Maintaining Garden Equipment and Replacing It

Gardening equipment is undoubtedly an expense.  But, no gardener can properly maintain a garden with garden equipment.  As a result, we have a few gardening tips on maintaining garden equipment to share with you today.  Without the proper equipment, maintaining your garden can feel like a chore.  Most equipment is designed to last many years without the need for replacement.   Here’s a few basic gardening essentials that you will need: 



garden equipment



  • Lawnmower –  An essential, really.  There’s no way a garden can look good if the grass is overgrown.  Furthermore, this tends to be the most expensive piece of garden equipment that people own.  The average lifespan of a mower is 10 years – though this can vary.  If you’re considering making a purchase, consult Lawn Mower Lane. They have reviews on Hand Reels, Riding Mowers and Tractors, Robotic Mowers and Walk Behinds.
  • Rake –  Those leaves aren’t going to jump into the pile.  Your kids need something to play into this fall. A leaf rake will be called into use!
  • Hoe –  Using a hoe is the easiest way to weed. Hoes are generally inexpensive and can take quite a bit of use.
  • Hand fork/trowel –  These are essentials for planting seedlings and getting rid of weeds that have taken up residence deeper in the soil.
  • Wheelbarrow –  There’s more uses for a wheelbarrow than you can count.  A few are moving grass cuttings to helping transport newly potted plants to their desired location.



Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, but it is a basic one.  If you have owned any of the above items for over five years, it might be worth checking them out for issues.  Maintaining garden equipment before you dive into the new gardening season is a must. Poor equipment can equal a poor finish on any work that you do.  Here’s a few signs of what to look out for:


If there’s rust on any parts of any of these tools, then you have two options. You can try rust removal.  The success removing the rust can vary.  Or you can simply replace the tools. Rust isn’t inherently dangerous – it’s just a chemical reaction after all – but it can make results unpredictable.

Mechanical Problems

Obviously this is specifically for lawnmowers. Don’t assume that just because the mower does its job that it’s in good condition.  There could be hidden issues. Take it for a tune up at a repair shop. While you’re there, have it checked for other issues that may not be obvious and other safety concerns.


Specifically for rakes and hoes.  After years of use, tools can begin to weaken.  Handles can crack or pieces fall off.  Given these items are generally inexpensive, it might be more efficient to just purchase new one.

We hope that you have found our tips on maintaining garden equipment helpful.  Be sure to check your equipment each gardening season.

Gardening Options When Space Is Limited

The dream for most of us is a huge, rolling garden that sprawls as far as the eye can see.  It’s  just waiting for us to fill it with projects, flowers, and vegetables.  But reality sets in, and for most of us that’s not quite how it works out.   Backyard vegetable gardening is a dream for many home owners and renters, but a lack of space is a big deterrent.   However, on the hand a huge garden comes with  a huge price.  It takes time and energy to maintain a garden. 

Having a large garden might be something you can work towards in the future.  Deciding where you want to garden, increasing your knowledge of gardening, and learning to utilize the space you have to work in should be factors.




garden options



Backyard vegetable gardening might be a total restriction on outdoor space if you’re living in an apartment.  Or you may have a garden, but it’s too small for all of the innovations that you want to try. So what can you do? Give up the green thumb dream until you can move somewhere with the space you need?  Of course not.  Where there’s a desire to care for plants and grow things, there is always a way!

Option 1: Indoor Gardening

Gardening and the outdoors tend to be synonymous with one another.  After all, plants need the sun to grow.  So, you’re not going to have much luck growing them in your living room unless you get lots of light.

Furthermore, you can grow indoors with the help of LumiGrowth.  It mimics the sun’s rays.  It will need to be set up, and it takes some adjustment, but the benefits are great. Not only do you not have to compromise on outdoor space, but you also have the option of growing what you want.  If you fancy growing strawberries just in time for Christmas, then with careful practice, that’s genuinely something you can do.

There’s plenty of resources to help get you started if the idea is appealing. You can find which plants work best when grown indoors and the various methods of caring for them with just a few clicks.


