Women’s Health Problems: Taking Back Your Health


women's health care

“Take care of your body” is the leading mantra of the 21st century. It sounds like the most sensible and integral part of every lifestyle. However, it can come as an enormous surprise.  As a matter of fact, this frame of mind virtually didn’t exist among global communities years ago. It was mostly related to extreme lifestyle enthusiasts, people with money and superstars.

Fortunately, taking care of one’s health has become quite common.  We have so much access to detailed information related to medicine and biology today. The old saying goes – “prevention is better than cure.” So, it’s important to discuss some of the basic preventive health checkups every woman should do in order to reclaim their health. 

 Gynecological checkup

 A gynecological checkup should be done once every six months, although once a year is also acceptable. Consult your doctor to determine the appropriate schedule for you.  Additionally, this checkup should be an indispensable part of every modern woman’s schedule.  When compared to other checkups, it is the one that is most consistently done.


A Pap Smear is still one of the most reliable procedures to detect cervical cancer.  After the age of 20 and up until the age of 65, most women should do this test every three years.  Based on your medical history, after the age of 65 testing may be discontinued.  Consult your doctor with any questions or concerns. 

Breast checkup

Doing a self-exam of your breasts is one of the key checkups in the life of every woman. Every woman should have a clinical breast exam every three years up until the age of 40.  Examinations should be done yearly after the age of 40. 

By combining extensive knowledge with detailed examination and thorough questioning, your health care provider can determine the health of your breasts pretty confidently.  After the age of 50, every woman needs to start doing mammography tests, if not sooner. This test has been steeped in controversy because it uses ionizing radiation to detect malignant changes.  The health community agrees that benefits outweigh the risks by a significant margin.

In these hectic times when most people are exposed to a lot of stress and a breakneck lifestyles, many institutions and celebrities like Kylie Minogue and Angelina Jolie, are trying to raise awareness of these issues.

Hormone balance checkup

 Fatigue, mood swings, irritability, hot flashes, night sweats, and poor sleep are signs of a hormone imbalance.  Additionally, noticeable skin changes can also be a sign. These are especially known to hit women who are entering menopause.

Saliva testing and blood testing are regular methods to test for imbalances. Most importantly, it influences your metabolism and cardiovascular system.  In particular, the rate and strength of the heartbeat.

Heart checkup

Statistically speaking, men are more prone to heart problems.  However, heart disease is a big issue for women as well.  When we talk about heart problems, the first thing that comes to mind is a healthy diet.  Nonetheless, some people have heart problems unrelated to diet and weight, and some of the problems are hereditary.

This is why checkups for heart disease are important. Blood pressure and weight measurement are the most noninvasive checkups. Blood tests take a prick in the thumb or the arm, but they are generally fast, and extremely important for monitoring your cholesterol levels and triglycerides. 

Eye checkup

 women's health care


Of all the senses, the eyesight is the last one anyone would give up.  So, have your eye examined at least once a year. Due to the lifestyle that includes a lot of eye strain, the eyesight problems are becoming more and more frequent. This is why Australia is one of the leading countries trying to raise awareness about the importance of regular eyesight checkups with its versatile eye health campaigns. For instance, you can do a complete specialized eye test in Parramatta and spend a little time on a non-invasive test that can mean a lot.

Scientific research has shown that, just like with the heart, a healthy diet and taking care of your weight can have a lasting positive impact on your eyesight.

Your body is your temple. Taking care of yourself has not only become a necessity, but a rite of passage to adulthood. 


Author BIO:  Sophia Smith is Australian based beauty, fashion and lifestyle blogger. She is also very passionate about DIY projects, latest fashion trends and organic beauty products. Sophia writes mostly in beauty and fashion related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. She is regular contributor at High Style Life.

Find her on: Facebook  Twitter  Google +


Sleep Tips: Falling and Staying Asleep In the Midst of Commotion


sleeping tips


Traditionally, noise does not accompany a great night of rest. However, whether it’s a noisy roommate, undesirable conditions, or too much light, obstructions exist. Therefore, you need to get accustomed to sleeping when conditions are sub par. Here’s a few sleep tips on how to fall asleep and stay asleep when noise and other undesirable conditions won’t stop or go away.

