Fun Winter Activities for Kids

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on fun winter activities for kids.  The Winter season is well on its way.  Winter can leave us feeling a bit uncertain on what to do to occupy our kid’s time.  Unfortunately, family trips to the beach, playing in the park, and talking long walks are gone for now.  However, this doesn’t mean you should stop spending quality time together. It simply means you need to get a little more creative.

Doing fun activities at home can be a great idea.  Especially, if you feeling a little down because of the pandemic restrictions, a recent bereavement or experiencing the winter blues. Furthermore, if you find your children’s behavior is being affected by these factors and you aren’t sure how to help them, check out Youth Villages.

winter activities for kids



Five winter activities for kids to do at home:  


  • Create a home fort

There is something about creating a home fort that is always great fun. You can make this in your living room out of furniture and blankets held together with pegs. This is a great chance to get creative and have fun together as a family. It is also a gift that keeps on giving.  Once you have spent the time making your fort, your kids can enjoy playing in it! 


  • Have a movie night 

A movie night is a great winter activity.  Find a movie that everybody wants to watch, get some snacks,  find your favorite comforters, and enjoy the evening snuggled up watching the movie.  Get creative, share buckets of popcorn, snacks that you would find at a movie theatre, and have the kids make tickets to use at the entry to your family or living room door. 


  • Do some art

Art is a brilliant way to bring the whole family together and do something fun. There are so many art activities you can do, from collage and paintings, to pastels and drawing. You could go on a walk and collect different items such as pinecones or leaves to make a winter sculpture.  Or, you can draw what you can see in the garden. Another good idea is to make something such as festive decorations out of salt dough which you can then bake and hang up on your Christmas tree.



winter activities for kids



  • Play board games

The market is packed with different board games from classics like Monopoly and Connect 4 to games that you completely make up yourself.  Get creative and have fun.


These are just some of the top winter activities to enjoy with your family. Why not take it in turns to do something you pick? Or have a competition who can come up with the best game? Whatever you decide to do, take your time to just enjoy each other’s company and have fun!

Fall Bucket List Ideas for Families

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on fall bucket list ideas to do with your kids. Fall is my favorite time of year.  The air is crisp, the foliage is beautiful and it’s the perfect time for a fire to roast hotdogs, make smores, and sip apple cider.  So, it’s a good time to check off a few of your fall bucket list ideas.  I return to my list year after year.  Some items remain, some are removed and at times new ideas added.  I’ll share a few of my ideas with you.




fall bucket list ideas



Fall Bucket List Ideas

Haunted Hay Ride – First, fall would not be complete without a hay ride.  It’s one of my favorite things to do with my grandchildren.  So, a haunted hayride has become epic.  Especially, if you love scary and spooky.  Check your local area to see what’s available.

Corn Maze – Finding your way out of a corn maze can be challenging.  Take the family and get competitive.  Girls versus the boys or mom and boys versus dad and girls.

Hot Dog Roast – Next, have a hot dog roast around the fire pit.  Roasted hotdogs are super delicious, and washing them down with fresh apple cider is the icing on the cake.

Bake Apple Crisp – Apples are plentiful in the fall.  Visit your local farmer’s market and grab a bag of apples.  You can spend the day making delicious dishes with the kids.

Bob for Apples –  So, have you ever filled a tub and bobbed for apples?  This can be a great family activity on a sunny day.  Give out homemade treats after the activity and warm up everyone’s belly with warm apple cider.

Nature Hunt –  Also, print our Nature Hunt printable and send the kids on a journey.  You can take a walk around the neighborhood, hunt in your backyard or take a drive.

Note: I am an Amazon Associate.  If you clip on one of the products or purchase, I may be compensated a small fee.  However, there will be additional cost to you.




Take Fall Photos – Purchase a camera for your kids go in search of fall foliage, pumpkin displays, or take pictures at a local festival.   The possibilities are endless.

Make Smores – Plan a day to make smores around the firepit.  Who doesn’t love smores!

Schedule a Family Portrait –  Schedule a family portrait at a local barn or the park.  Fall provides a beautiful opportunity for a family photo.  Have everyone wear jeans or a cowboy hat for the picture.

