Educating Children about Safety

Some time back, there was a bizarre story of relatives who wanted to teach their son about safety. The six-year-old boy’s aunt, grandmother, and a co-worker plotted a kidnap. The co-worker kidnapped the child, locked him up and showed him a shotgun to silence him. He tied up the boy’s hands in a basement using plastic bags. With a threat of never seeing his mother, the child had to comply with the orders. Eventually, he was released, and every adult that was involved in the “lesson” was charged and arrested. Today, we’re going to give you parenting tips on educating children about safety.  



educating children about safetyHere’s our parenting tips:


1.     Start early

Teaching your children about safety practices is something you should start when the child is about four years. At first, you will use simple explanations to explain this concept, but advance it over time. Begin by explaining the idea of crossing the road and move onto training them on how to behave when you are away. Safety training is not an event that you do at once, but rather a process that you follow over a period.


2.     Talk about uncomfortable situations

Keep it low-key, but be clear on cases that you know would make your little one uncomfortable. Ask them whether they have been in such a circumstance and seek to understand how it made them feel. You may have plans to protect your kids, but working through such situations will help them to remain safe for a lifetime. 


3.     Avoid scaring your child

Just like in the case of the boy where the relatives decided to use scare tactics, sometimes parents feel that the only way to make their children safety conscious is by scaring them. That should not be the case because it will only freak them out and they will have a hard time managing when faced by such circumstances. When educating children about safety, explain safety concepts to kids the same way you would talk about fire safety or wearing a helmet on a bicycle.


4.     Be specific

Explain some of the uncomfortable things that unsafe people may do. For instance, somebody with ill motives might want to give presents to your child. They might even want to be physical with the kids even when they request them not to. Unsafe people might also give inappropriate words to compliment on how a child looks. They can even ask them for directions or invite the child to help them look for a lost item such as a lost dog.


educating children about safety



5.     Move past the ‘stranger danger’

Most parents focus on strangers when they explain safety tips to their children, which is not always the case. Strangers are not the only people who can harm a kid. Even people who are known to your little one might have anterior motives. Let your child understand the importance of trusting their instincts and reporting anybody who forces them to do something that seems wrong to them.


6.     Make your child the ‘boss’ of his or her body

There is nothing that is as important as your child knowing that they are in charge of their body. Make sure that he is aware that nobody is allowed to touch his body uncomfortably. If your little one has to go for a doctor’s appointment that involves physical examination, accompany them and ask the physician to explain what he or she is doing.


7.     Make sure they know the vital information

Every child should know their parents’ names and contact information. Knowing their home address is also an important aspect. It is crucial for your little one to have an idea of a safe place to hide when faced with a dangerous situation.


safety tips


8.     Practice when you can

Play what-if scenarios with your child. For instance, you can ask them, “What if you coming home from school and a stranger asks for directions?” “What if someone invited to your home?”  Asking such questions gives you an opportunity to empower your child to handle tough and risky situations.


Every responsible parent should be educating children about safety.  Allow your kids to socialize from a young age so that they have a level of freedom and independence. But, it is all about finding a healthy balance and empowering your child.  



Driving Safety Tips You May Be Overlooking

Roughly 90 people each day are the victims of fatal car accidents in the US.  Unfortunately, this is the highest rate among other comparable countries. That’s certainly a scary statistic, but you can still take your family on the road.  The good news is that nearly all traffic collisions are preventable.  Driving the speed limit, proper car safety seats, and eliminating distractions are all well-known precautions. 



driving safety tips




Driving Safety Tips: 


Safety Measures Outside of the Vehicle

When shopping for a vehicle, be sure to exercise due diligence to select a vehicle that will keep your family safe.   Remember, though, that your kids don’t have to be inside of a car to be injured by one.  Nearby streets, busy or not, are a potential risk if your child isn’t consistently following safety guidelines.  Remind your child to stay out of streets and pay attention to their surroundings.  A majority of drivers speed in school zones, according to a study by Safe Kids Worldwide. This study also indicated that stop signs and other safety features put in place in neighborhoods with children are frequently ignored.  So, no matter how child-safe you think an area is, you must remain diligent with safety.

