without breaking the bank.  Check out our tips on how to decorate outdoor space for fall below:

1. Add a Bench or Baskets So, benches are great for sitting on or displaying fall flowers, and pumpkins. And baskets filled with gourds and Indian corn are a sign of fall for sure. If you’re able to locate apple baskets, they would be perfect for displays.  

2. Build/Add a Fire Pit  – Next, add a fire pit to your deck or backyard.  They’re great for making s’mores or warming up while sipping a glass of cider or wine.  Don’t forget the hot dog roasts.  Open fires make a perfect venue for roasting them.  

3. Change Cushions and Pillows – Furthermore, switch your summer pillows to a fall theme.  Shades of orange, brown, yellow and burgundy are great ways to bring fall into your outdoor space. Just scatter a few here and there.  

4. Add a Rug  – Your deck is part of your outdoor space tool.  As a result, add a rug to your deck.  It will bring the space together.  An outdoor rug is just as affective as an area rug indoors.  Most importantly, it makes the outdoor living space cozy and comfortable. 

5.  Add Plants and Flowers – Additionally, fall is the perfect time to add mums and pansies to your yard.  And don’t forget your containers.  They will both last well into fall. If you decide to plant mums in the ground, mulch them well.  They will return year after year.  Mums can be found in white, yellow, orange and burgundy.  

6.  Add Cornstalks to Corners – Cornstalks give height and interest to an area.  So, stop by your local farmer’s market and pick up a bundle.  Or, if you know a farmer close to you, stop by and see if they will give you a few stalks from their fall harvest. 

7.  Add Pumpkins  – Last, pumpkins can be used in many areas of your yard.  The front porch, in baskets, on benches, in wagons and the list goes on.  Use large or small pumpkins, and don’t forget to get a variety in both orange and white.  Paint them black or gold, get creative.  

Finally, we hope that you enjoyed our tips on how to decorate outdoor space for fall.  Implement a few of our ideas, and you will be able to transform your outdoor space from summer to fall without breaking the bank.  Also, you may  like:  How to Throw an Epic Fall BBQ.






How to Grow Carrots in Your Garden

Today, I’m sharing tips on how to grow carrots in your backyard garden.  A backyard vegetable garden is the perfect place for you and the kids to grow yummy carrots.  They are a great snack and wonderful in soups, stews and other dishes. Carrots  are a root vegetable, which are a rich source of vitamins and a favorite food of many people.  However, growing carrots is not simple.   

Growing carrots requires more of a challenge than you might think.  It would be a pity if your achievements turn out small in size or their taste is not appealing.  So. if you intend to plant carrots, you need to know some useful tips to make sure that they will grow steadily.



gardening tips

Here’s how to grow carrots:


When and Where Should You Grow Carrots?

You can sow the carrot seeds from March to August because it’s a good time to receive enough sunlight and moisture from rain water. In case you want to grow carrots in the winter, you can plant them in the greenhouse.  Carrots can develop ideally in the fertile soil and a sunny location.  If the soil in your garden is stony or clay, you may need to plant short root carrot varieties such as Carson or Parmex.


How to Grow Carrots in Your Garden

If you carry out the following steps, you can harvest your carrots as you expect.

  1. Remove any weeds from the soil before you sow the seeds.
  2. Use a stick to make rows of 1 cm in depth and leave 30 cm for each row.
  3. Sow your carrot seeds thinly along the row to make sure that every single seed can receive enough nutrients, light, and moisture.
  4. Pull the soil at the edges of the row back to cover your carrot seeds.
  5. Water the area.


how to grow carrots



How to Take Care of Carrots

  • Water at least once a week
  • Make sure the soil is draining well.
  • If plants are taller than 3 inches, cut the top.
  • After 1.5 months, fertilize the carrots
  • Always eliminate weeds around the area where the carrot is growing


How to get rid of pest from carrots

  • Carrot rust fly and carrot weevils: The eggs of these insects can impede the growth of your carrots. They also take nutrients from your plants. One effective way to eliminate these eggs is to change the locations of your plants each year.  Or, you can grow them under row covers.
  • Footed Pests: Lots of animals want to eat the leaves of carrots, while the others tend to dig deeper to try the roots. The thumb rule to get rid of the pests is to keep them away from the growing area.  In this case, building a fence surrounding your plants is the best way.
  • Diseases: Some bacteria cause carrots to yellow, soft rot, leaf blight, and so on. You need to remove all the diseased carrots or change to a new location the next season.


Harvest carrots

Once you learn how to grow carrots, you can harvest them within 50-75 days.  However, read the harvest guide on the seed package.  Remember that carrots will get their full sweetness when they are mature.



How to Grow Carrots


You can dig the carrots before the first frost by softening the soil. Simply water the growing area.  Afterwards, you can pull the carrots up.  Enjoy the great feeling of eating your carrots with tomatoes as a salsa or cook them in your favorite recipes.

We hope you have found our tips on how to grow carrots useful. So, purchase a pack of carrots and start planting.  You will be excited about watching your carrots grow and you will enjoy eating fresh and cooked carrots.  If you have questions or just want to share your tips, please leave a comment.


Author Bio

Richard Clayton

Richard Clayton of My Greenery Life.  It’s a place, where we can discuss everything about lawn care, DIY gardening and critter control topics.