 Create More Noise

 It seems counterproductive, yet if you create your own white noise to drown out other sounds, you could lull yourself to sleep. Try placing a humidifier/dehumidifier somewhere adjacent to your bed. The rumbling would initially seem like a disturbance, yet it’s constant and does well in eclipsing other sounds in the immediate area.

 Use Earplugs

Some people don’t like sticking things in their ears.  They believe that it impedes their ability to hear intruders entering the home, the phone ringing, etc. However, a tried and true way to cancel out other noise is to block your ability to hear it.  If the solution sounds attractive, you’ll be happy to hear that a wide range of selections exists. Actually, some report that earplugs work too well.  They make it difficult to wake to alarms and hear other things.  Additionally, find apps at this link that help with waking on time.

 Muffle the Sound

 Use fabric and other materials to deafen sounds outside of your room. Wrap your door in heavy fabric that will muffle the sound.  Moreover, you could put soundproof fabric on your walls. The heavier the material, the better it will block sound. If you don’t like the thought of fabric, try shopping for heavier wallpaper or tapestries.

 Spray Scented Oils

Scents help drift people to sleep by first making them at peace and relaxed. For example, lavender oil is known to help people relax and is sometimes used in therapy and sleep studies. Many products on the market incorporate oils, chamomile, passionflower teas, etc.

 Exercise and Stretch to Exhaustion

Getting too tired to be bothered by noise is another way to get to sleep. Some enjoy reserving time in the evenings to stretch, lift weights, do a cardiovascular activity, etc. However, such a solution could backfire since working out can also make one feel energized afterward. It may be best to find a sweet spot, such as going to the gym or working out three to two hours before bedtime.

 Go to the Source

Another sleep tips is to try going straight to the source.  For example, if it’s a noisy radiator, maybe you need to call maintenance for help. If it’s a noisy roommate, it may be much more effective to have a conversation and ask them to be quiet. Maybe it’s not that noisy; perhaps you have a mild sleeping condition that can be addressed through medical attention.

 Make it Darker

In some cases, you may think that it’s noise that’s keeping you awake while it’s really too much light. Some people are very sensitive to light.  And if you are trying to sleep during the day or in a room that lets in too much interior light, it could be incredibly difficult to get to sleep. Try draping sheets over the windows while you’re sleeping, putting a towel underneath your door to block light from leaking in, etc.  Also, light blocking drapes are known to work. 

We hope that you have found our sleep tips beneficial, and you will implement a few suggestions in your life.





Why Putting Color In Your Diet Is A Good Thing

healthy living


First, did you know that fruit and vegetables that are brightly colored are packed with nutrients.  This includes green, orange, red, yellow, purple and blue products.  Brightly colored fruits and vegetables contain the most phytochemicals.  Phytochemicals, also called phytonutrients, are natural compounds that that are found in plants. Most importantly, phytochemicals also have antiviral, antibacterial and antioxidant benefits.  Putting color in your diet is a good thing.

Consuming nutritious fruits and vegetables, passes benefits on to us. This includes watermelon, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, and the list goes on.  Furthermore, phytochemicals protect us against various ailments.  In addition, they help us to maintain good health. These nutrients regulate detoxification of enzymes and hormone metabolism.  Also, they stimulate the immune system.

Additionally, we should consume at least 5 servings of these fruits and vegetable every day. They can help to slow down the aging process.  And they help to reduce the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.  Other risks they help reduce are cataracts, osteoporosis, urinary tract infections, and cancer.  In addition, making fruits and vegetables a part of your everyday meals, supplies nutrients essential to good health.  Fruits and vegetables reduce our calorie and fat intake.

Getting your daily recommended amount of fruits and veggies every day can be difficult. Fortunately, there are some strategies you can adopt to help achieve your goal.  Keep a range of brightly colored fruits and vegetables in your refrigerator.  Prepare them in advance to use in various dishes and stir fries.  You can also snack on vegetables such as carrots and celery with a healthy dip like hummus.

