How to Prepare Teens for Adulthood

Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on how to prepare teens for adulthood.  When your children reach their teenage years, life will change for everyone.  Where did the time go, they’re not babies anymore.  Driver’s license, college, weddings and grandchildren flash before you.  Are you wondering how to help them prepare for these responsibilities?


how to prepare teens for adulthood



Here’s a few ideas on how to prepare teens for adulthood:


Give Them Responsibilities

First, start with things that helps prepare them for adulthood.  It is your responsibility to ensure they become responsible adults. This means having chores and actually doing things to take care of themselves.  Without these responsibilities, it’s hard for them to be able to understand what life as an adult is really like.  Doing laundry, taking out the garbage, mowing the lawn, cleaning or getting a summer job will help ensure they understand responsibility.


Talk About Their Future

It’s important for you to make sure that you’re talking about their future with them. Rather than protecting them and just trying to make them a child their entire life, help them make decisions.  These decisions should include planning for their future like college preparation or obtaining skills for a trade.  Make arrangements for them to visit colleges/universities, trade schools or businesses that jobs in the fields they’re interested in.  Also, include fun things like traveling and family activities.


Manage Their Health

Finally, ensure they are as happy and healthy.  This means eating well, exercising and also managing their mental health. Because anxiety can be an issue for teens, include their mental health.  If you’d like to learn more about helping teens with anxiety, take a look at the infographic below.


Infographic Design By Bradley University


I hope that our tips on how to prepare the teens for adulthood are beneficial to you.  Start with responsibilities and add our other tips in slowly.  You don’t want to overwhelm your teen, so slow is best.




Famous People With Disabilities

Today, I’m sharing a list of famous people with disabilities.  There is a common misconception that associates a disability with failure, break-downs, or despair.  Some people prefer death over a disabled existence.  If you are in sound health, there is a high chance that you may think around the same lines.  Unfortunately, this sort of thinking has not only created a feeling of difference towards disability, but also the disabled.


famous people with disabilities

Various observations reveal that persons with disabilities actually lead a happy and satisfactory life.  For people born with a disability, they have no way to compare their current condition. When someone is born with blindness, he does not have any sense of vision for which to crave.

To most disabled people, the disability is not a grave issue.  Once they cope with the initial shock, they learn to adapt.  They change their attitude, and achieve a lot more than people expect from them.  Many with disabilities believe that success lies in a positive attitude.  Furthermore instead of feeling depressed and disappointed they believe in happiness.  It is safe to say that with a cheerful approach, disability does not remain a drawback.  Disabilities have been proven to be a catalyzing force for higher achievements.


Here are famous people with disabilities:


Helen Keller:

Hellen Keller, one of the most famous disabled persons, was from Alabama.  She was an author, lecturer, and political activist.  Also, she was the first-ever deaf and blind person to earn a B.A. degree. Her struggle and the role of her teacher, Anne Sullivan became famous through Keller’s autobiography, “The Story of My Life.” She is the author of 12 books, which also includes her spiritual autobiography, “My Religion.” Additionally, Keller was outspoken and firm on her convictions.  She was also a member of the Socialist Party in America and supported labor rights, women’s suffrage, etc.


Stephen Hawking:

Stephen Hawking was an astrophysicist, cosmologist, and theoretical physicist. Doctors diagnosed him with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis at the age of 21. He was only expected to live for two years after his diagnosis.  However, he went on to outlive his doctors.  He lived to be 76, although he suffered from paralysis of his whole body for over 30 years.  Hawking used a voice synthesizer for communication and a folding mobility scooter for movement.  Nevertheless, these impairments could not restrict the genius of this world-famous researcher.  This professor revealed many secrets of the universe and existence. The name of his most famed book is “The Theory of Everything.”


famous people with disabilities


Frida Kahlo:

Frida Kahlo, a Mexican artist, is one of the most famous disabled artists of the 20th century.  She suffered from Polio in her childhood. She was seriously injured in her teens, which forced her into bed rest for a long time. Her broken back never healed 100 percent. While fighting her disability, she became famous for her self-portraits.  Some portrayed her in a wheelchair. Frida remains as a symbol of the artistic spirit of survival.


