Are We Giving Up On Marriage Too Soon?

Are we giving up on marriage too soon?  It seems to be quite a few break-ups in Hollywood recently, or maybe I’m just noticing.  Jennifer Lopez and Mark Anthony, Kobe and Vanessa Bryant, Seal and Heidi Klum, Kenny G and his wife Lyndie.  It seems so easy to just walk away these days.  Now I’m not judging anybody, I’m divorced.  I left an unhealthy relationship, and I believe these types of marriages should end.  They’re not good for anyone involved including the children.  I’m grateful that I had the courage to leave, and I’m even more grateful that I had the courage to survive it and better my lifeSo, I’m not standing in judgment of anybody.  I’m just wondering why people walk away from a marriage if it is basically healthy, it just requires a few adjustments.   Couples are suppose to grow together, but it seems more and more are growing apart. 

I’m wondering if it’s because people are not willing to compromise in their marriages, if there’s another person involved or they’ve just fallen out of love.  It seems that people believe that it is easier to replace their partners, and they do.  Do people still include the words for better or worst, for richer or poorer and in sickness and in health in their vows or is it until I get sick of you and than I’m history? It’s been awhile since I’ve been to a wedding.

Is it unfair to mislead your partner, and have them believe that you love them when you really don’t?  I would be devastated.  I would rather part than sleep with someone whose heart is with another or simply not with me. 

I’m sure there is stress and strain in celebrity marriages.  Us regular folks have stress and strain why can’t they feel the same.  I’m sure when one partner is traveling and the other is left to run the house and management the children that produces a tremendous amount of stress.  Oh that’s right, they have tons of money, nannies, chefs and domestic help don’t they On the other hand, those things don’t have anything to do with loving another person do they.  What happened to perseverance and persistence?  What happened to going the extra mile for your family?  It seems that it has all fallen by the wayside.  Has women’s liberation made it easier for us to walk away from marriage?  I was driving back from a visit with my daughter, who has a healthy and loving marriage in spite of my divorce, and I was listening to a CD of old songs.  Natalie Cole’s I’m Catching Hell came on.  She spoke of the difficulty of living alone after her man left.  She said it was the little things that she missed, him fixing things around the house, carrying the groceries, and paying the bills.  You know the things we take for granted.  Not once in that song did she say she missed anything about who he was as a person or how he treated her.  

Has the fact that women make as much if  not more than their husbands had a negative effect on marriage?  I look back at women my mother’s age, and there were very few divorces.  They stayed and worked through their problems.  Most women who stayed in their marriages didn’t work outside the home. They relied on their husbands to pay the bills and take care of the finances in the home.  Does a woman making more money than her husband cause him to have a bruised ego?  So many questions and so few answers.  Women today make their own money and celebrate divorce with a Divorce Cake. It’s not big deal.  

How do we get back to the true meaning of a marriage?  What do we as women need to do to stay in our marriages and ride out the storms?  What is it that men need to do?  I would love to hear from women who have left their marriages and those who have stayed.  You may hold the key to a successful marriage or may have some advice for those of us who are struggling in our marriages and love life.  Leave us a comment. 

Wordless Wednesday: Channel Purse

My daughter’s Birthday Cake

Chicken And Noodles Recipe

easy recipes

Looking for an easy recipe for a cold winter night?  I love to whip up a pot of chicken and noodles.  This recipe belonged to my now deceased Mother In Law, so each bite warms my heart and soul.  It’s easy and hearty.  I serve it with warm rolls, yum.  I’ve switched to the No Yolk noodles for this recipe.  It doesn’t change the taste, and the No Yolk noodles are  99% fat free and no cholesterol. 

  • 3  – 4 chicken thighs
  • 3  – 4 chicken legs 
  • 4 – 5 potatoes cubed
  • 1 package of No Yolks noodles 
  • 1 large (49 oz.) can of Swanson Chicken Broth

Cook chicken in just enough water to cover it until it falls from the bone.  (You should check the water occasionally).  Remove the chicken from water and cool.  While chicken is cooling, add the cubed potatoes to the water and cook until tender.  You can add some of the broth if needed.  Remove the skin and bones from the chicken and shred.  Add the chicken and more of the broth to the potatoes.  Season with your favorite seasoning; mine is Lawry’s Season Salt and pepper.  Simmer 15 – 20 minutes.   Add noodles and remaining broth and simmer until the noodles are done.  Enjoy! 