Drink pure fruit juices instead of flavored drinks and sodas.  Also eat fruits for dessert. When making a sandwich, go easy on the meat and include some veggies like lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers. You can also enjoy fresh fruit and vegetable smoothies for breakfast instead of filling yourself up with carbs.

For more information on the amazing benefits of eating a spectrum of colored fruits and vegetables, take a look at the infographic below.

Colours of Healthy Eating


Final Thoughts

We hope that our article on putting color in your diet was inspirational.   Eating a variety of different colored produce every day is an excellent way to take care of your physical and mental health.  So, include a few of our recommendations with each meal or snack.  We suggest that you consume some fruits and vegetables from each color group.  Last, you will soon be on the path to better health and start to see visible results.



Olivia writes on health and food at Everynutrient.com!  You can find her article on the yoli diet and other articles on health and fitness for people from all walks of life. Every Nutrient focuses on effective changes that you can make to live a healthy and fulfilled life!


6 Great Style and Beauty Tips for Busy Moms

beauty tips, skin care tips

Whether you’ve recently welcomed motherhood or are a parenting veteran, you know that time is a luxury. You can barely find the time to sleep, let alone put on makeup and look polished. Before you know it, your kids  and other responsibilities demand all your attention and you have no time for yourself. You’ve probably forgotten what it feels like to get a manicure or have a day at the spa.

But you don’t need to give up on looking good yet. Give yourself just 15 minutes every day and follow the tips mentioned below to look and feel great.

(Take a few minutes everyday to take care of yourself)

  1. Prioritize healthy skin

Taking care of your skin should be foremost on your list of priorities. No amount of makeup can cover up an unhealthy complexion. So find a skincare regime that works for you and follow this every day. Cleanse gently, tone and moisturize with a hydrating moisturizer. Always use a good sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

Additionally, remember that what you eat has an impact on the health of your skin. So consume a diet full of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Vitamins are the building blocks of skin and hair, and a deficiency of these can cause many skin problems and infections. For more information on vitamin rich foods and their benefits, take a look at this infographic:

14 Potent Vitamins for Younger and Healthier Skin

This Infographic – 14 Potent Vitamins for Younger and Healthier Skin – Was Created By Fixyourskin.com

Also remember to drink plenty of water and get enough sleep. Motherhood may keep you up on most nights, so try to fit in naps throughout the day.

  1. Invest in Basics and staples

As a mom, you probably spend a lot of time in jeans, joggers and t-shirts. These are comfortable and perfect for running after kids or even doing the laundry. But you can stay comfortable and stylish at the same time. Invest in a great pair of jeans that flatter your shape or a classic shirt instead of spending money on cheaper clothes. These will get worn out in no time, and you’ll be back where you started. Investing in staples will save you time and money in the long run.

  1. Get a Straightening or Curling Treatment for your hair

With a hectic day ahead, you won’t have the time to put together an elaborate hairdo. You probably barely have the time to run a comb through your hair. A simple solution to this is to have a permanent hair treatment done. Getting your hair straightened or curled, will give you gorgeous hair every day with no effort.

  1. Pick the Right Accessories

The right accessories can make or break an outfit. A great bag or some stunning shoes will transform your look completely. Like clothing, the same rule applies when it comes to accessories. Always invest in quality, classic pieces, rather than blindly following trends. Take care of your accessories and store them in dust proof bags to ensure that they last you many years. Great accessories can elevate any basic outfit and take it up several notches.

  1. Look after your nails and toes

Your days of hitting the salon regularly may be far behind you.  You want your hands and feet to look gorgeous in sandals or flip flops during the summer months.  You can still have soft hands, feet and polished nails. All you need are a few basic items such as a nail file, buffing brush, and moisturizer.  A little care every day and can give your nails that salon look at home.