Gather  Leaves – Leaves can used for crafts, pressed and used in photo displays and more.  I love gathering leaves in different shapes and colors.  Nature gives us many leaves to choose from.  As a result, think about how you will use them and choose accordingly.



fall bucket list ideas


Attend an Apple Butter Festival –  Additionally, if your kids love apple butter, find an apple butter festival.  You can turn it into a learning experience for the kids.  They can watch the apple butter being made.  Most have plenty of crafts and great food too.

Build a Firepit – Last, if you don’t have a firepit, build one.  Lowes has everything you need to finish your product.


I hope that you found one or two of my ideas interesting, and you will add them to your fall bucket list ideas.






How to Create a Scrapbook

In a world of digital memories it’s nice to create physical memories too.  Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on how to create a scrapbook. One of the most enjoyable things to create for the family is a physical scrapbook.  And what makes it extra fun – is that you get to plan your scrapbook.  It can be a family vacation, wedding, birth, birthday party, Christmas, gift for a grandparent, you name it.  Years from now, the scrapbook will be something you and your children can flip through and talk about for years to come.



scrapbook ideas

Here are some ideas to get you started on your scrapbooking journey:


There is a lot to be said for those moments that are captured without poses. The natural moments that are quiet and gorgeous. But, posed photos are something that can be recreated year after year. You could book the same photographer with a few years between each sitting and add them into the scrapbook to see how much you have changed.  Many people get newborn photoshoots of their children.  There is something a little bit magical about them when you get a photographer like Michael Kormos to do to them. Within a few years, your once small baby will be a toddler, and you can book another shoot and compare their features as they have grown.


The great thing about scrapbooks is that it isn’t just photos that you can put in there. Of course, you should add in as many photos as you like. But you can add in mementos like ticket stubs or postcards from the places that you have visited.    Additionally, add in what they found most enjoyable. It is also a great idea to save menus, chopsticks, peppermints, matches or napkins.   Check out vacation scrapbook printouts  for inspiration and to help you add some cool touches.


If you are the type of family that is partial to a Christmas jumper and some elf suits or really love easter – then you can create special pages to share what you did on those days.  For Christmas, you can add wrapping paper, stamps, glitter, and even add wrapping paper tags. Capturing the spirit of your family holidays and celebration isn’t too difficult once you get into it. Buttons and bells are also a great addition to the pages.


scrapbook ideas



About Page

A fun idea is when you first buy the photo album that you will be using, have each person create and decorate an about page for themselves. They can paste in their favorite poems, photos of themselves and write the date.  For these pages, give a two-page spread.  This will allow enough room for people to add photos or trinkets in later years too.  It is super important for the parents or care giver to have a page too. It will mean that the children will always have something to look back on.  Add a photo of yourself as a child and an adult, so you can see how much you’ve changed too.


If you want to keep the tradition going each year, dividing the scrapbook up into months is going to be a great idea. Get each family member to design the month at the top or across the middle.  Get creative.  And, use the space to add in exciting things that happened over the course of that month. Some months might have more going on that other so if you have a lot of birthdays in August or you take your family vacation in June, then give some extra room for all the good stuff.

Bad Things

While it might be tempting to only include the great things, view the scrapbook a bit like a book of your lives together. There are going to be sad moments. Losing people, pets, and other things do have an impact. And you can dedicate pages to celebrating people you loved or writing about things that haven’t been great. Life has both sweet and sour moments – document them all for a true overview of life.


One of the most wonderful things about scrapbooking is that you learn more and can be more creative as you go. You will know where to get the best printables, which stores have the small touches at a great price, and how thick you really need it to be. Once your scrapbook is made, you will no longer wonder about how to create a scrapbook.  You will just move on to your next one.

You may also like my digital Beach Vacation Scrapbook Pages.


Creating Family Scrapbooks and Making Memories

Today, I’m sharing parenting advice on creating family scrapbooksBesides blogging, attending yard sales, antiquing, and gardening I love to scrapbook.  I have a fortune invested in pictures, so I decided to create memories by creating family scrapbooks.  Scrapbooks capture great memories, and they’re fun to put together.
family scrapbooks

Here are a few reasons for creating family scrapbooks:

  • There will be a physical memory family can look at without the need of electronics.
  • Scrapbooks tell a story.
  • Photography will also become a passion.
  • Kids love to look at themselves.
  • It’s a great way to relax.
  • Great hobby during cold, winter months.
  • Great activity to do with family and friends.
  • Can provide companionship by joining scrapbook clubs.
  • Scrapbooking is an opportunity to be creative.
  • Reduces your stress level.