Age-Appropriate Seating

Child safety doesn’t just pertain to babies and toddlers. Children between the ages of 4 and 8 tend to be more at-risk for injury in cars.  This is due to oversight when it comes to proper child safety seats for kids in this age category.  They’ve likely grown out of their car seats at this age.  Many parents that means that they’re ready to ride with a standard seat belt.  However, most children aren’t big enough for regular seat belts until 10 years of age.  Once they’ve outgrown their car seat, they should be placed in a booster seat.


driving safety tips


Be Aware of Stationary Safety Risks

Also, you should also teach your kids about car safety when vehicles are both moving and parked.  For example, never cross the street by themselves.  They should have someone take them across or watch them as they’re crossing.  In addition, many accidents involve non traffic incidents.  Children playing inside the vehicle can get caught in a power window or trapped in the trunk.  Your children need to know that a car is n not a toy.  In addition, be sure to keep your car locked.

Remember: all precautions only part of the time are only partially effective in preventing vehicle accidents. Employ all of these techniques to increase vehicle safety.  Pass on this information to others as well; sharing is caring!


Before You Go

Before you even start driving, you should make sure that everything is as it should be. For example, some vehicles have ignition interlock devices which requires the driver to pass a breath test before the vehicle will turn on. If you experience an ignition interlock violation, the vehicle simply won’t allow you to move. Furthermore, make sure that everyone is buckled in safely before you move the car.  This will minimize the risk of an accident.  I hope you will take these driving safety tips into consideration, and make sure you and your family on safe before you hit the road and while you’re on it. 

Making a Bathroom Safe for Children

bathroom safety tips

Bathrooms can be dangerous places for children.  Especially, young children who are notorious for slipping in  tubs and shower surfaces.  Fortunately, there are a number of straightforward precautions for making a bathroom safe for children.   Katie Mills, a bathroom design expert, from explains a few things you can set in place to protect your little ones.

Think about the lock

You can tell your children to leave the lock open.  But, in reality curiosity may get the better of a child.  When children are young, it’s best to have a lock which can be opened from the outside.  If, for some reason, that’s not possible, then it would be safe to remove the lock.  Just put up a reversible sign for “vacant” and “in use”.

Floors with good grip

Children are going to run and probably jump as well.  The younger they are, the less control they are going to have over their bodies.  As a result, they are more than likely need to make a last-minute rush for the toilet.  Floor coverings with a good grip will help in making a bathroom safe and avoiding falls.

Potty training seat with step to toilet

You want to make it as easy, safe and comfortable for your child to use the toilet during potty training.  A seat with a step stool to access the toilet will go a long way in helping a child overcome fear of the “big toilet”.  Furthermore, it helps in making a bathroom safe for children.  It will also make life more comfortable for you.  You won’t have to hold your child on the toilet, you can just be with them.

Step stool for sink

You want to get small children up to a height where they can use standard sinks comfortably.  Most importantly, without the risk of them toppling over and banging their heads against the sinks.  For similar reasons, you may want to upgrade your faucet so it operates with a press button or lever.  Furthermore, a motion sensor is ideal. Likewise, make sure that soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste are all easy for your child to reach.

Easy access storage for bath/shower toys

Toys can be a tripping hazard for both children and adults.  Easy access storage allows the toys to corralled in one place, and takes away the excuses for not putting them away after use.

Secure storage for “adult-only products”

People often think of putting first-aid products and medicines in a safe place.  However, there common bathroom items which need to be kept out of the hands (and mouths) of young children.  These includes cleaning products, electrical products, sharp objects and toiletries to name a few.  Locks and/or childproof catches are the ideal solution.  However, a magnetic closure would be better than nothing.