  1. Take the natural route

Your path to beautiful skin and hair can begin right in your kitchen. You’d be surprised at the common ingredients that can be incorporated into your skin care routine.  However, you don’t have to spend valuable time mixing skincare concoctions in the kitchen to fix your skin.  Easily available ingredients such as olive oil can do wonders for your complexion. It acts as an excellent moisturizer and soothes dry skin and lips.  Additionally, rubbing lemon juice on your elbows and knees can lighten pigmentation. Don’t need to head to the store the next time you run out of moisturizer, head toward your kitchen. Just use the natural ingredients in your kitchen.


Most importantly, being a mom isn’t easy. It requires patience, stamina and an endless amount of energy. You may feel overwhelmed at times, and wonder if you will get any time to yourself ever again. Just remember that it will all be worth it and make sure to set aside a few minutes every day for yourself.  Most Taking care of yourself will help you feel more centered, relaxed and ready to take on the day. Try some of the tips mentioned, to feel your best even on the busiest days.  What’s in your skin care routine?  Do you take time to get a manicure or pedicure?  Tell us about your style or beauty routine.

Author Bio:  Hello, Amelia, here from FixYourSkin.com!  FixYourSkin has a lot of tips, health advice and DIY recipes which can give you great looking skin without any side effects!


15 Morning Habits to Make Coming Home Even Better

If you’re a working mom, your home can become a pretty complex place. Home is where you make memories with your family, and where you keep them safe.  It’s also where you relax and build your life with your husband or significant other. We all know that busy schedules can disrupt domestic harmony.  So, today we’re sharing tips on chores that you can perform in the morning.  Getting organized can put you on the path to empowering yourself and making coming home a pleasure.



house cleaning tips, kids chores



 You may prefer to leave cleaning and other jobs for the weekend. However, there are a few simple steps you can take on a daily basis to tweak your home.  For example, opening the curtains in the living room will fill the room with light and air.  Plumping up sofa cushions will make the room far more enticing.   Also, add flowers and/or a fragrance diffuser in the entry way.  Beauty and a fresh scent when you enter your home.  It’s a great way to unwind and have a positive attitude when you’re greeted by the children and your husband.
Another step is to make your kid’s beds in the morning or encourage your child to make their bed if they are old enough.  It will make their rooms feel tidy, and more appealing when bedtime arrives.  Don’t neglect your own bed either.  There’s nothing more comforting than the sight of a made bed and a fresh pair of pajamas.  Get in the habit of fluffing the pillows and decluttering before going to bed, and making beds in the morning.  You will find that it only takes a few minutes to perform these tasks.
If this already feels achievable, be sure to check out this new infographic which explores a handful of other tips for reviving your love affair with your home – without the burden of extra work.

15 Morning Habits to Make Coming Back Home Even Better



Tips on Eliminating Parenting Stress

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on eliminating parenting stress.  At times parenting can be strenuous.  We encounter stress from our job, whining and disobedient children, money problems and so many other factors.  As a result, parenting stress becomes a part of our life.  Parenting stress causes us to lose control of situations and ourselves if we don’t get it under control.  I guarantee many of us are guilty of yelling, screaming, or some other negative reaction at certain points in our lives.



eliminating parenting stress



Unfortunately, I remember yelling at my daughter for various reasons and feeling guilty after the encounter.  I’ve had to eat my words on many occasions. If not with her than other family members and sometimes friends.  During the encounter, I didn’t think about the consequences of my actions or the affect that it would have on the other person. It was the only way I knew how to respond at certain times.

Unfortunately, yelling, screaming and cursing were normal in my home when I was growing up.  I carried that mentality and behavior into my marriage and used that technique to interact with my daughter in her teen years. Thank goodness, I learned quickly that it was unproductive and damaging.


Eliminating Parenting Stress:


Nobody wants to be yelled at, and nothing is really accomplished with that type of interaction.  Here are a few negative affects:

  1.  Fear
  2. Low Self Esteem
  3. Intimidation
  4. Anger  




parent stress


I didn’t like eating my words after I yelled at my daughter or after I raised my voice for whatever reason.  There were times that I apologized and there were times that I didn’t. I would just live with the guilt and move forward.  It left me feeling bad about myself and ashamed of the fact that I reacted in such an unhealthy way. I vowed to change that behavior in myself, and eliminate the need for me to eat my words.