These are scrapbook pages below were created from a Thunderbirds Air Force show.   My grandson was about 3 in these pictures.  We love pulling out this scrapbook to discuss and enjoy the pictures.  The gentleman holding him is his grandfather, who was serving in the Air National Guard.  It was family day, so the based was filled with service men and woman and their families.  There were planes to explore, pilots to talk to and the air show was magnificent. Searching for the perfect paper, stickers and other embellishments for the scrapbook is a blast.  It was a great day to remember, and I’m so happy that I preserved memories of our time in this scrapbook.
halloween scrapbook ideas



Furthermore, creating family scrapbooks Disney, visits to the pumpkin patch, my grandson’s football games, my granddaughter’s ballet recitals, vacations and more.  The possibilities are endless.  Personally, I believe that we should capture as many memories as possible in pictures.  Unfortunately, one day the pictures will be all that we have left of those memories with family and friends.

You can join scrapbook sites to get inspiration for layouts and techniques.  You may also like these digital scrapbook pages for Father’s Day.




How to Choose the Perfect Baby Name

How to Choose the Perfect Baby Name is a question many parents have.  We have parenting tips on how to choose the perfect baby name.  Not only do you need to find a name that you both like, but you also need to consider suggestions from over-eager family and friends.

One of the main concerns for parents now is that they may unintentionally choose a bad name not realizing that a particular name has connotations and could even threaten job opportunities later on. With so much to consider – how can you possibly choose the right name?


how to choose the perfect baby name



Consider Family Names

When you are choosing a name, one of the best places to look for family approval is your own family names. There is a long-standing tradition for naming children after parents and grandparents though you wouldn’t have to stick to the strict rules for which child gets named after which person!


Naming a baby after a family member is a huge mark of respect and something you might consider. Even if you want to choose another first name, picking a middle names from within your family is a nice way to show someone how much you care about them. And, if you are worried about choosing a ‘bad’ first name, a more regular middle name could be used later on. Of course, the same is true the other way around.  You could just pick a regular first name and then go a little wilder with the middle name.


baby names

Factor Nicknames into Your Decision

Finding a name is hard enough without having to worry about the kind of nicknames it might bring up. For example, you might love the name ‘Minerva’ but hate the inevitable nickname ‘Minnie’.  Nicknames tend to follow a similar pattern so you should consider all the different options that may present themselves.

A nickname might also be part of the reason for choosing a name. You might love ‘Minnie’ but worry that it won’t look great on a CV where Minerva might look better. Of course, the reality is that by the time your baby is looking for a job, things might have changed considerably. It’s entirely possible to overthink the name you choose and in the end, you have to pick something that you love.

A Name is For Life!

Something that some parents seem to forget is that a name is for life.  In some cases, it’s until the child reaches the legal age to be able to change their name.  While celebrities seem entirely fine with giving their children cutesy and often bizarre names, this seems to be a Hollywood thing that is best left alone.

While you are looking down at a little baby, do consider what that baby may grow up to be. Nominative determinism may not be a sure fire way towards success but equally, your baby is going to be an adult for a lot longer than they are an adorable bundle of love.

Finding the right name is a case of trial and error. As you research throughout your pregnancy, you will likely go through phases but in the end, when you look at your baby in your arms for the first time, you will know what the right answer is.


Tips for When a Family Crisis Strikes

A family crisis is by far one of the most stressful situations that you can find yourself in. Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on resolving a family crisis.  As you know, one minute everything is fine and the next minute something smacks you in your face.