Child-accessible (or automatic) lighting

You can now buy motion-detecting bathroom lights, which switch on when the bathroom door is opened.  Also, they switch off either when it is closed or after a specific length of time.  Alternatively, there are now plenty of battery-operated LED lights. In addition to making the bathroom safer for a child, these can also make night-time bathroom visits much less intimidating.

Non-slip mats in the bath and/or shower

Next, baths are a convenient way to get younger children clean.  However, it’s important to be very aware of the drowning hazard they pose.  Adults can drown in very little water.  Furthermore, children have smaller lungs in smaller bodies and are therefore more at risk.  Never leaving young children unattended in baths is the first step to making a bathroom safe for children.  And, even when they are attended, you can save yourself heartache and trips to the hospital by using non-slip mats.  It imperative that toddlers and younger children have a secure grip when getting in and out of the bathtub.

Hand rails are a bit of a mixed call.  They do provide a grip and hence security.  But, can be dangerous if children fall and mouth or head.  It could lead to lost teeth.

Depending on the age, showers are actually the better option.  They eliminate the risk of drowning.  Even so, it’s highly recommended that a non-slip mat be used.  This is useful for adults.

4 Ways to Keep Your Children Safe While on Vacation

Keeping our children safe is always a top priority for parents. This is especially true when we are on vacation. Vacations expose families to different kinds of risks and dangers depending upon where they travel.   Our mode of transportation could include danger and risk as well as what we do once we arrive at our destination.    Today, I’m sharing ways to keep your children safe while on vacation.  Below are some essential safety and travel tips for different kinds of vacation locations and activities.


child safety



Tropical Vacations

When it is cold where you live, taking your family to a tropical getaway is a popular vacation idea. However, there are certain precautions you need to make for babies and small children.  Here are a few ways to keep your children:  

·         Preventing their sensitive skin from dangerous sunburn. Especially,  between 10 am and 2 pm when the sun rays are the strongest. You should also apply sunscreen often when they are exposed to the sun.

·         Because children don’t sweat as much as adults do, they can become dehydrated faster. Be sure to provide them with enough fluids on a regular basis/  And, watch for signs of dehydration such as fussiness, redness of the skin, and excessive crying.

·         Tropical climates are known for insects that bite and children tend to be magnets to them. Using insect repellents will help to protect them. However, you don’t want to cause them harm from the harsh chemicals found in many repellents. Read the labels before using any repellent and be sure to avoid ears, eyes, open cuts, and mouths.



child safety

Boating Trips

Many families are boat lovers and taking their children out on the water can be a thrilling adventure.  However, keeping them safe is something that requires some basic understanding of boating safety. Some ways to keep your children safe include:

·         Create and share your float plan with a family member or local marina staff.  Be sure to include where you are going and for how long.

·         Establish basic boating rules.  They should be required to follow them just like they do at home. For example, they should be told to keep their hands and feet inside the boat at all times.

·         Every member of your family should have access to and wear a properly-fitting and age-appropriate life jacket.

·         Be aware at all times of what is going on around you when on the water. This includes knowing where your children are and what they are doing.

·         Have good situational awareness by always paying attention to other boats in the area, the weather conditions, and the tides and currents.

·         Check the boating vessel before leaving the dock to verify that everything is in working order, especially safety equipment.

·         Know the responsibilities, rules, and safety precaution responsible boating operators need to learn and follow.



child safety

Camping Trips

Taking your family camping can be a great escape from life’s ordinarily hectic routine. There’s nothing like sleeping in tents under the stars and cooking your food over a campfire.  It helps families bond and get a release from the stresses of everyday life. Taking necessary precautions to keep everyone safe is imperative. Ways to keep your children safe include: 

·         Never leave children alone, especially small ones, near an open fire.

·         Minimize tick and mosquito bites by applying bug spray to your children’s clothing.  Always read the labels first.