Option 2: Vertical Gardening

If you don’t have space in terms of length and width of your outdoor space, then make the most of the space you do have.  However, vertical gardening has no limits. Except beyond what you can comfortably reach.





The best way to grow vertically is with stacked plants and/or stacked beds.  Not only is this an effective method of outdoor gardening, but it’s also a great way to save on water – as watering the top layer will eventually trickle down to the layers below.


vertical gardening


Option 3: Growing In Pots

For most seasoned gardeners, pots are the beginning of growth.  However, the eventual goal is to plant into beds, the ground or raised beds. But you can grow some vegetables successfully in pots.  For example: sweetcorn responds well to pot growing. Just ensure that as your plants grow you stake them.  Depending on what you are growing, if not stalked, the plant may spread.


Check out my flower gardening tips before you leave.



Tips For a Healthy Garden

Gardening can be tremendously therapeutic and good for the soul.  However, it is natural that problems will arise. You could be putting in love, time, and money, but still end up seeing your beloved plants suffer.  Today, I have gardening tips that will get your garden healthy and happy.  After all, every gardener can use tips for a healthy garden



garden tips


Here are a few signs that your garden might be suffering and solutions:

The birds aren’t coming

Many of us enjoy casual birdwatching.  So, it can be troubling when the birds don’t come. One of the most common causes of birds refusing to come to your garden is that they don’t feel safe.  Do you have a cat or dog?  Or does your neighbor?  Try to place your feeder higher from the ground and out of reach of any ground-dwelling animals.  You should soon see them start to come to your backyard feeders. 


garden tips



The bees aren’t coming

If your garden plants are flowering, but the fruit never seems to materialize, it probably means the bees aren’t coming. We need bees to move from flower to flower.  When they do, they are taking the pollen with them.  As a result, the plants can repopulate.  If doesn’t happen then the plant doesn’t fruit. The best way to counteract this problem is by adding more flowers. The more flowers you have, the most bees will be attracted to your garden, it’s as simple as that!

The trees don’t look right

Trees, just like humans, are susceptible to diseases.  Some are easily treated with fungicides, but others will need more professional intervention by people such as They will be able to diagnose the problem and suggest treatment. Tell-tale signs include spots on the leaves, swellings and knots in the bark, changes in the rate of growth, and unseasonal color changes. If you have any concerns, it’s always best to speak to a professional for advice.



The moss is taking over

Moss can be a great addition to a garden for covering unattractive sections, and making it feel more natural and wild. But if moss seems to be taking over in areas where you don’t want it, it could be due to the soil.  Your soil could be too acidic. This is an easy one to solve. All you need to do is include some wood ash into the soil.  It will balance its pH, making it less hospitable for moss

The plants are struggling

In actual fact, the pH of the soil can have serious effects on all the plants.  So, it’s a good idea before you start doing any serious yard work to use one of the home testing kits to check the pH of your soil. This will allow you to neutralize it effectively, without harming your plants. When soil is too acidic or too alkaline, your plants will struggle to grow and could even die.

Gardens are open to the elements, so it’s easy to see why problems arise. As long as you keep your eye out for changes and react to them effectively, you should have a healthy and beautiful garden.  We hope you enjoyed our tips for a healthy garden.

How To Plant a Rose Garden

A beautiful rose garden is the ultimate dream of many gardeners. Roses have a long tradition of symbolism–love, hope, and passion. All of these are contained in the beauty of a perfect rose. The blooms are loved by almost everyone simply because of the feelings and memories they evoke.  A satisfying rose garden is not impossible.  There is some specific care and growing techniques required when growing roses.  I’m going to give you a few flower garden tips on how to plant a rose garden. 


how to plant a rose garden



Let’s take a look at how to plant a rose garden that you will love:

Planning a Rose Garden

The first step in putting together a rose garden is deciding what type of roses you want. Roses come in hundreds of varieties, so it’s not likely you’ll be growing all of them. So, it’s helpful if you can decide what style of garden you want. Furthermore, this will help guide your decisions on the types of roses you should choose to grow.