Ralph Braun:

Next, Ralph Braun was the founder of Braun Corporation. He wanted to bring the freedom of mobility to persons with disabilities. His organization was one of the leading producers of wheelchair accessible vehicles.  President Barack Obama termed the corporation “a champion of change.” Braun was born with muscular dystrophy. In 1966, he made the first wheelchair accessible van with hand controls. In 1991, his company built the first accessible minivan.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt:

Roosevelt was the president of the United States who guided the nation through World War II.  Furthermore, Roosevelt served his entire tenure in a wheelchair.  He lived his life with courage, and was a great president.  His paralysis was the result of Polio. Although disabled, Roosevelt never let anyone doubt his competence.  He proved that having a disability is never a drawback to being a beloved leader.


Nick Vujicic:

Nick Vujicic is a world-famous motivational speaker who speaks on the importance of courage for overcoming extremely adverse situations. He is the founder of an organization for people with disabilities, which is called “Life Without Limbs.” It is a non-profit organization as well as an Evangelistic ministry. The organization seeks to spread the message of hope and love through the words of Jesus Christ. Nick, who was born without legs or arms, faced endless challenges in his life, and his present-day celebrity status is proof of the fact that disability is not a significant barrier before human will.



famous people with disabilities



Andrea Boccelli:

So, Andrea Boccelli was an Italian musician, tenor, musical producer, and writer.  His notable achievements include selling more than 75 million records!  Also, he came into the world with congenital glaucoma, which made him partially blind. But, his blindness could not restrict him from taking music and piano lessons at the age of six. In his early teenage years, he received a severe blow during a football match that made him completely blind. However, his indomitable spirit and continuous striving for improvement led his focus towards music and singing.  He also studied law, and went on to win many awards of international repute.


Finally, these great figures, through their stories of resilience, prove that having a disability is not an impediment in achieving greatness. With their perseverance, big heart, and sympathy for others, they overcame their immediate circumstances.  These great souls climbed the heights of their obstacles to show the rest of us that human determination and will power can win any battle.



Reference articles:

Keeping Your Kids Healthy During the Holidays

The holidays are here, and with them a variety of health concerns: the cold, the flu, and the holiday fat.  Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on keeping your kids healthy during holidays.  The holiday season can be amazing.  But, between the flu bug and the holiday overeating our best intentions for health and fitness can awry.



keeping kids healthy


Here are 5 tips to keeping your kids healthy:


1). Make Sure They See the Doctor

First, are your kids current on their pediatrician visits?  Your pediatrician can evaluate their overall health and identify any pressing issues as well as keep them current on their vaccinations,

According to Families First Pediatrics in South Jordan, UT, it’s a good idea to bring your children in around the beginning of holiday season.  Vaccinations are an important concern.  Especially with the flu and other nasty bugs going around.  But, there may be other issues you may want to address head-on so you can have a good holiday season.

So, be sure to ask about any health concerns you may have.  Furthermore, their vitamin levels.  Are they getting enough Vitamin D and/or Vitamin E?  Discuss this concern with your doctor.


2). Let Them Have Sick Days

It’s likely that you’ll have to deal with some runny noses, coughs, and sniffles during the holiday season.  As a result, it’s a good idea to allow your children to have a sick day or two now.   Push them to go to school could end up with them missing more days and exposing other children in their classes.


keeping your kids healthy




3). Keep Everyone Moving

It can be very easy to let physical activity fall by the wayside during the holidays. After all, everyone’s busy celebrating and eating lots of delicious food.  Furthermore, there’s a good chance it’s a lot colder outside and the days are shorter. Admittedly, winter may present you with some of your biggest tests, but there are a few tried and true ways to getting your kids physically active and healthy.

For example, walk as much as possible.  A brisk walk in the cold can be refreshing.  Walking a few blocks with the family after dinner can be a good source of exercise and a chance to burn calories.  When you return, cozy up to the fire and play a game. Also, try to find opportunities to be physically active indoors.  Yoga, which requires very little room or special equipment,  can be done by practically anyone. This includes kids as well as adults.

