Why Do We Have Obese Children?



obese children


I love seeing young families. I decided to take my grandson to a near-by park so that we could spend quality time together.  The park is small and located in a middle class neighborhood. We were there for approximately an hour, and during that time period I witnessed one other family out with their child.  Lets count, 2 children in the park.

It was a beautiful day, so I wondered where the children were. There was a nice trail for the kids to ride bikes or take a walk as a family.  So, why weren’t families in the park on such a beautiful day?  Again, it was in a nice neighborhood so safety shouldn’t have been a concern.  It bothered me so much, that when we went back to the house and I scoured the neighborhood.  Unfortunately, there was not a child in sight.  Why aren’t our children riding bikes through the neighborhood or playing hopscotch?  I remember playing hopscotch for hours on Saturdays after breakfast and using my roller skates. If we weren’t playing either of those games, we walked around the neighborhood going nowhere in particular.

I spent Saturdays at the roller skating rink with my daughter and for 12 years chauffeured her back and forth to dance classes.  I spent another 3 years watching her cheer our high school basket and football team on and running track on the off season. We moved on to college where she danced and her now husband played football. Not every child will be athletic, but we can teach them to move and monitor what they eat, can’t we.

Two people came to mind while I was thinking about the non-existent children in the neighborhood and park.  First Maury Povich. Why Maury? Because Maury has brought light to the problems that obese children will endure and how we as parents contribute to that problem.  I’ve watched Maury when he has featured children who are severely overweight. I’m not talking about 5 or 10 pounds, but 30, 40 and 50 pounds overweight and they were only 3, 4 or 5 years old.  Can you image what they will encounter in school. These children were eating whole pizzas, 3 – 4 pieces of chicken, a dozen doughnuts or cupcakes, and drinking liters of soda. It was one of the saddest shows that I ever witnessed. They were literally feeding their child to death.

Second, I thought about Michelle Obama and the work she did on childhood obesity with the Lets Move campaign.  Children are obese because they are inside playing computer games or pasted to the sofa watching TV.  While they are watching TV and playing computer games, they are over eating.  We’ve allowed our children to become “couch potatoes”.  We’re not spending time together experiencing the great outdoors.  The sound of children running and playing is missed in the neighborhood.  I miss seeing moms sitting in the park mingling with other moms and watching their children play.

Furthermore, I know times have changed and we can’t let our children run around most neighborhoods unsupervised, but we can encourage our children to get outside and move.  And we can monitor what they eat. If we as parents aren’t encouraging our children to move, how will they learn about exercise and being healthy.  If we aren’t setting limits, and providing healthy meals how will they know  about healthy eating?

We live in the land of good and plenty, and we are some of the most obese people in the world.  I decided to join the Lets Move movement. Not only for my grandchildren, but for myself as well. I want to join my daughter and son-in-law in setting an example for my grandchildren. Exercise has not been at the top of my list, but I’m striving to change that each day.  I make it a point to take walks with my grandchildren when they visit, and when I visit them. We will go to the park, ride bicycles, and shot hoops in the driveway.  I don’t want my grandchildren to become one of America’s statistics.

The struggle with diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases associated with being overweight is real. I want to a part of the solution, not the problem.  Finally, how do you feel about obesity in our country? What outdoor activities do you with your child? Leave us a comment, we would love to hear your thoughts on this topic.  You may also like 10 Tips To Get Your Child Moving.

How to Get Your Kids to Be More Physically Active

Getting kids to move from the bed to the couch and away from the video games or the TV is getting more and more difficult.  Furthermore, our children are becoming more obese because they no longer get physical exercise.  Their diet is filled with junk foods like fries, sodas, milkshakes and sweet snacks.  None of it  does much to help their health.  Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on how to get your kids moving.  



how to get your kids moving



Diabetes, anxiety, childhood obesity and heart problems are a few grave risks that children with unhealthy lifestyles face.  Physical activity is important for everyone; however, for kids it is crucial.  Physical activity helps kids develop strong bones, maintain a healthy weight and increase their confidence level and social skills.  An active body is also less susceptible to developing type 2 diabetes and more likely to have better sleep and mental health.

