5 Reasons Family Is Important To Children

Family is important to children. We may not like some of our family members. but we can’t change who we are.  Our experiences with family have been different, I’m sure.  Some of us come from single parent homes, alcoholic homes, or two parent homes that were loving or not so loving.  We can choose to ignore, stay away from or disown our family.  However, we can’t get away from who we are.  That is a fact.  Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on the importance of family to our children.
 importance of family


When I was growing up,  family reunions, backyard BBQs, and Sunday gatherings were a given. You never knew how the day would end, but we would all return eventually.  As children we spent time with siblings or cousins.  We played baseball, hop scotch, did cartwheels, or picking walnuts and berries for treats.  We still laugh about the good times that we had together as children.

Here’s 5 reasons why family is important to children:

Teaches Children About Who They Are
– Learning about your heritage is important to understanding who you are. What better way to learn than from great grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.  Listening to stories from relative’s childhood can help teach children about who they are and who family members are.  Forming a bond with family members can last a lifetime, it teaches children that they will always have someone to turn to with family.

Teaches Children About Trust – Spending time with family builds a bond which can lead to trust. We must teach our children who to trust in the family.  Sadly, not all family members should or can be trusted.  We all have drug addicts, alcoholics, thieves, liars and a host of other negative traits.  It may be hard to admit it, but it’s important to guide your children on trust.

Provides Examples For Children – Spending time with family members gives children a first hand example of how other family members live.  Some family members will be doing better than others financially, have bigger and more beautiful homes, and be the most unhappy.  It also gives children an opportunity to see those that are not doing well, but are the happiest.  Seeing things from a different perspective is always good.

Helps Develop Self-Esteem – It’s important that children become comfortable with who they are and accepted. What better place to start building a solid foundation than with family. No matter what, family should love and accept your imperfections, strengths and weaknesses.

Gives Children A Sense of Security – Knowing that you’re loved by family gives children a sense of security.  Understanding the importance of family will help them feel safe and accepted. They can be free to be who they are.  When they not afraid of being who they are, their self-worth soars.

No matter what happens in life, family will remain.  Children should understand the importance of family. So many children yearn for the love of family, security, a sense of who they are and examples of how life can be.  If you have the opportunity to expose your children to extended family gatherings, I encourage you to do so.  Understanding the family tree is essential to learning who you are.  You may also like the Importance of Family.  



  1. Great post – thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! I agree 100% with you on learning who you are by being around family. I never realized how true that is until I married my husband. We have had so many talks about our families and we now understand why we do things the way we do them – because that's how we were raised! I LOVE family history and learning about how important family life is. Loved this post – stopping by from Turn it Up Tuesday! 🙂

  2. This is great, thanks for posting on Turn it up Tuesday!  I grew up always spending time with my family and we are now so close.  I have three siblings, all married, and we like to spend weekends and vacations together.  I want to raise my kids the same way.

    • Hi Meghan.  Thanks for stopping by.  I'm close to my siblings too.  Some are married and some divorced.  We developed the word Dysfunctional, but we love each other.  We started vacationing together several years ago, and have a great time together too.  I'll be over to check out your blog.  Hope you will visit again. 

  3. I think every family's dysfunctional in the same way that every individual member of a family is not perfect. But it is the love and acceptance that makes us family.

    Good one. Rhonda!

    • I don't know a family that is without some form of dysfunction.  I agree it is the love and acceptance that makes us a family.  Thanks for stopping by.