No parent condones running inside, but sled riding or building a snowman can be fun if you have snow in your area.  A day at the roller skating or ice skating rink can be fun too. If it’s not too cold riding bikes around the neighborhood can be fun.



keepingkids healthy



4). Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene is also important not only during the holidays, but throughout the year. It’s flu season, and colds are common as well.  Make sure your kids adhere to frequent hand-washing after using the restroom, before meals, and after blowing their noses.  A simple bar of soap should suffice for all hand-washing needs.


5). Look for Healthy Food Alternatives

You’re likely to get a lot of resistance to healthier meal planning for the holidays.  So, “Hey guys, we’re going to try some healthier versions of all our favorite holiday foods!” is likely to get you push back.  Unfortunately, for many kids and many adults, when they hear “healthier” they think it means “terrible and icky”.

Instead, make brownies using black beans instead of flour or cookies made with bananas instead of butter.  Serve them to your children without explanation of what’s in them. Let them enjoy these treats without realizing they’re eating something different.



Being healthy for the holidays can help everyone enjoy them.  From careful hand hygiene to paying attention to what you eat, these 5 tips should help you get the most out of your holiday season.

Getting Your Kids Physically Active and Healthy

If you have noticed that your children have started to become a less active and are picking up weight?  Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on getting your kids physically active.  The last thing you want is to allow them to become obese and unhealthy.  So, it is always best to bring the situation under control immediately if you notice a problem. Are you wondering how to do that?



physically active kids


Here’s a few tips on getting your kids physically active and healthy:

Encourage Them To Join A Sports Team

One of the most important things you will need to do is to make sure your children are getting physical exercise.  Exercising is one of the major ways to ensure that they do not get too overweight.  As a result, you should try to find a way to get them to be physically active.  One of the best and most effective ways is encourage them to join a sports team.  Ask your children what interests them as far as sports.  Is it futsal vs. indoor soccer, ballet, dance, tennis, basketball, or swimming.   Make sure it is something they want to do so they will stick with it.  So be sure to encourage them in a way that will boost their self-esteem and help them moving.




getting kids physically active

Take Control Of Their Diet

If your child is starting to put on weight, take control of their diet.  Make sure they are eating less unhealthy and fattening foods and more fruits and vegetables.  You may need to put your foot down while taking control of their diet, but their health is worth it.  Controlling their diet will help them to loose weight and keep it off.



getting kids physically active


Improve Their Quality Of Sleep

You might well be wondering what sleep has to do with getting into shape.  There is evidence that strongly suggests that getting enough deep sleep is vital to your health and weight.  Sleep helps your body to regulate its metabolism.  As a result, make your child’s bedroom comfortable.  Encourage them to develop a nighttime routine.  You can expect them to get quality sleep, and ultimately that will lead to some improvements in their weight too.

These are all useful ways to getting your kids physically active.  Consider them all, and implement them one step at a time.


5 Things to Know About Co-Sleeping With Your Toddler

The moment your child comes into the world, your world as a parent will revolve around sleep. Chances are that co-sleeping has crossed your mind as a possible method of how to help your baby get a good night’s sleep.   Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on five things you need to know about co-sleeping with your toddler:


co-sleeping with your toddler


  1. Attitudes to Co-sleeping Differ Across the World

The perception of co-sleeping with your toddler differs drastically from culture to culture. In many Western countries, co-sleeping is often regarded as a sleeping method practiced by slightly “alternative” parents. However, the desire to sleep privately or only with one’s adult partner isn’t all that common in the rest of the world.

In Asia and Africa, co-sleeping is encouraged. In places like Botswana, co-sleeping is seen as an important kinship ritual.  As a matter of fact, often the whole family – parents, babies, grandparents, even visitors – will sleep together at night.


  1. The Benefits of Co-sleeping Abound

There’s a reason why so many parents worldwide advocate the virtues of co-sleeping. First, co-sleeping establishes the baby’s circadian rhythms and helps them to distinguish day from night.  Furthermore, young children sleep better when they feel close to their parents.  Especially, to their mother.

Co-sleeping is more convenient for mom and dad through the night too.  Parents no longer have to stumble down the dark hallway to soothe their baby. If your child is already right next to you, you don’t have to go far to change diapers, feed and soothe your baby back to sleep.