Kids should get as much physical activity as possible,  but an hour a day is the minimum amount of time that they should be active.  Kids are often annoyed when their favorite video game is taken away.  Regardless, parents must make sure that they go outdoors and move their bodies.  To get your kids moving try our kids exercise tips:

  1. Find a fun activity –  Instead of just sending your kids to the park or outside to play, help them find an activity that excites them.  It may be a martial arts or a dance class.  Additionally, it could be something as simple as getting them a basketball hoop.  The can play basketball in the drive way with neighborhood kids or siblings. The more they enjoy the activity, the easier it will be for you to get to do it.
  2. Be an active role model –  If you are an active role model, the kids will look forward to physical activity. You can either join in on the fun with them or you can do your own exercise near by.  Seeing you can directly influence them. Most kids enjoy imitating their parents, so this should work for the both of you.
  3. Teach or learn a new skill together   Find the time to  teach your kids cycling, skateboarding, skipping and other fun physical activities. If there is something you would like to learn that make it even better. You can learn together.  There are many sports that both parents and kids can learn together like tennis, baseball or golf.
  4. More active toys   Children will be more inclined to turning off the TV if they have exciting toys to play with. Instead of investing in all the newest iPads, consoles and video games, keep active toys in the house.  When you want them to head outside and play, give a ball, jump ropes, or Frisbee.

It’s estimated by a study that currently only 1 out of 3 kids are physically active in the U.S.  While kids spend more than 7 hours playing and watching videos on their phones, computers, and other devices.  Today, more than ever, our kids require a healthy, active lifestyle.  Keeping them healthy now will help lead them towards a healthier adulthood.

We hope that you found our tips on how to get your kids moving helpful, and you will implement a few into their life.  You may also like Water Infused Drinks Your Kids Will Love.

About the author: James Smith is a survivalist, who loves to write about survival skills and techniques. Currently, he is working for Teotwawki Supplies, offering a complete range of survival and emergency kits. Follow him on twitter @jamessmith1609.

Eye Care Tips For Children


eye care tips for children


First, it is often said the eyes are the windows into our souls. But that isn’t the only reason why it’s so beneficial to look after our eyes. Without them, our independence would be greatly hindered. Eye care should be something we consider throughout our life.  As we age, our vision becomes weaker.  However, great eye care as a child can be very advantageous when it comes to maintaining good eyesight. To ensure your child’s eyes serve them well through their lives, follow these eye care tips for children:

Reduce Screen Time

Next, one of the biggest problems affecting children’s vision is the computer.  Kids today have their own smartphones, laptops, and PlayStations.  As a result, they spend most of the day in front of a screen. This is bad news for their eyes!  Staring at a screen for extended periods of time could strain their eyes.  This can cause short-term pain and irritation.  If it occurs regularly, it can also lead to long-term vision complaints. Here are a few eye care tips for your children: http://www.becomingminimalist.com/how-to-limit-your-childs-screen-time/.

Get Regular Checkups

A child’s eyesight can change very quickly. Because of this, it is important that you take your child for regular checkups.  This could be at an optician or eye centers like http://www.sweye.com/.  A professional will assess your child’s vision as well as the physical condition of the eyes. If they notice any possible infections or health conditions, they will be able to give your child the necessary treatment.

eye care tips for kids

Don’t Rub The Eyes

Another important point is that you should try and encourage your child to not rub their eyes. Actually, you should take note of too!  Because rubbing your eyes makes it easier for germs to get in and cause infections. Not only that, it can also place a lot of pressure on the eye’s cornea. Which can cause vision problems. Also, you may find it interesting to hear that rubbing the eyes can cause crow’s feet and other wrinkles!


eye care tips for children


Always Wear Sunglasses In The Sun

Young children’s eyes are very sensitive, and being out in bright sunshine can actually damage them. So, the next time you head out to the park, make sure they each wear sunglasses at all times. This will help to keep harmful sun rays out of their eyes.

Use these eye care tips for children, and your kids will have great eyesight well into their adult years!

Teach Your Family the Importance of Oral Hygiene


oral hygiene


Even people who say they’re really picky about oral hygiene might be making loads of mistakes in their daily routine. Taking proper care of your teeth and gums is essential.  Make sure you’re not making mistakes! This guide will help you achieve better oral hygiene health habits.