Decide if you want a formal rose garden, or something wilder and more natural. Formal rose gardens usually stick to one or two traditional colors (like red and/or white). Less formal gardens allow the freedom to plant various styles and colors. And the plantings will probably be more random as well.



Another decision is whether your roses should be scented or not.  Maybe you weren’t aware that unscented roses exist.  However, modern hybrid roses have very little fragrance. If you’re growing a rose garden to enjoy the fragrance, then you need to select roses that can provide the fragrance you want.

Another difference between roses is the size and arrangement of the plants.  Roses range from bushes, shrubs and climbing vines to small trees. Include this size variation in your initial planning. If you plant a climbing rose you will need a trellis.  Otherwise, you end up with roses creeping along the ground.  Consider what type of trellis you will need and where you want it placed.



Caring for Your Rose Garden

Specific foods, fertilizers and soil mixes have been formulated to assist the modern rose gardener. These products are particularly helpful when you’re just starting out.  You don’t have to worry about soil adjustments, vitamins or minerals.  Research what roses will grow in you zone and local climate. You will want to stick with varieties that have a better chance of thriving in your garden.  Keeping the lawn mowed regularly will help your rose garden look better, and control the invasion of weeds.


How to Plant a Rose Garden


Additionally, roses have specific light and water requirements. Read the package to ensure you know about any special needs. This information should help you figure out where to place the plants in your landscape. Don’t forget to add mulch around the rose plants. This helps prevent the emergence of weeds and also helps retain moisture in the soil.

Furthermore, once your roses start blooming watch for blooms that have died off.  Deadheading your  vines regularly will stimulate enhanced blooming through the season.  It will become second nature as you stroll through your garden.

Rose bushes also need regular pruning and trimming.  This will encourage healthy growth over time. So, taking care of a rose garden may be not a simple task, but think about the gorgeous rose garden you will have. I believe it’s worth your effort.

We hope you find our tips on how to plant a rose garden helpful.  Following these tips will get you get on your way to having the rose garden of your dreams.


Author Bio

Richard Clayton

I’m an owner of a small gardening shop. I love gardening, especially lawn care. I can spend all of my free time taking care of my lawn and discussing lawn care experiences with my friends. Especially those who have the same hobby as me.  My site, is my playground, where I discuss everything about lawn care techniques.


Tips To Make Your Garden Gorgeous Again

Has your garden been out of action because of winter?  With the promise of spring, most of us are ready to get back outside.  It doesn’t matter whether you want to relax and entertain or grow new crops.  Now is the perfect time to get your garden back in shape.  Today, we will discuss tips to make your garden gorgeous again.  Check out my other gardening tips  before you leave too.  Now, lets get started.  




gardening tips



A Gorgeous Lawn

First, after a long winter chances are your lawn is looking incredibly tired.  A  lack of sunshine, watering and fertilizer has probably left it patchy and brown.  However, it can be salvaged.  Determine if it needs to be reseeded, aerated or weed control applied.  Spring is a good time to fertilize it as well.

If you decide to reseed your lawn, spring is a good time to implement a new one.  Start by cleaning out debris, such as twigs and rocks.  Next using a rototiller, turn over the top eight to ten layers of soil.  If you need to purchase a rototiller, check out these rototiller reviews.   Also, you may also consider hiring someone to till for you.  Remember, ground that is compacted won’t drain well.  Furthermore, grass will have a hard time taking root in compacted soil.

Be sure to till in organic matter to add nutrients.  Then level the area by raking it in different directions.  From there you can either sprinkle grass seed or lay down turf.  Spring is a good time to do this since it’s rainy and sunny.  If you’re re-installing a lawn in the summer you will need to water it far more often.


Stunning Flowerbeds

Check out your local garden center.  Going to a garden center, and picking out beautiful blooms is always fun. However it can be expensive, and most of the plants will be ‘annuals’.  Annuals only flower for one year and then die. If you want your pots and beds to spring into life each year, choose plants labeled ‘perennials’ or of course evergreens.