  1. Co-sleeping Doesn’t Lead to Over-attachment

There’s a common misperception that co-sleeping with your toddler leads to an unhealthy level of dependence between mother and child. Babies and toddlers need secure attachments with their parents in order to thrive.  Also, sustained closeness with the mother helps release oxytocin.  Oxytocin is the hormone responsible for bonding and attachment.  So, there’s nothing bad about that!



Co-sleeping With Your Toddler




  1. Safety is Important

Safety has to be the first priority for any parents interested in co-sleeping. First, think carefully about sharing a sleep space with a baby that is under one year old. Babies are most delicate at this stage, and often need their own space in a crib for sleeping.  If you bottle-feed, it’s usually recommended that your baby sleep close to you, but not in your bed.  Additionally, your doctor should confirm whether your size poses a risk to your baby in a co-sleeping situation.

However, you should recognize that adult beds were not designed for infants if you are considering co-sleeping.  As a result, make the necessary adjustments for baby’s comfort and safety.  This includes a flat, firm mattress which isn’t too far from the floor.  Next, make sure that your child isn’t overheated with blankets.  Last, check that your own clothing has no strings which could pose choking hazards to baby, and tie up long hair.


  1. It’s All About the Environment

You’ve made sure everything is technically safe: what now? Well, there are a few more steps you can take to make the co-sleeping environment truly sleep-inducing. For instance, you won’t regret investing in some blackout blinds.  Babies tend to be sensitive to light and darkness. If you have the budget, you might also consider investing in a dual air conditioning and heating unit.  This will keep your room at optimal temperatures through all seasons.


Freelance writer, Harper Reid, resides in the beautiful City of Sails ~ Auckland, New Zealand. She enjoys experiencing different cultures, trying local food and exploring new places. See more of her work here.










How to Boost Your Energy As a Parent

Being a parent is tiring, no matter the age of your children.  Once the sleepless nights of infanthood are over, you need to run around after adventurous toddlers.  Furthermore, there’s the ever-changing emotions of teenagers.  It’s not particularly surprising that most parents are absolutely exhausted.  Rather than let this fatigued state become your new normal, you should do something about it.  There’s not enough caffeine in the world to combat this problem, but there are things that you can do.  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on how to boost your energy as a parent. 




how to boost your energy



1. Head To Bed Earlier

Once you’ve put the kids to bed, it can be very tempting to stay up late watching television or catching up on the chores. However, you need adequate rest to be able to function properly. For this reason, you should head to bed a little earlier so that you can get around eight hours of sleep. Adopt healthy sleep habits, like sticking to a sleep schedule and turning off electronics in the evening.


2. Eat A Nutritious Diet

The food that you put into your body can have a significant effect on how you feel. Therefore, if you’ve been feeling sluggish and tired, it might be worth looking at your eating habits.  Your body needs fuel to keep you up and running.  So, ensure that you eat the best that you can. Whole, nutritious foods, like nuts and seeds, leafy vegetables, and lean red meats all provide plenty of energy.  Also, vitamins and minerals that your body requires to function at its very best.


3. Steer Clear Of Sugar

When you feel tired, it can be so easy to reach for a sweet and sugar-filled snack. This offers a much-needed energy boost, but, unfortunately, provides one that doesn’t last very long. Your blood sugar levels will spike for a short time, but, when they fall again, you are usually left feeling worse than before. Eating large quantities of sugar can also heighten your risk of developing certain health problems. For this reason, it’s best to stick to healthier, more nutritious snacks.


4. Work Out Every Day

You might think that exercise will tire you out, but it can actually boost your energy levels. The reason for his is that it helps to increase your stamina and strength, as well as your heart rate. This increase heart rate pumps blood faster around your body so that fuel is delivered more efficiently to tissues and muscles. Exercise also triggers the release of endorphins, which combat stress and boost mood. Because of this, you should try to work out every single day.



how to boost your energy



5. Find Reasons To Laugh

Like exercise, laughter also releases endorphins into the brain. These feel-good chemicals do a lot of good for your body and mind, including helping you to feel refreshed and awake. Finding reasons to laugh, therefore, can be incredibly beneficial. When you have a little one to look after, you’ll find a lot that they do is comical. You can also watch funny shows and films. When you’re not in a particularly comedic mood, fake laughing works too and can make you laugh for real.