Unfortunately, your entire life can be turned around.  Even the smallest issues can send your mind racing.  Especially, when it involves your family.


family crisis


A crisis can either be something completely expected, or something totally unexpected.  If the crisis is expected you can plan or at least think about the situation.  But, an unexpected crisis can make dealing with things ten times harder. So, these tips will help you coup when a family crisis strikes.  Furthermore, you’re going to need all of the support and knowledge you can get.  Even though some of the situations we mention may not happen to you, the may affect another family.  As a result, our tips for when a family crisis strikes are for many.


family crisis



Check out our tips on resolving a family crisis:


Thinking Logically

First, if there’s one thing that we’re all really bad at handling is being in a panic.  We can feel like the whole world is crashing down, and our rational thinking just flies out of the window.  Panic really can lead you to make silly mistakes.  So, you must think about the problem at hand, and how you can deal with it. Once you eliminate the initial shock, your logical thinking should come into play.  It should become much easier to deal with the issue once you begin to think logically.

If you’re the type of person who gets overwhelmed by stress, rely on the family to help come up with the best solution possible.  Bottling up all of your feelings and trying to deal with it yourself is not wise.  If you feel like you can’t lean on your family during the crisis, consider your close friends to help you.

Furthermore, if you feel like you’re having a hard time mentally, it might be worth visiting your doctor for some form of counselling.  Sometimes talking to someone that you don’t know is better than talking to people who you do know!


The Biggest Crisis

So, if we’re going to go on about a crisis, we might as well give you a scenario that you might face once in your life, and you really should be prepared to deal for. Many people feel like the biggest crisis that they could endure is when a family member or yourself becomes ill or injured.  When a serious incident or illness occurs, it can cause the whole family to panic.   For example, a car accident.  A serious or long term injury from a car accident can quickly become a family crisis.

You will need a considerate car accident attorney who outworks their opponents.  Especially, if the accident is the other driver’s fault.  You will need to pay for doctor, hospital, rehabilitation, and possibly long term care.  The money you could get from it could sustain your life and household expenses while you’re re-cooperating.  Obtain relevant professionals who have your best interest at heart while you are going through the crisis.


Uniting As A Team

As a final note, you really need to make sure your family is united as a team through the crisis.  It should help to bring you closer, and to appreciate what you have as a family. When a family crisis strikes, you can’t appreciate your family enough. So, pull each other through, and come out the other side stronger than ever!

We hope you don’t have to go through a family crisis, but if you do we hope it is over in a flash.  Being prepared is much better than facing a family crisis in the dark.  We hope our tips will in resolving a family crisis.


Helping Your Child Grow Confidence Through Competence

If there’s one thing you can state with absolute certainty about the life of a parent, it’s that they have many different roles.  When raising a child, there are a certain amount of notes you need to hit correctly.  Most of these will come through instinct.  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on helping your child build confidence.   Be a caring parent, encouraging and supportive will have an enormous impact by itself.  However, there are other responsibilities including teaching children how to brush their teeth.  Or, being firm with their bedtimes to encourage a healthy sleeping pattern.




parenting tips



Every child is different, but many children have universal needs. One of these will be the need to have their confidence slowly grow over time. A child without confidence can become extremely fearful of trying to express themselves.  This can lead to negative self-belief.   Unfortunately, some parents do little to address this. Helping your children grow confidence should be considered one of the most important gifts you can bestow on them.  However, simply telling your child they can do no wrong is the quickest way to raising a wanting person.  Instead, show them they can be competent while being humble.

With these tips you will be helping your child grow confidence:


Martial Arts

One way to help your child grow confidence is martial arts.   Martial arts can often help a child grow and feel more comfortable in their bodies. The emphasis here isn’t to help them turn into a Bruce Lee.  Additionally, it is not to fight off other children in the schoolyard with flips and cat screeches. Instead, it’s to build a sense of character, to learn safety in exercise, and yes, how to defend themselves if need be. However, most practitioners and trainers will not teach your child the ins and outs of causing harm.  Rather, they will teach them how to respect others.

Furthermore, they will learn how to avoid any form of conflict in the best manner possible while keeping their respect. For example, most martial arts sensei’s will ask a hypothetical question.  For example, how you should defend yourself if your wallet is asked for by a violent thug.  They may suggest giving them the wallet peacefully.  After all, this is the most rational and reasonable method of walking away from something without being harmed.  Besides, you can always find another wallet.

While this particular lesson might not apply completely to your child right now, it demonstrates what goes into martial arts tuition.  Not only is it a social environment, but it can also helps them feel confident.  It teaches them correct technique.  Additionally, it helps them to proceed up the colored belt hierarchy.  They will learn how to bow and show respect to authority.  Furthermore, they will learn to be grateful and how to best orchestrate themselves.  Martial arts can help even the most withdrawn child come out of their shell.  So, we recommend Karate, Jiu Jitsu, or even the child-friendly forms of Kung-Fu.