·         Give each family member a whistle to use in case someone wanders off. This will help your children get back to you should they stray too far from your camping grounds and get lost.

When Travelling Internationally

Taking your children on vacation to another country can be an enjoyable and educational experience. But, it doesn’t come without risks. To make sure your memories are good ones, here’s a few more ways to keep your children safe:

·         Vaccinate your children against diseases for the country you plan to visit.

·         Before booking your trip, check the security and safety of your preferred destination. If there is unrest, change your plans.

·         Purchase world travel health insurance in case someone gets sick or injured while away.

Most importantly, do not take your eyes off your children. They are notorious for wandering away should something catch their eye. Hold their hands when in crowded areas. Another idea is to write your cell phone number on your child’s arm should the unthinkable happen and you lose them in a crowd.

Family vacations are wonderful times for sharing memorable experiences. There are too many horror stories we have all heard about where unplanned events or accidents happen.  What was supposed to be a fun time can turn into a nightmare if there wasn’t a list of ways to keep your children safe.   

Following necessary safety procedures and using common sense can go a long way to making family vacation memories beautiful experiences.  Ways to keep your children safe should always be a priority.

Common Camping Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Camping is a great activity and offers you the perfect getaway from a hectic routine. Camping makes a splendid family adventure and offers a fun-filled activity. Whether it is over the weekend or for a longer period, add a camping trip to your travel tips.  Living outdoors with basic amenities, cooking your own food, and sleeping in tents is more adventurous than you could ask for.  Not to mention the campfires and staring into the night sky with marvelous views that would take away all your stress and worries.  Today, I’m going to share tips on common camping injuries.  



common camping injuries




 While camping is a great activity and gives you a break from your routine life, it also exposes you to certain threats and dangers. Therefore, it is necessary to exercise reasonable precaution while you are camping to avoid discomfort and to maximize your enjoyment. If you are camping with your family, you are not only responsible for your safety but also for your family. Kids would play around and can often expose themselves to dangers, which is why you need to ensure their safety.

 You always need to carry first aid kits that can come in handy under dire circumstances, but understanding the risks and dangers you are exposed to would help in taking necessary precautions. Some of the most common camping injuries and ways to avoid them are:


If you are not an experienced camper, you are bound to get burned a few times before you actually learn to start a campfire. Campfires certainly do not operate as your conventional stove, which has a gas controller. Therefore, you cannot control the flow of the flames and need to be cautious. Avoid placing the campfire too close to the tents or to other flammable stuff. When you sit around the fire, always sit in the opposite direction of the wind. Strong winds can direct the heat right towards you which can cause skin burns, choking, watery eyes, and discomfort. Second, when you start a campfire, do not add a lot of firewood immediately; let the fire settle in and add extra wood gradually to control the flame.






 Cuts and bruises

The most common injury on camping trips is cuts and bruises, if you are camping in a mountainous region with uneven grounds. When you are traveling with heavy backpacks, you might lose your footwork easily on uneven grounds that can cause bruises and cuts. While you go on a camping trip, always wear adventure gear and long boots to give your feed added protection and stability on slippery surfaces.

You also need to be careful while setting up the tent, handling sharp objects, and collecting firewood, as they carry the risks of being cut. Keep bandages and ointments for emergency and disinfectants to apply on wounds. For serious cuts, seek immediate medical help

Sprains and Fractures

Add slips and falls to the list of common camping injuries.  Slips and falls are likely when you are camping in uneven terrains or slippery surfaces. If you are camping in such regions or during rainy seasons, you can easily slip and sprain your leg. In worse scenarios, slip and fall can result in severe injuries, which would incapacitate you during the trip. Camping activities are supposed to be enjoyable and if you hurt your leg or sprain your ankle, it would be difficult to move around.

You always need to keep analgesics and wearable supporters for such situations. Moreover, you need to be extra careful in slippery areas. If you slip and injure yourself, do not put pressure on the affected area and seek immediate medical help. Often, what might seem like a sprain can turn into a severe fracture, which can only be confirmed by an x-ray. Therefore, always seek medical help immediately after you incur an injury.