6. Combat Your Hearing Problems

The harder it is for you to hear, the more energy your brain will use trying to do so. This can leave you feeling exhausted, even after only a short conversation. For this reason, if you’re struggling to hear, you should speak to a professional. They might suggest wearing a hearing aid, like the Miracle-Ear GENIUS 3.0. Sometimes your hearing problems aren’t quite so serious. All that might be required is for you to clean them out or have them cleaned out a bit more regularly.


7. Learn How To Relax

It’s not uncommon for parents to feel stressed, especially when you have a particularly busy schedule. However, that doesn’t mean that you should just ignore it when you feel overwhelmed. This won’t solve the problem and can actually make it worse.  There are many ways you could reduce your stress levels, from yoga to medication and even drawing. Some people also find that journaling about their troubles helps them to combat them too.


8. Kick That Smoking Habit

Everyone knows what a terrible habit smoking is. It’s one of the worst things that you can do for your health, increasing your risk of developing a number of incredibly serious health issues, including heart disease and cancer. The tar and toxins from cigarettes can also reduce the efficiency of your lungs, making you feel tired. The only way to fix this is to kick your smoking habit. There is a lot of support out there that can help you through this, so speak to your doctor.


9. Drink Plenty Of Water

Our bodies are made up of mostly water, so it should be no surprise to you that we need water to feel our best. Throughout the day, you lose water when you sweat and go to the bathroom. This can leave you dehydrated, which can affect your brain function and energy. To stay hydrated, you must drink more water each day, especially when it’s warm. Carrying a water bottle around with you can remind you to take regular sips so that you don’t get thirsty.


   10. Consult With Your Doctor

Tiredness is not something that should be ignored. If you’ve done everything that you can to boost your energy levels, but still feel fatigued, then you should consult with your doctor. This is a symptom of many different illnesses and health problems, like thyroid conditions, anemia, and even depression. These conditions must be dealt with quickly, so you should book a checkup right away if you think that something could be wrong.

Tired shouldn’t be the new normal, even for parents. Hopefully, with the advice above, you can boost your energy levels and feel refreshed.

How To Deal With A Serious Injury As a Parent

Suffering a serious injury can be one of the toughest things an individual deals with during their lifetime.  This becomes exponentially more difficult when you have children.  Unfortunately, serious injuries often impact all of those close to you.   Furthermore, seeing a parent injured can be quite devastating to a child.  They think their mother or father is a superhero.  The most important thing for you to do is to start recovering and realize that the entire family is with you.  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on how to deal with a serious injury when you have children.


how to deal with a serious injury


Focus On Rehabilitation

The best thing that you can do for yourself and your children is to recover as quickly as possible.  So, do not miss a rehabilitation session.  You need to be dedicated to physical therapy daily to recover fully.  Understanding the difference between pain and discomfort is important during your recovery period.  Remember, pushing yourself too hard can lead to aggravating the injury again.  Just as important, not pushing yourself enough will delay recovery time.  As a result, find the balance and continually give input to your physical therapist.  Getting upset that recovery is not going as planned can be an easy mindset for you to fall into.  So, look at every day as a challenge with some days being tougher than others.


Do Not Take Your Frustrations Out On The Family

One of the most frustrating things is not being able to do something simple due to your injury.  This can include not being able to do dishes because of a broken leg or not being able to shower without help.  This is not the fault of your family, and that is something you need to remember.  Unfortunately, it can be easy to take out a bad day on them.  If you are at home due to the injury spend that extra time with the kids.  An injury can have positive impacts depending on how you look.  Having extra time with the family can be positive.  So, learning how to deal with a serious injury as a parent is imperative.