Moscato D’Asti Wine Review

I discovered Moscato D’Asti during the holidays and I’m here to tell you that if you’re a mom who needs wine occasionally, you must try this.  It’s a sparkling white wine made from the Moscato Bianco grape and imported from Italy.  Some consider it sweet, and drink it with dessert.  I personally don’t find it sweet at all.  It’s the perfect wine for me.

I’m salivating as I’m writing this article.  If I don’t watch myself, I could turn into a Moscato lush.  I want to head to the kitchen for a glass now.  When I purchase this wine, one bottle won’t do.  I can polish off a bottle alone, so I get one for me and one for whomever I’m drinking it with , lol.  I soak pomegranate seeds in the wine and place them in my champagne glass while I’m sipping.  The seeds are refreshing with the wine and delicious to eat.  Strange you say, some people eat strawberries with their wine, I love pomegranate seeds with mine.  At least with this particular brand. 

I have a long week-end coming up, and I will be enjoying a glass or two of this delightful concoction.  I’m also a big fan of Steeple Chase, which is a red wine made by the Maryland Winery, Linganore.  If you live in the Maryland area, you need to check out the wine festival hosted by Linganore Winery.  They host Funk, Reggae, Motown, Blues, and Steel Drums bands during the summer.  

Are you a wine lover?  What’s your favorite, red or white.  Leave us a comment, we love to hear from Moms Who Need Wine.   

Fabulous Baby Finds – Alice Baby Shoes

Are these fabulous or what?  I absolutely adore them and had to add them to my Fabulous Baby Find list.  These are a must for my Zarriah.  I just brought a ton of shoes for her for Christmas, but these will go on the Easter list for sure.  These are custom made shoes.  Now don’t let those 2 little words frighten you.  You can purchase them at a great price, $38.00, at Lollipop Moon.  Love that store.  This shoe is called The Alice, and is great for any formal occasion.  I have church in mind for Zarriah.  She will be able to wear them every Sunday until she outgrows them.  They also have The Audrey, which is adorable, The Suzette and the list goes on.  You need to head over and check out their fabulous collection.  Styles and prices vary, they have something for everyone. 

If you decide to order these, do so in plenty of time.  Custom orders take at least 2 – 3 weeks to make and ship.   

New Book Series: Fearless Five Super Heroes

I love discovering fabulous products for my grandchildren and readers.  I was notified this morning about a book series about five African American Super Heroes.  The super heroes are called the Fearless Five.  What a great concept.  As an African American, I have a difficult time finding toys and other items that focus on African American children.   It’s so disappointing, especially in 2012.  I’m sure my African American readers can relate, so I thought I would share this find. 

My grandson is a big fan of Super Heroes.  He loves Spiderman and the Incredible Hulk,  so I jumped at the opportunity to purchase this series of books.  The series is about five characters:  Bender, Blaze, Tank, Element and Phenom.  They are all adorable.  The concept is to raise the self-esteem of African American children.  According to experts, a child’s self image is developed by the age of seven.  As with any parent, I want my grandchildren to grow up with a positive self-image.  I want them to believe they can accomplish anything with hard work. 

The books send messages to the children on self esteem, team work, education, and morals to name a few.  Since I just ordered the books, I can’t give an honest opinion on the messages, but I am looking forward to doing a review and hopefully a give away.    

The books can only be ordered on the Fearless Five site at this time.  I love the fact that you can check out through Paypal, it’s quick and easy.   I’m hoping this series will be a huge hit for our African American children.  I would love to see this concept come out on DVD too. 

This series would make a great birthday or Christmas gift. Please go to the Fearless Five site and order a set today!  

Don’t miss what’s happening on Mother 2 Mother.  Be sure to connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Flickr or Linkedin by clicking one or more of the Social Media buttons in the upper right hand corner and subcribe to Mother 2 Mother for future posts and give aways. 

Elementary Math – How Many Slaves Picked Oranges?

How many slave’s hands are tied in this photo?  That’s right, how many slaves are tied in this photo?  I could not believe an article that I read this evening about Beaver Ridge Elementary School in Norcross, GA that incorporated slavery into math problems for third graders.  WTH?   Let me give you a preview of an actual problem sent home, “If Frederick got two beatings per day, how many beatings did he get in one week?”  I truly find this hard to believe in 2012. 

The explanation given for this poor judgement is that teachers are encouraged to mix subjects.  I buy that; however, who is teaching students about beatings, picking oranges and cotton and anything else associated with slavery and finds it acceptable.  I know that slavery was a way of life in the south and many still have a slavery mentality, but teaching it in our schools.  As far as I’m concerned, the teachers should have been be fired.  The principal has agreed to sensitivity training, but is that enough?  These teachers are college educated, but obviously have no common sense.  That’s dangerous.  People with no common sense lack judgement and that soon leads to disaster. 

