Frosty Discusses Sex With Children

Frosty the Snowman 640

When I think of Frosty The Snowman, I think of a jolly little fellow who’s laughing and playing with children not promoting porn and bullwhips. CBS is behind a video that has crossed the line in more ways than one.  How can you use a character that is so loved by children and associate him with sex and violence and think it’s a joke. What is happening to our country people? They believed it was harmless fun. WTH? We’re not talking about teens who put the video together, but executives who are paid six digits plus a year who are the masterminds. I use the word mastermind loosely.

I am appalled, I am offended, I’m feeling frosty. Not only do they have Frosty The Snowman talking about going to a strip club, but he discusses breast size, how many women he’s been with, and knocking someone up. They have a child calling someone a whore. To top it off, he states that he hits girls and babies. What kind of person would create this type of ad, and who was the idiot that approved it? The ad/video is running on CBS’ website and Youtube. Thank goodness they had enough sense to not air it on TV.

Apparently, CBS believed this video was an appropriate way to promote Frosty The Snowman, which will air on their network December 18, and the show How I Met Your Mother. I’m still trying to understand the logic and how anyone could believe this was a good idea. I’ve been unsuccessful. Both the creator and approvers should be fired. Thank goodness my sweetie is too young to google.  Can you imagine your child coming across this video? I purchased a Frosty The Snowman DVD last Christmas for my grandson with the intention of making it a holiday tradition. I loved Frosty when I was growing up. Never in my wildest dreams did I see Frosty hanging out at a strip club, drooling over women’s breast or telling someone they should have engaged in sex because they couldn’t knock someone up. How can you take something so innocent and turn it into trash?

I’m not a big fan of CBS, but I do watch the network occasionally. I am now questioning this station and its management. Several reporters have tried to contact the station to question them about the video. Phone calls are not being returned. I wonder why? Could it be they are afraid they will put their foot in their mouths when they try to explain the video. While they’re trying to pull their foot out of their mouth, someone should put a foot up CBS’ ass.
Feel free to leave your opinion, we would love to hear it.



  1. I personally haven't seen it yet but agree with many that is absolutely horrible what's going on! This subject should have NOT crossed over to a Christmas icon for kids!!! I really want to hear what is going to happen next!

  2. I am so disgusted to hear this. So much junk is being thrown at our kids these days and I am getting so frustrated by some of the media.  Thanks for sharing this with us.  And shame on CBS!

  3. Thanks for letting us know this.  I feel the same way you do!

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  5. I must say I agree with you where has the morals of the world gone we try to raise our children with morals only for them to find out that one of their loved creatures has been turned into a creature of the world

  6. I think this was a bad call on CBS's part.  I personally don't like ANY of the adult cartoons because kids see them and think because they are cartoons they can watch and want to watch.  But especially to take such a familar, loved, character and do this.


    It's not even funny.

  7. As a mother to two precious girls–one of whom is 2 yrs old and LOVES Frosty–I am appalled.  Disgusted.  And furious.

    Who's not to say that a child would be online wanting to watch Frosty and stumble onto this disgusting video?

    Thank you for shedding light onto this.  Ugh.  It sickens me that they would turn a beloved Christmas cartoon into something so sick.

  8. Ok wow.  There are much better ways to promote those shows, the two should never mix! I would never let my children watch How I met your Mother – it is inappropriate for them.  Nope, don't like this one bit!

  9. I'm pretty much never offended by anything and really not offended by this but I don't see the logic of mixing Frosty and Porn into promoting shows?! It's weird. Really weird. Are they wanting adults to watch Frosty or kids?!