Discuss How The Injury Is Impacting Your Family

Your children could be devastated that you are hurt.  So, it is important to ask them about their feelings on the current circumstances.  Have your children see a therapist if they are unwilling to open up.  Your injury could be the source of their problem.  Take the time daily to let them know that you will be back to your old self after recovery time.  If you have suffered a permanent injury, sit down with them so you can talk about how life is going to change.  Do not leave them to figure out these things alone. It can be a trying time for them as well as others in your family.



injured parents


Have Your Significant Other Help Pick Up The Slack

Your significant other is going to have to pick up the slack in order to keep thing running smoothly.  You will be able to do some things, so trading off responsibilities will help everything run smoothly.   Be sure to tell your significant other how much you appreciate what they are doing.  Furthermore, sit down weekly to talk about how you can start doing more to help the family get through the post-accident recovery process.


Seek Financial Compensation

As a parent you cannot allow your family to endure financial stress coupled with the emotional stress that everyone is already feeling. Finding the nearest attorney can be done with a simple internet search.  The Barnes Firm, a personal injury lawyer in San Diego, says, “Suffering from a personal injury is devastating, regardless of the circumstances. The unfortunate reality is that many of these injuries often go far beyond the physical effects and may affect ability to work and one’s future wages that deserve to be compensated.”   Filing a lawsuit and winning will not only provide financial compensation, but it’ll help you feel empowered and show your children you fought for what was right.

The above tips can help you deal with a serious injury when you have children.  But, a positive attitude throughout this process can make all of the difference. A negative attitude can lead you into depression and the trap of feeling sorry for yourself. An injury can be life changing, but at least you have your life as well as family. Remembering things could have been much worse is a way to stay grateful for what you have currently.  Always stay positive during the difficult times!


You may also like:  Choosing the Right Medical Mattress.  


The Aloe Vera Plant is the Remedy for Sun Burn

Summer brings lot of fun in the sun and the backyard garden.  Unfortunately, it also brings sunburn if your skin is not protected.  In the summer we spend hours on the beach or at the pool.  Fortunately, Aloe Vera plants hold the perfect remedies for sunburned skin.   Today, we’re sharing parenting tips how to use the Gel from the Aloe Vera plant.


aloe vera plant





The Aloe Vera Plant below was growing on the Chenay Bay Beach in St. Croix, Virgin Island.  It’s the biggest Aloe plant that I’ve ever seen in my travels.  They doted the island in all sizes.




aloe vera plant



The gel inside the plant cools sunburn on contact.  And, it has been found to penetrate the skin 500% better than water.  The steps to applying the Aloe Vera is simple:


  • Applying the gel is easy, just break off a stalk
  • Squeeze the gel directly onto the burn.





I’ve been growing Aloe Vera plants at home for years. I use it for burns when I’m working in the kitchen.  The best thing about Aloe Vera plants is that the stalks will heal and grow back.  So, don’t be afraid of destroying the plant if you break off a piece.

Furthermore, if you’re heading to the beach for a week and take a piece of the plant with you.  I break off a few stalks or a stalk depending on how small or large the plant is.  Simply, wrap them in a wet paper towel.   Make sure the stalks stay moist by placing the stalk in a wet paper towel.  Place the wrapped stalks into a plastic bag and keep them moist during my stay.

An Aloe Vera plant is easy to grow.  So, purchase a small plant and place it in your kitchen window.  Stick them in a sunny spot and water it once a week. They’re very forgiving, there are times when I forget to water mine for weeks at a time. They look great outside in the summer too, just remember to bring it in once winter sets in.

The best way to prevent sunburn is to use plenty of sunblock and to wear a hat while relaxing on the beach or at the pool. Playing in the sun can be fun, but it can also be dangerous if we don’t protect ourselves.  If all else fails, put your Aloe Vera plant to use.



How to Cope with Having A Hysterectomy

surgery tips

For many women, the decision to have a hysterectomy can be a difficult.  It is a serious medical procedure that comes with its own set of problems. Not only is the surgery a risk, it can result in a range of physical and emotional symptoms.  For many, this procedure is not a choice.  Because it is not their choice, it makes the grief and emotions even more difficult.  As a result, how you deal with your feelings will play a role in how you move forward after surgery. There are several things you can do to improve your chances of a smooth recovery:

Recovery Period

Recovery from having a hysterectomy can take up to two months.  Knowing what to expect will reduce the frustration.  However, don’t expect to walk out of the hospital and get back to normal.  This very rarely happens, there is a recovery period.  You are going to experience a variety of symptoms, including fatigue and depression.  Premature menopause may also be triggered. With depression comes the risk of depending on drugs or alcohol to numb the pain. This doesn’t work and can sometimes lead to an addiction  Addictions can lead to the need for adult drug treatment. For this and many other symptoms, there are effective treatments available.