We wonder why the American school system is in the sad state that it is currently in.  We have our answer!  What’s your thoughts on this gross error?  Leave us a comment, we would love to hear from you.

Area Teacher Arrested for Soliciting A Minor

Do you know who’s interacting with your child on-line?  I received a post from one of my friends on Facebook where an area teacher this week was arrested for soliciting a minor for sex, 13 year old, on-line.  This sh** just makes my blood boil.  We simply can not trust our children on-line, in school, in sports or anywhere these days.    It’s so sad, but the reality of the world in which we live. 

The cover-up at Penn State was enough to make me cry, people just turning their heads and looking the other way while someone is abusing a child.  How do you sleep at night?  How do you get up in the morning, dress, go to work and look at someone who you know is abusing children and you do nothing.  Now it’s happening in my own backyard.  Predators!  People who we believe we can trust as role models for our children taking advantage of them.   The teacher in my area was a fourth grade teacher at an Intermediate School about a mile from me, and had been recently named as the assistant boy’s basketball coach at another Middle School in the areal.  I wonder what we could have expected there, another Jerry Sandusky? 

We as parents must see danger when it comes to our children, and our children must understand the danger of on-line predators as well as those that they will encounter in their childhood.  If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering what you should do to keep your child safe on-line.  Here’s a few tips:  

  • Talk to your child about on-line sexual predators.  They’ll probably try to convince you that they’re okay and know what’s going on, but stand firm. 
  • Improve your computer skills. and controll what your child accesses on-line.  There is parental control software on the market, download it on your family computer.  We were all children at some point, so we understand privacy, but this is your child’s life and we must protect them at all costs.    
  • Make sure you can view your child and the screen on the computer when they’re on-line.  
  • Know what sites they’re visiting, and enforce rules. 
  • Looks for gifts, money or other items that where not provided by you or grand parents.
  • Limit the amount of time your child spends on the computer if they are not doing homework or playing games.
  • Check for sexual communication, images etc. 
  • Limit the number of hours your teen/child is home alone. 

What do predators look for when in search of prey:  

  • Most find our children in chat rooms, through instant messages, email or social networking sites.  
  • They befriend and win children’s affection with gifts, being kind and giving them attention.  They are astute at knowing who to solicit.  

Unfortunately, we can’t protect our children around the clock.  Make these stories a part of your dinner conversation, so your child can understand how real predators are and if they aren’t cautious they too can become prey. 


    Fabulous Baby Finds – Mud Pie Boots

    Are these boots adorable or what?  As you know, I’m a high heel boot wearing momma.  So is my daughter, and we’re training my granddaughter.  I had to share this find with you.  I purchased them for Zarriah this Christmas.  I can’t wait to see her with these on with her skinny jeans.  Yep, I found a pair of skinny jeans for her too. 

    The boots are made by Mud Pie, and they look as great in person as they do in the photo.  Most of Mud Pie clothing line fits ages 0-6 months.  The boots follow the same sizing, so Zarriah should get a lot of wear out of them. 

    I found them at Amazon  for $22.99.  I’m an Amazon Mom, so shipping is free. The boots have a velcro closure, so you can adjust them when needed.  The ribbon is made of satin and is high quality.  The label states that the boots can be machine washed, but I would be leery.  I’ll spot clean them.  If you’re looking for an after Christmas gift or nice baby shower gift, head over to Amazon and order a pair of these.  They are adorable, you won’t be disappointed.

    Don’t miss what’s happening on Mother 2 Mother.  Be sure to connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Flickr or Linkedin by clicking one or more of the Social Media buttons in the upper right hand corner and subcribe to Mother 2 Mother for future posts and give aways. 

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year!  I wish each of you a blessed year and I truly thank you for following me this pass year.  For me, 2011 was a stressful year.  I’ve spent the past 6 months helping to nurse my premature granddaughter, and it has just worn me out.  I am thankful to say that she now weighs a healthy 8lbs. 10 ozs. 

    I’ve decided not to make any resolutions for the new year, but just to live life and play whatever cards are dealt to me.  I will say that I’m starting my new year on my treadmill.  I will strive to be healthy and to bring lots of give aways to my readers, write posts on my grandchildren and continue to give my opinion on what’s happening in the world. 

    If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see on Mother 2 Mother, please leave a comment.  If you don’t have any suggestions let me us know what you wish for or will be striving to accomplish in the new year.  Blessings!