Most importantly, I didn’t want my daughter to think yelling and screaming were normal either.  I also didn’t want her to be afraid of me in any way.  Her growing up with low self-esteem was a major concern.  Furthermore, I didn’t want her to grow up being an angry, bitter young lady who looked for love in all the wrong places. Feeling unloved at home will lead you in that direction.  I knew a change had to occur and it had to start with me.

The first step was to get to the bottom of why I was yelling. Until I accomplished that feat, I learned to walk away and than come back and address the situation in a much calmer manner. That change alone left me with my dignity and it left those who were normally on the receiving end of my yelling with their dignity too. I liked the feeling of walking away much better than yelling, it soon became a habit.

So, as parents we are responsible for our children’s emotional well being. I found that I was a more effective parent when I was not yelling too.  Not yelling opens the door to better communication.  It allowed us to establish a healthy relationship where we demonstrated mutual respect for each other.  I reached a point where I refused to argue or raise my voice with anyone. Walking away became a way of life for me and it has saved me from a ton of stress and broken relationships.

Last, if you are constantly yelling and screaming, just stop it.  If you can’t change it on your own, get professional help.  There’s no shame in getting help.  Especially, if you are damaging your child. Furthermore, you could possibly cause them to become violent or act out in some manner.  Children have limited coping mechanisms in their teen years.  So, it’s up to parents to lead and guide them on the appropriate way to communicate. Reach for it, you and your children will be thankful.

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6 Tips To Deal With Stress and Anger

How do you deal with your stress and anger?  Do you keep your monster hidden?  Women have been groomed to be lady like.  We’ve been taught to hold things in and take care of our family and home. Suck it up! Pray about it or just forget it.  We’re the backbone, the care givers, we make it work. Who has time to think about the stress or anger that we’re feeling, right?

Furthermore, if we do take the time to get in touch with what we’re feeling somebody wants sex, a cookie or Peppa the Pig turned on. We go to bed exhausted, thrive on a few hours of sleep and get up the next morning and do it all over again.  It leads to stress and more stress.  And, when we finally explode or end up sick because we haven’t dealt with anything.  W’re looked at as if we’re crazy.  Nobody saw it coming, because it’s our job to hold it down and together.  Today, I’m sharing empowerment tips on how to deal with stress and anger.


how to deal with stress


Also, anger and stress can cause hair loss, weight gain, weight loss, it can lead to depression and a host of other health issues.  Ladies, we must learn how to deal with stress and anger before it starts affecting our health.  So, don’t pretend that you don’t feel angry, stressed or get overwhelmed at times. Parenting and managing a home are huge responsibilities.  It gets the best of us at times and we should feel no shame.

Here are a few tips on how I deal with stress and anger:

Exercise – Walking or hitting the treadmill is a great way to work off stress and anger.  A walk through the neighborhood, park or your apartment complex is good.

Remove yourself from people and situations that are not healthy – You know who and what I’m talking about. Lets face it, some people can be toxic. They complain all day and all night.  There’s no happiness within and there never will be.  Run as fast as you can in the opposite direction.


how to deal with stress


Accept that you can’t help everybody – There are many people in need, unfortunately we can’t help them all.  I’ve learned that the world is full of people who are down on their luck, but there are also people who don’t want to help themselves.  They would rather have others work and take care of them.  Place your focus on you and your family.

Get proper rest – I’ve found that I don’t need as much sleep as I used to.  Imagine that.  I used to need at least 8 hours, but I can function on 6 or 7 now.  I need that extra hour to blog!

Find a hobby – Spend a few hours a week working on it your hobby.  I unplug and turn to scrapbooking, gardening or reading a magazine or book. I also enjoy playing games on-line.

Discuss your feelings –  Share your feelings with the person you’re angry with or discuss it with your husband, significant other or a girlfriend.   Don’t ignore your stress or anger.  Talk about it and leave it on the table.  Sometimes just having someone to listen is all we need.

Finally, what techniques do you use to de-stress or release anger or frustration?  Most importantly, we hope that you will incorporate our tips into your life.