Another good gardening tip if you don’t want the hassle of replanting each year is to buy different bulbs. Go with flowers that bloom at different times of the year.  When one variety starts to fade another is just starting to flower. Right now the daffodils are up, and the tulips are on their way.  Plant some bulbs, and you’ll get a gorgeous display of color next spring.


gardening tips



A Patio Area

The great thing about having a patio in the warmer months is you have an additional ‘room’ to enjoy and entertain from.  Being able to dine out on warm evenings and weekends is a welcoming idea.  So, purchase a patio table and chairs. You could go with slabs, a deck, or even pea gravel.  Either way creating a section of the garden designed for sitting, relaxing and eating is important.

Another idea is to go with picnic style benches, outdoor sofas, or just classic garden furniture.  Add pots of plants to the area, and when hosting a party or barbeque string up some bunting and LED lights.  You could also consider a swing seat too.  It’s a perfect way to sit and relax with a cup of coffee in the daytime or a glass of wine in the evening!


A Pond For The Wildlife

If you want to attract wildlife into your garden, one of the very best ways to do this is with a pond.  Surround it with some ornamental grasses and brightly colored flowers.  Bees, butterflies, birds, frogs and other creatures will benefit.  Add a water fall to the pond. The trickling of water is relaxing, pretty to look at and can help drown out the noise of traffic and other street noise.  Adding  outdoor lights to the arrangement, and make a nice place to sit and relax on summer evenings.



gardening tips



A Handy Shed

To keep your garden looking it’s best, you will need a lawn mower,  various shovels, a leaf blower and a rake to name a few. Be sure that you have place to keep them safe, dry and tidy.  A garden shed would be perfect.  Furthermore, you can keep pots, garden soil and other odds and ends in there too.  If you only have a few things to store (or if you have a smaller garden) you could go with a outdoor wheelie instead. These are usually much smaller, made of plastic, and can be locked.

Have you put much thought into your garden yet this year?  We hope that you like our gardening tips, and will implement a few so you garden will be gorgeous too.  

Tips for Implementing a Zen Garden

Have you ever looked at your garden and thought oh no it’s getting out of hand again!  Gardening can be a pleasure, but it can also be so time-consuming.  But there is one particular style of gardening that looks amazing.  And,  it fairly easy to keep in check.  The solution is a Zen Garden.  A Zen garden is designed to be a calming retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.  Are you wondering how can you create a Zen garden in your back yard?  Check out our gardening tips  below on how you can create a Backyard Zen Garden.  




zen garden tips




Design and Aims

First,  you need to consider the design of your garden before you implement our Zen garden tips.  Ensure that it fits into a Zen theme.  Check out the designs at  Straight lines work well as they are easy to maintain, and they give you the desired calming sensation. That means squares or rectangular beds are they best choice.

It’s also a good idea to ensure that the different sections of the garden are clearly delineated. You might do this by keeping the borders trimmed and clear of overgrown grass. Or you may chose to edge the areas with stones, wooden sleepers or short fencing.

Another aspect that you need to consider about the design, is balance. While it is often easier to go for an overall linear effect in the design you will want to balance these aspects out. To do this use more curvy lines and circular features, which create a sense of flow.

Lastly, you also need to consider space and placement in a garden of this sort. One of the key principles of a Zen-style garden is that you are looking to create a sense of expansion and space. That means it’s vital to not overfill a garden of this type, and only include some choice elements that add particular value to your outside space.



Beds in a Zen garden are unlike traditional flower beds. This is because it’s not the goal to fill them chock full with riots of color and texture. Instead, the idea is to create order and peace by regularly spacing smaller plants and shrubs out.

That is why succulents, in particular, make an excellent choice for this style of garden. They are usually Alpine plants, so they don’t take a huge amount of looking after to be successful, and can grow pretty much anywhere.

They also grow in pleasingly repetitive and symmetrical shapes. Which helps to create that sense of order that you are looking for. In addition, while there is some variation in colour in succulent breeds, rarely will you find ones in bright or intense colour. So this muted plated suits such a garden very well.






