Things to Do in the Blue Ridge Mountains

Today, I’m sharing travel tips on things to do in the Blue Ridge Mountains.  First, have you seen the fall foliage when it’s in peak on the Blue Ridge Mountains?  These are the mountains that John Denver sang about.  Fortunately, I live near the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Shenandoah River.  
Furthermore, the picture below is about a mile down the road from me.  I pass it when I’m headed to the grocery store.  I decided to stop yesterday and snap a few pictures.  They are boasting brilliant colors in the background of the apple orchard.  The apple trees are loaded with crisp apples to be used in fall dishes.   
Blue Ridge Mountains

Additionally, week-end drives are a must for me during this time of year.  It requires me to unplug for a minute and it is so worth it.  Seeing this kind of beauty warms my heart and gives me a new found appreciation for the beauty that surrounds me.  It is truly an incredible and breathtaking view that brings peace to my soul.   I have learned to appreciate it, and now sit for a few minutes just to absorb all that is being offered to me.  Use God’s beauty to feed your souls.  Furthermore, learn to stop and smell the roses.   

As I was taking pictures, I wondered if those passing by noticed the beauty that I was inhaling.  It’s so imperative to not take things for granted.  God wants us to enjoy his creations.  Fortunately, I learned that lesson over the years.  I have learned to slow down and enjoy the small things in life.

Here’s a list of things to do in the Blue Ridge Mountains:  


Wineries – The Blue Ridge Mountains boasts incredible wineries from West Virginia to North Carolina.

Floyd’s Country Store –  Known for its Friday night Blue Grass Jamborees and lunch counter.  If you’re into Blue Grass music and a little Two Stepping, check it out.

Gearhart’s Chocolates – Gearhart’s Chocolate is located in Charlottesville, VA.  An ex-Marine started the chocolate company.  They offer mouth watering fine chocolates to customers near and far.

George Washington’s Ferry Farm – Perfect for a family outing and history lesson for the kids. Visitors can explore the 80 acres that the farm sits on.  They can walk down the old ferry road, enjoy the hiking trails, and watch for birds in the Wild Meadow located on the farm.

Jordon Hollow Stables –  Jordon Hollow Stables offers view of the Blue Ridge Mountains on shaded riding trails.  The adventure also offers views of wildlife on the property.

Monticello – Visit the home and grounds of Thomas Jefferson.  Located in beautiful Charlottesville, VA.



white water rafting



Shenandoah River Outfitters  – Finally, you can enjoy canoeing, tubing, and white water rafting on the Shenandoah River.  If the weather is too chilly, enjoy the view of the Blue Ridge Mountains while enjoying a luscious steak cooked over a campfire.  Rent a cabin for a week-end, and extend your view of the gorgeous Blue Ridge Mountains.


Finally, you may like Transitional Pieces from Summer to Fall for Every Woman.

The Blizzard of 2009

Last week-end The Weather Channel forecast a blizzard and posted a winter storm warning for my area. Now if that isn’t a sign that winter has officially arrived, I don’t know what is. I decided to spend the day at the office and later head out to the grocery store. Never go to the grocery store when they’re calling for a blizzard unless you’re prepared to take a few elbows or become engaged in a fight over a shopping cart, parking space or the last gallon of milk or pack of Charmin. That’s just how it goes. I have concluded that I love drama. Why else would I have
waited until the eve of the blizzard to enter into the danger zone. I must admit that it was uneventful, I was able to throw the few items that I needed into the cart and slipped out of the parking lot unnoticed by the idiots arguing a few vehicles down. Rather than head home, I decided to fill the car up and head to Michael’s. I would occupy my time during the blizzard blog hopping and knitting after preparing a crock pot of potatoes and pork chops. I had made homemade vegetable soup earlier and placed a few containers in the freezer. I pulled a container of soup to defrost. There’s nothing better than homemade soup on a cold, snowy day.

Their forecast was correct, snow fall started at approximately 10:00 pm. The local weather station called for approximately 2.5 feet of the white stuff. Part of me dreaded the event, but another part of me was excited. Our last blizzard was in 2003. We had approximately 3 feet dumped on us at that time. I made sure the shovel and rock salt was on the front porch and said let the show begin. I took the picture shown above at mid-night. My reindeer and bushes are now covered.

The storm ended after dumping 2 feet of snow. It was a beautiful sight. This is a picture of my storage buildings and a barn that sits behind them the next day. I wish my grandson was here to enjoy making snow angels and building Frosty. I’m hoping we will have a little left when he arrives December 28 for a week.

This is a picture of one of my decks the next morning. I’m so glad my decks and table are strong.

This is a picture of some of the evergreens along my back yard. They were beautiful. I enjoyed the event, but I’ve had enough snow to last for the next 10 years. One thing that I have noticed is that children don’t enjoy the blizzards the way I used to when I was growing up, at least in my neighborhood. When I was growing up, we spent the day sled riding and making snowmen. I remember going through old cloths trying to find the perfect hat and scarf and looking for branches for our snowman’s arms. We also stole mom’s carrots for his nose. We had a coal stove in the kitchen, so our snowman truly had coal black eyes. We used a licorice stick for his mouth. I remember my father giving us sandpaper to sharpen the runners on our Lightning Guiders, sleds, so they would move faster. We stayed outside until we were damn near frozen. When our feet could no longer move, we thawed by the stove and sipped hot chocolate. Oh they were the good ole days. Mom spent hours making homemade vegetable soup too, which we devoured in minutes.

I did not see one child build a snow man or go sled riding in the neighborhood this past week-end. I would bet my paycheck they’re on the computer or playing some computer game. Listen up children, get off the computer and put your video games away. You’re missing out on some great memories.

How did you spend your days during snow storms?  How do your children spend their days when it snows?  Leave us a comment.