Care & Consideration

Giving your child the space to care about something can help them learn self-reliance and care outside of the school environment.  Helping your child grow confidence with a pet is perhaps one of the best methods.  Hamsters, Gerbils and bunnies make great pets.  Something low-key with low maintenance is recommended rather than a puppy that must be trained. However, if you have the time to devote a puppy is a great idea.

If pets are out of the question, working on an art project together is recommended.  It could be model construction or painting a mural.  Creating is a great way to become self-reliant, becoming expressive and helping children feel proud of themselves.



confidence in children




Sports can be an extremely wonderful method of helping a child grow.  While martial arts and artistic projects can help them learn how to be confident, they don’t offer much in the form of team work.  Don’t force your child into anything, but try to see where their natural inclination goes.  Perhaps purchasing backyard batting cages could help them learn how to hit the ball with precision and confidence.

You might decide to help them enroll in an after-school activity.  Or, teach them how to play pool on the table in the garage. It doesn’t matter what the sport is or how much energy they exert.  What’s important is that they enjoy it.  The goal is to teach them how to feel good at something.  And, how you help them feel involved with it. Sports can sometimes be disparaged as forcing sensitive children into physical activity.  But sometimes it can help a sensitive child to get past their fears and become self-assured. Of course, every child is different.  But sometimes, a little risk can go a long way.

Implement these tips, and you will certainly be on your way to helping your child grow confidence through competence.


15 Ways to Say I Love You on Valentine’s Day


Valentine's Day Ideas


Don’t wait until the last minute to start thinking about Valentine’s Day ideas.  As a result, we have created a list of ideas that will help you create a fun and romantic day.  So, implement one or two of our ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day below:

Movie Night – Binge watch your favorite romantic movies with the girls.

Cook a Romantic Dinner  – Whip up your husband or significant other’s favorite dishes.

Host a Valentines Day Party – Throw a party with family and friends and shower them with love.

Bake Cupcakes with the Kids – Bake cupcakes and decorate them hearts with the kids.

Host a Classroom Party – Make treats for you kid’s classroom.

Make Hearts for Nursing Home Residents – Additionally, make hearts with a sweet message for your local nursing home residents.

Make Heart Shaped Bath Bombs – Make heart shaped bath bombs for your girlfriends and female family members.

Write a Love Letter  – Write a love letter to your husband or significant other.

Fix Heart Shaped Pancakes – Next, fix breakfast for the family and show your love with heart shaped pancakes.

Leave Sweet Notes – Leave notes for your husband and children telling them why you love and appreciate them.

Package Hershey’s Kisses – Give your sweeties a gift of chocolate kisses.  Your chocolate lovers will thank you.

Make Crafts – Furthermore, you can spend a day making Valentine’s crafts with the kids.

Play Your Favorite Love Songs – Make up a play list of your favorite love songs and play them with the girls or by yourself with a glass of wine.

Create a Jar of Romance Wishes – Last, write notes to your husband that will heat up the relationship.  Let him pick one from the jar for a week or two or until he runs out of notes.  The notes can include a massage, bubble bath or shower for two, candle light dinner for 2 etc.

So, which is your favorite Valentine’s Day ideas?  I love the nursing home hearts and heart shaped pancakes.  Make these projects on those cold, winter days and make someone’s day.









5 Reasons to Design a Family Cookbook

First, I lost one of my favorites aunts, my mother’s sister, a few years ago.  As a result, I wanted to do a tribute in her honor.  So, I put together a cook book filled with recipes from family, friends, and co-workers.  I’m so happy with how it turned out.  As a result, I wanted to share a few tips on designing family cookbooks




designing cookbooks



This particular cover called to me, so I choose it for the book. It reminded me of the little church that my family built years ago.  I had the front and back cover laminated to preserve it from any spills, so the photo is a little shiny.  Sorry about that.



designing cookbooks



Next, I added a section of my favorite family quotes to the family cookbook.  In addition, there are four sections which included Appetizers, Beverages & Dips, Main Dishes and Sides, and Desserts.  I gathered approximately 200 recipes from family, friends, and co-workers to include.  It also includes a few of my aunt’s recipes, so the book is even more special to me.