Understand the Procedure

There are many reasons for women having a hysterectomy.  It’s natural to feel nervous and afraid of the outcome. To reduce any anxiety, understand what the procedure entails.  Understand the effects it have on your body, your emotions, and your fertility.  Your doctor and healthcare professionals are the best people to ask questions, and talk about your concerns. The more you understand, the better and more relaxed you’ll feel on the day of surgery.

Have a Support System in Place

Next, don’t wait until you’re on your way home to organize support.  Make sure there is a system in place before the surgery.  Furthermore, you will need physical support as well as emotional support.  So, talk to friends and family about how they can help.  Additionally, having a hysterectomy support group in your area or a therapist who helps with specialist counseling.

Learn How to Relax

This is going to be a very important part of the recovery process. Relaxation techniques have been found to help reduce anxiety and tension.  As a result, research techniques that include progressive muscle relation.  You should also include breathing techniques, guided imagery, and meditation. If you want to know more, your doctor or therapist will be able to provide information.

Finally, you shouldn’t hesitate to talk to your doctor about any fears, misgivings or issues you might be experiencing.  Discussing all your concerns and symptoms with your doctor about having a hysterectomy will help to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery.

Why Parents Should Seek Help for Drug Addiction

Growing up in an environment where parents are addicted to drugs is devastating.  Some of the issues that children face include violence, a lack of emotional connection, and a lack of financial support.  Furthermore, they may even have to take care of their parents.  Parents who are addicted struggle to take care of themselves.  If you have been struggling with addiction, getting help will lead to a path of empowering yourself.  Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on why you should seek help for drug addiction:




drug addiction



You will deliver a healthy child 

The number of kids born with opioid withdrawal syndrome has increased.  Unfortunately, pregnant women are abusing painkillers and hard drugs like heroin.  When you are pregnant and abuse drugs, you are creating a lifelong struggle for an unborn child.  However, it is possible to become clean before giving birth.  Seeking help from a rehabilitation center or other facility is recommended.  Experiencing withdrawals can create serious and life-threatening complications. However, giving birth to a healthy baby is imperative.  It’s an opportunity to break the cycle of drug dependency.

You stop being a threat to your kids 

When parents abuse drugs, it is the kids who end up being the primary casualties.   You become a better parent when you make a commitment to recover from an addiction.  As a result, you can stop being verbally and physically violent toward your kids.  And, possibly even mend the broken trust.

You raise emotionally healthy kids 

Kids who have grown up around parents that abuse drugs end up with a number of emotional issues. There are those who end up withdrawn, shy and antisocial.  On the other end of the spectrum, there are those who end up copying the behavior of their parents.  They end up abusing drugs themselves. A lack of physical and emotional availability means that  someone else becomes responsible for the children.  The lessons are never positive. When you quit drugs, you establish your presence in your kids lives.  Furthermore, you can parent and follow their progress in school.  They start confiding in you about things that you previously couldn’t pay attention to.  The new relationship not only strengthens your bond, but also protects your kids from making serious life mistakes.

Your kids get a better chance to live a healthy adult life

The other benefit that you get from quitting addiction is that you are emotionally available.  You teach them how to form healthy bonds as they grow up.  So, they are able to form a healthy and stable emotional attachment to you.  As a result, they grow up managing healthy relationships.  This includes with peers and even healthy marriages. The ultimate gift which comes from recovery, you will have modeled positive parental behavior.  They will also be great parents to their kids.  Poor parenting is generational.  Sobriety allows it to end.

There are many other benefits from getting sober.  Sobriety has a direct correlation with your kid’s academic performance.   Being successful academically translates to success in life.  It will raise the social and economic status of your family as well.  Additionally, the knowledge gets passed from one generation to the next. If you are struggling with addiction, think about how you can transform your family.  You can change your kids lives by  getting sober and making a commitment to do it.