Now deciding what to do with your lawn is also essential when creating a Zen-style garden. For some folks, going down the more traditional route, they may chose to remove the law altogether and replace it with a rock and sand garden. The idea of this being that it not only will it look very simple, but you can also rake it into different shapes and flow for that Zen feel.


zen garden tips



However if you have a family that still wants to use the garden for BBQs and gatherings, it is possible that this might be a step too far. But don’t stress, because you can still rock a modern Zen type garden with a lawn. Just follow the steps below.

First, it needs to be seriously manicured to work well in this style of garden. That means keeping it mowed and the edges sheared.  Or if you prefer, use a service like the one at to help you with maintenance.




zen garden tips



It also needs to be in great condition, crabgrass, patches, and weeds are a big no-no for a Zen-style lawn. Which should be green, of an even height and texture.

Lastly, it can also work very will in this setting to divide the lawn up. Either into two halves with a stepping stone path down the middle. Or into four quarters with slate or gravel around the outside.  Which will emphasis the geometric and symmetrical theme.


Zen features

Of course, just because you are aiming for geometric simplicity, doesn’t mean that you can’t include a few garden accessories as well. In particular, mirror balls work well. No, not the one you get at the disco! But stone balls with a mirror finish. Which can be placed carefully at opportune spots in the garden to draw the eye.



zen garden tips



Additionally, water features are a very popular and a great Zen addition to this sort of outdoor space.   Just remember that they need to fit in with the style of the garden. That means out with the decorative stonework, and in with raw natural materials instead. For example, a slate piece foundation or monolith would work well in this setting.

We hope that you enjoyed our Zen garden tips, and will implement them into your outdoor space.

Creating a Family Garden When You Have Little Space

When you have a family, the garden is often one of the most important areas of the property.  After all, it offers a fantastic place for outdoor dining, relaxing, and entertaining.  Furthermore, it offers a place for the kids to play.  You don’t have to worry about your humble abode getting messy when they’re outside.  But all is not lost if you have a small garden.  Today we have gardening tips on how to create a family garden with little space



gardening ideas



Here are some ways for creating a family garden even when you don’t have acres of land:


basil varieties

                                                           Basil Large Leaf Albahabaca Vertical Garden



Grow plants vertically

We all love to grow plants in the garden. After all, they can look beautiful and bring some much-needed color to our yard.  If you do want to grow some flowers, you could always go vertical.   For example, you could grow them up a wall.  Additionally, you could get a vertical structure which you can lean against your wall or use a trellis.  Consider using containers to grow plants.  Growing vertical means you and your family still get to have fantastic plants without having to use a ton of space.  And it can make your garden look unique rather than the traditional flower borders around the yard!



garden furniture



Get furniture which stores away easily

When you have a small garden, it can make it tricky when it comes to your outdoor furniture.  Most families enjoy dining outside, but if space is limited that could be a problem.  However, there are some ways you can still have a good outdoor table and chairs without using a ton of space.  Get a Rattan Cube Set,  It comes as a compact cube for easy storage too.  It actually opens up to be enough seating for six people.  And when you are not using it for eating, it can actually convert to a coffee table with some comfy seats!  Another idea, skip the table and rely on just chairs.  Just put a blanket on the grass and have a lovely picnic!


Make the most of your corners

Make sure you are using the corners.  A lot of people skip this option, but if you have little space, you should make the most of them.  After all, they may be ideal for a small chair or for plant pots.  And you could even put a BBQ there for your outdoor cooking. Therefore, don’t leave them bare.  If possible, ensure you are making the most out of all the areas in your garden.

Finally, consider growing vegetables in containers.  After all, you may not have space for a greenhouse, but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying fresh vegetables.  Furthermore, check out my tips on container gardening.  We hope that you have found our tips on creating a family garden useful.


You may also like:  Tips for Creating an Herb Garden in Your Kitchen via LawnStarter Pittsburgh


Garden Dos and Don’ts For The Nervous Parent

It’s common knowledge that the more that kids are outside, the happier they are. It boosts health, their immune system and their sense of curiosity and wonder. It’s just a given: there are health benefits to playing outside and there are benefits of a playground.  Parents today see the world is a dangerous place, or at least it feels that way.  The days of 1970s latch-key kids are long gone.  That generation of parents has been replaced by a generation who see danger rather than a safe neighborhood.   So, we’re going to share a few gardening tips for the nervous parent.  There are gardening dos and don’ts if you have children.