There’s plaque on your teeth right now

Unless you literally just brushed your teeth, there’s a dangerous biofilm on them right now. It’s often very thin, translucent, and filled with bacteria. It’s at the front of your teeth, at the back, to the sides, and even under the gums. It might sound like I’m describing some monstrous goo from some straight-to-DVD horror movie. But I’m actually referring to plaque!

Plaque develops and builds up around your teeth all day.  And it’s there, even if you’re convinced it isn’t. A lot of people may skip brushing sometimes because their teeth feel clean. They might swig some mouthwash just to get a minty flavor in there, but that’ll be it. Big mistake! Plaque is on your teeth right now, and you’ll have to brush your teeth before going to bed if you don’t want damage to occur! Not doing so can cause long-term problems to your overall health.


oral hygiene


Seriously, floss

A good and thorough floss at least once a day is the only way to get rid of all that plaque. Unfortunately, not everyone who brushes their teeth thoroughly bothers to floss as well. Thankfully, things have been getting better in recent years. Perhaps a decade ago, it was estimated that less than half of Americans flossed daily. In recent years, the statistics are looking much better. But the statistics still aren’t perfect. (Seriously, less than half of men brush their teeth twice a day? Come on, guys! Not that women are much better at 56.8%…)

Trust me, dentists can tell almost immediately if you’re someone who doesn’t floss. If you’re not flossing, then you’re allowing a lot of damage to occur to your mouth. The materials that floss removes have a habit of getting really old and making their way into your bloodstream. This is basically akin to allowing out-of-date food getting into your system, bit by bit. Over the years, this can cause serious health problems. Seriously: the research out there is linking a lack of flossing to severe heart disease.


oral hygiene


Dealing with problems when they occur

The problem that a lot of people have is that they tend to ignore problems when they occur. This, of course, is extremely foolish. The longer you allow oral problems to linger, the worse they’ll get.

And they can escalate into a pretty nasty territory quickly. One of the most ignored problems is the presence of blood when you brush your teeth. People may assume that they’re brushing their teeth too hard – and that could indeed be the case. But it could be that gum disease is present, which is causing you to bleed even when brushing gently.

Another problem that people often allow to go untreated is chronic dry mouth. They may think that they simply need to drink more water. Which, of course, is something you should probably be doing! But it could also be the result of a specific oral problem. Get it seen quickly, because bacteria grows faster in a dry mouth! Sometimes, people let issues that have already turned into a bad situation to get even worse! This is often because people don’t know how to deal with emergency matters. Let’s say you have a root canal emergency. Don’t just assume you can’t get help just because 911 doesn’t include dental services!  There are 24 hour dental services.

Getting a little too enthusiastic about cleanliness

Don’t let this article scare you into brushing and flossing too hard. This is actually a lot more common than you might think.  After all, there’s a lot of plaque on and around your teeth at any given time, right?

Seriously, don’t fall into that line of thinking. It’s completely possible to brush your teeth too hard. And the effects can be pretty devastating. It can actually lead to some of the decay issues you’re trying to prevent.

You may also cause gum erosion. I’d include pictures of that here, but… trust me, you really don’t want to see them! Your dentist may be able to tell if you’re brushing or flossing too hard. Be careful going forward, because it’s easier than you think to apply too much force.

How To Choose The Right Pediatric Dentists

Pediatric dentists are specialists and have been trained to treat the unique needs of children. They usually go through two or three years of specialty training after finishing dental school. When you are a pediatric dentist, they limit their practice to dealing with the oral health needs of infants, children, including those with special health needs.   Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on pediatric dentists.



tips for choosing a pediatric dentist



It is very important that your kid gets regular dental care with a pediatric dentist they are comfortable with. So you would want to choose a competent and patient professional who is great with children. However, finding the best pediatric dentist is not a walk in the meadow. It’s most likely because you are not sure of the important factors to consider while choosing one. This often leads to confusion, thereby postponing your kid’s dental check-ups. Therefore, in order to help you find the best pediatric dentist for your kid, here are some things that you should consider:


Ask for Recommendations

It’s a great idea to ask for a recommendation from someone you trust,.  Either a friend, family member, co-worker, your dentist, even your kid’s pediatrician are excellent resources. Additionally, you can also take opinions from local pharmacists and family doctors into consideration.