In 2019, Mother 2 Mother will be sharing a few recipes from this book.  I grew up on many of them, and I really enjoy making them now.  They bring back so many memories.



The company that I worked with, G & R Publishing, was great. They added a section filled with craft ideas for kids. I will also be sharing some of the crafts from the family cookbook in future posts as well.  G & R provided a template, which made inputting the recipe a breeze.  They also did the formatting of the book.

cookbook ideas


Next, my family’s church is pictured on the back of the book.  It was built around 1848 by my great, great, great, grandfather, who was a freed slave.  It also includes one of my favorite bible versus.  Additionally, this church was used as a school and for community meetings.  I am proud to say, that it still stands.  My grandparents and other ancestors are buried in the cemetery on the grounds of the church.

If you ever want to do a tribute to a family member or friend, consider putting together a family cookbook.  Here’s 5 reasons to design one:

  • Celebrate life with good food, family, and friends.
  • Family cookbooks are a great gift idea, perfect for a giveaway, fundraiser or goodie bag. 
  • Family recipes bring a bite of nostalgia to the kitchen. 
  • It’s a great way to preserve family recipes. 
  • Store family love in your heart with good food from your ancestors.  

Last, I put my foot into it as the saying goes when I’m cooking.  But, I also put my heart into my dishes. This is a perfect way to remember those who are no longer with us, they will always be in our hearts.  Finally, it’s also a great way to bring family to the table, and get a good conversation going about your childhood.  I hope you found our tips on designing family cookbooks helpful.


3 Steps to Caring for Aging Parents

There comes a time in the lives of most adults where the roles in the family is reversed.  Our parents looked after us, it’s our to care for them as they age.  It can take time to adjust to the new roles.  Aging parents have difficulty relinquishing control and allowing their children to look after them.  So, it can be tricky to navigate the delicate balance between child and parent.  Luckily, our parenting tips on caring for aging parents will help on your quest for better health and quality of life:



caring for aging parents


  1. Discuss Their Needs Openly

First, you need first to understand what they need.  Having an understanding of their needs will help you devise a plan.  While you might believe you know this information, having their input is imperative. After all, they know what they want and why they want it. You may feel you need to accompany your parents on every outing.  However, they might crave their independence and doing things for themselves.  As a result, it’s important that everyone in the family discuss how they feel openly.  Take the time to talk to your parents as a family unit and decide together the best course of action.

  1. Assess Living Conditions

If your aging parents still live in their home, you may worry about the likelihood of them falling or injuring themselves.  Furthermore, you may worry about them feeding themselves as they grow increasingly frail.  It’s quite likely your parents wish to remain in their homes as long as possible.  So, it’s up to you to assess their home and make adjustments as needed. Does your parent need help managing daily medication?  One way to assist is to arrange their medication into boxes which are clearly labeled for each day.

Additionally, are your parents struggling to go upstairs? You could consider a stairlift to ensure they are safe with when they go up and down stairs.  Simply put, making these changes will help keep them safe and living in their own space longer.

  1. Seek Additional Help

There are times we have to accept that we cannot do it alone.  Caring for aging parents can be difficult.  Especially, when we have a full time job, caring for our children, and ensuring we care for ourselves.  It can lead to feeling overwhelmed and under pressure. However, there’s no shame in seeking additional help.  For example, seek help from those who are specially trained to care for the needs of older adults.  With the permission of your parents, why not consider someone who will visit daily to help them wash, cook, and take their medication.

However, your parents might require extra help.  If your parents need home health care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week there are people who can assist.  Choosing a home health care provider is something you need to do as a family.

After all, your parents are the ones who will be living there.  So, their happiness is paramount. Unfortunately, there are rising cases of elder abuse.  Weight loss, depression, and withdrawal could be signs of abuse.  Luckily, there are specialist elder abuse lawyers such as Garcia Law, who you can turn to for help in these situations.

Caring for aging parents can be a full-time job.  But, you can request additional help to ensure a better quality of life for both you and your parents.  It is recommended, that speak to your parents before making any decisions on their behalf.  Always take their wishes into account.