Furthermore, an enclosed garden can help ease a parent’s fear of allowing their kids to wander around the neighborhood.  Children can still play outdoors, and you can protect their environment.  Check out our tips below.




gardening, gardening activities for kids, kids gardening




Here’s a list of dos and don’ts to help you create a great outdoor space for your children.


DO: Make It Secure

First, a privacy fence is invaluable tool in helping to keep your brood from prying eyes.  It’s also great for keeping them inside the perimeter of the property where you can keep an eye on them.  If you have a part of your garden that is overlooked, consider a gazebo or similar, which has the double impact of protection from the sun and a place to rest.


gardening, garden ideas,




DON’T: Install A Pond

Image From: WikiMedia Commons


There’re a couple of caveats to this one.  Parents must teach children to respect the water.  That’s a tricky task with youngsters who want to catch or watch fish and dragonflies.  Keep temptation away until they fully understand the dangers of drowning.  However, if you can’t resist a pond, ensure it has sloping sides so any child (or creature) falling in can clamber out.


DO: Focus On Soft Landings

Children are going to stumble in the play area or fall off the swing set.  It’s almost inevitable. You need to ensure the ground that they’re landing on is friendly, no matter what the weather. Grass and mud dry out in summer heat and can be as hard as concrete. Sand is a popular choice, as long as it’s kid-friendly.  You can also use wood chips or mulch in your play area.  Unfortunately, they’re not as forgiving, but they’re better than bare earth.


DON’T: Allow Tree Climbing

I know, I know – it’s a childhood dream! Every kid wants to climb trees!  Ensure the tree is strong enough to hold your child’s weigh. Tree branches can be deceiving.  Besides, being large doesn’t make them strong.  Children moving along them can cause them to break with the additional weigh.  Building a tree house is a viable solution. If not, call in a tree expert to assess the tree for weakness and have weak limbs removed.


DO: Give Yourself A Vantage Point

Finally, try and organize your garden in such a way that you can see it all from one spot.  Hiding places, such as behind sheds, can bring extra dangers.  Block off those areas if possible.  Remove any trees if you must to ensure you can see the entire garden area with a quick glance.


If you can’t implementing all of our gardening dos and don’ts, implement those that will provide the most safety for your kids.



Gardening Accessories You’ll Need This Fall

Die-hard gardeners know that a good pair of galoshes can turn a rainy day into a productive one in the backyard vegetable garden. However, do not overlook any of the other gardening accessories that can make your yard work easier too. These accessories will come in handy whether you’re harvesting, weeding, planting or cleaning up this fall. We have a few tips below.  



gardening, fall gardening, gardening



 Knee Protection
If you suffer with knee pain and standard strap-on knee pads make you uncomfortable and sweaty, try a garden kneeler wave pad instead. This foam-constructed pad not only cushions your knees, but protects them from sharp and rough elements as well.  When you’re not gardening, use it around the house while cleaning.
Tool Organizers
When working in the yard, a garden caddy can keep you from stretching and reaching for tools that you use as you go. Plus, it saves time because you won’t have to try to find tools that were placed in the soil in between use. When it is time to tidy up the yard at the end of the season, don’t overlook the importance of a tool storage rack to keep everything in place until the growing season begins again. That way you won’t have to look for everything in the spring. Some racks even come with casters to allow for easy mobility. Make sure the rack you use has a grid bottom. This allows for air circulation and reduces the probability of rusty tools.