If you are moving to a new place, ask for a reference from your child’s current dentist. Additionally, you can perform your own search if you want by zip code or using the “Find a pediatric dentist” tool at www.aapd.org. You can even look at local websites or magazines for recommendations.


Consider Education and Experience

Once you have narrowed down a list of a few pediatric dentists, it is time to find out about their educational background and experience. Most importantly, they should be a licensed member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry to ensure that his/her practice is at par with the latest and most effective clinical procedures.


Start out with a Basic Appointment

Unless it’s an emergency, you should start out with a basic appointment which requires less work to be done. As a result, you can find out how the pediatric dentist interacts with your child. If he or she offers any additional dental care advice or not, it means that he is investing in you and your kid.


Evaluate the Office Environment

You should consider these points while you are at the clinic:

· Is the clinic’s environment kid-friendly? Does it offer toys, games, or children’s books?

· How does the clinic handles emergencies?

· Is the staff friendly and accessible?

· Is the clinic located near your home or your child’s school?

· Does the practice consider your dental benefit plan?


Is Your Child Comfortable With the Dentist?

Most of all, it is important that your child feels comfortable any pediatric dentists you choose.  Observe the dentist ‘s chairside manner.  Good pediatric dentists should clearly be interested in treating children. They should pay attention to your concerns. Additionally, they should be patient and should be able to calm down scared or anxious children.

 Author Bio:

Roman Beres is an expert writer and blogger with a strong passion for writing. He shares views and opinions on a range of topics such as Business, Health/Fitness, Lifestyle, Parenting and lot more. He works for Dental Clinic and helps you find the best Dentist Floral Park, NY.

How to Instill Good Brushing Techniques in Your Toddler

From the time your little one cuts their first tooth, you are probably wondering when you should start brushing those sprouting white pearls. Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on good brushing techniques for toddlers.  When your child’s first tooth comes in, start brushing with water and a soft kid’s toothbrush.

Once they turn 2 – 3 years of age, you can start using a non-fluoride tooth paste.  As they continue growing, you can introduce a bigger drop that will cover all of their teeth.  The habits you cultivate on your child’s first set of teeth are transferred to their permanent adult teeth. If you are planning on instilling healthy brushing habits in your child, these tips will come in handy.





tips for brushing toddler's teeth



Begin Early

The earlier you introduce oral hygiene to your young ones, the better. Brushing becomes a habit, and there will be fewer struggles to get your child to practice dental hygiene.  At first it may be difficult, but with time, you build the habit. Start building trust so your child  understands it is a necessary activity.


Set an Example

Teaching good brushing techniques for toddlers includes visuals.  Children who see their parents brushing will adapt quickly to the routine more quickly. Let your child see their own teeth in the mirror before and after brushing. This will help them understand the importance of brushing and what it does for their teeth.


Make it Enjoyable

Toddlers and adults don’t like being forced to do stuff. Make it fun for both of you.  Purchase dental supplies tailored for your kids. Children’s toothbrushes are usually decorated with appealing themes such as cartoon characters and princesses. Allow your child to choose the toothbrushes and toothpaste with their favorite characters. This will increase their enthusiasm on brushing habits.


Be Creative

Make brushing time creative so your child will look forward to it. For instance, you can think of a song to sing while brushing. You can even create a particular dance you do before or after brushing. Create a story that is related to brushing.


Take Turns

An effective way of encouraging routine brushing is reversing the power dynamic by allowing your child to brush your teeth. Dentists encourage such positive feelings as they help kids become more comfortable with the idea of brushing. They take it like any other playful activity.

Your kids will probably have different opinions regarding brushing. Some may resist it while others may embrace the practice. Make brushing relatable to your children early on. Encouraging proper dental hygiene will ensure your kids have sparkling teeth that can last a lifetime. 

Do you have a game or song that you sing when your children are brushing?  How do you instill this habit in your children.

freelance writers




About the writer: Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most her time hiking, biking and gardening. For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.