A Gardening Apron with Pockets
Even if dirt on your clothes doesn’t bother you or you use a bucket caddy for tools, a gardening apron with pockets comes in handy. The storage pouches work well for harvesting vegetables or fruit, leaving your hands free for other tasks. Additionally, you’ll save time on doing laundry by protecting your clothing, even if you wear separate gardening apparel.
Adjustable Hoes
Whether you use scuffle, draw, push or chopping hoes, your body will benefit from the adjustable kind. Longer hoes cause less back pain, but don’t work too well with raised beds. Adjustable hoes provide the best of both worlds. Plus, every family member can regulate the length of each for their comfort.
Fall is the ideal time to pick up gardening accessories. That’s when many Central Farm and Garden stores have end-of-season sales. Even stores in zones with longer growing seasons lower prices during the cooler months to make room for new inventory. Not only are these accessories beneficial in the fall, they will all benefit garden endeavors during the rest of the year as well.

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most her time hiking, biking and gardening. For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

You may also like:  Container Gardening Is the New Black

Container Gardening Tips for Flowers

Container gardening tips for flowers are the topic for the day.  Container gardens can bring decks, patios, front porches and sidewalks to life. Today, I’m going to share a few container gardening tips and gardening tricks for flower container gardens. So, you can add containers to benches, tree stumps or any other areas that needs a bright spot.

Next, the best way to save money is to start plants from seed.  You can start them inside under a grow light and transplant them into containers in the spring.  However, not everyone has the time or desire to take that route. So, if time isn’t on your side the clearance rack on your local Walmart or Lowes is a good place to start.  I enjoy seeking out plants on clearance that are on the brink of death and nursing them back to health.  Seeing them flourish in a container or in your yard is so rewarding.  




flower container gardens


Again, I find the best bargains at Lowes, Home Depot and Wal-M art clearance stands.  Creeping Jenny, a Spike and French Marigolds fill the container below.  I companion plant marigolds with my tomatoes and peppers in my vegetable garden every year too.  I purchased a few extra pots of marigolds on clearance and decided to incorporate them into the containers on my deck.  Spikes, Sweet Potato Vines, and Creeping Jenny  are my most expensive plants during the summer.  Unfortunately, I have never seen them on sale or clearance.



Container Gardening Tips for Beginners:  


So, Creeping Jenny is an invasive plant.  But, it is so beautiful in containers.  Actually, planting it in containers is the only way to control it. When I planted the Creeping Jenny initially, I wasn’t expecting it to return year after year.  This is the third year that it has returned in the pot below. The contrasting color (light green) of the Creeping Jenny, and it’s ability to hang over the pot’s edge makes the pot come to life. 

This pot contains:

  • 1 Spike
  • Yellow Marigolds
  • Purple Petunias
  • Creeping Jenny 



flower container gardening tips




I carried on the French Marigold and Spike theme on the other side of the deck.  Since I planted the Creeping Jenny in one container garden on the deck, I planted a Sweet Potato Vine in my other container.  Planting the Sweet Potato Vine on the side of the container garden allows it to cascade down to the floor of the deck.  I’ll be planting this trailing vine again next year.  Sweet Potato Vines can be pricey, so I’m going to try growing my own next season.


This pot contains:

  • 1 spike
  • French Marigolds
  • 1 Sweet Potato Vine






flower container gardening tips




Additionally, Moss Roses fill this pot along with a Spike, which give the plant some height.  This plant is easy to grow, and can take hot, sunny spaces.  I love that it produces pops of color all summer.  If you’re lucky, this plant will return for several years.  It produces beautiful flowers in a variety of colors.  White, pink, yellow, and red flowers brighten this spot.


This pot contains:  

  • 1 Spike
  • Moss Roses




flower container garden tips




Finally, my boxes that I use on my deck railing always filled with petunias.  I change colors periodically, but purple, red and white are the usual colors.  Occasionally, I add in pink. I add Vinca to create a trailing effect.  I usually add 3 Vinca to my boxes; however, this year I only added 1 and used more petunias.  It really cut the cost of the expenses for the 4 boxes.

This box contains:

1 Vinca
Variety of Petunias 


flower container gardening tips




Get creative and mix what you love in your containers and watching them come to life.  You can use simple designs or get elaborate all depending on your space.  Also, head out to your local flea market, yard sale or clearance isle and grab a few pots this gardening season.  

Last, container gardening is a great way to bring in color and liven up your outdoor living space.   So, try a few pots on your deck or patio this summer.

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