 Now that most physicians have incorporated telemedicine into their practice, you can contact them using your smartphone or laptop.





Bug Bites

Bug bites are on the list of common camping injuries.  While camping is fun and adventurous, it can expose you to various bugs and insects that dwell in the wilderness. Bug bites such as mosquito bites can lead to complex health problems and would waste your trip. You need to be careful while you sleep as bugs often approach during nighttime. Keep bug repellant sprays with you and anti-bug body lotions; apply as and when required, especially during the night when bugs are highly active. Bug bites can cause you quite discomfort; mostly commonly itchiness. Certain bug bites are poisonous and require immediate attention to lower the risks of severe health conditions. If you are bitten by a bug and feel irritation, contact the closest doctor immediately. 

 Skin Ailments

Your body can have various reactions to the atmosphere and weather conditions. If you have a sensitive skin, you are likely to face some sort of allergy and skin problems.  Unfortunately, they can ruin your trip and turn it into an unpleasant venture. If you understand your allergies and understand your skin ailments, keep necessary medications, skin ointments to mitigate the risks of skin rashes and irritation.

 These simple tips can help your discomfort during your overnight camping adventure and would allow you to make the most out of your trip. Always carry generic, over-the-counter medicines and painkillers for quick relief from the above conditions. Other critical injuries involve snake bites that are poisonous and can be lethal. In case of snake bites, never try to suck out the poison nor cover the wound. Relax and seek immediate medical help as snake bites can only be treated by an antidote.

We hope that you will use our list of common camping injuries to prepare and hopefully avoid them on your next camping trip. 

About the author: James Smith is a survivalist, who loves to write about survival skills and techniques. You can follow him at @JamesSmith1609






A Mommy’s Guide to Teaching Bike Safety to Kids


teaching bike safety to kids


A bike is one of the many things that every child wants at some point in their childhood.  It’s a great way to allow them to explore the world around them.  Additionally, it’s a great way for them to learn about exercise.  Unfortunately, when you live in a city and your kids have to ride roadside before reaching a park or bike path, safety becomes extremely important.  In addition to knowing the laws for bike safety in your state, here’s a mom’s guide to teaching bike safety to kids when riding roadside.


Accidents Can Happen at Any Moment

Accidents can happen anytime; however, when riding roadside the risk is elevated.   Unfortunately, accidents are impossible to determine.  As a result, teaching your kids about riding roadside is imperative. Below are a few tips on teaching bike safety to kids that you can use to guide your children towards a more enjoyable biking experience.

According to the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, around 800 bicyclists and 5,400 pedestrians are fatally injured annually.  Cars and bicycles account for 17.7 percent of 2015’s grand total of 35,092 deaths in the United States. With these staggering statistics, teaching bike safety to kids so they can observe proper safety guidelines makes sense.

If you live in a densely populated area, your children riding a bicycle roadside can cause worry.  So, how can you as a mommy teach bike safety to your kids?  Check out these tips:


The Safe Biker: Good Discipline

The first step to bike safety is to teach kids to be responsible bikers. Biking is a leisurely exercise and activity, but only if it’s done safely and properly.

Even if your child knows how to ride a bike, always remind them that it should be taken seriously.  Make sure they ride a bike with both hands on the handlebars.  Additionally, all items should be in a backpack or in the bike’s basket. Just as important, make it clear that only one person should be on the bike.

  • Don’t allow your kids to ride bikes while wearing headphones. They need to be able to know there’s traffic, and that can only be done if their ears are free from distractions.
  • Don’t allow your kids to be on their bike when it’s night, dusk, or dawn.  This timeframe leaves them invisible to many drivers.  If they have to ride a bike at dusk or dawn, make sure their bikes have lights and reflectors.

teaching bike saety to kids



The Safe Bike: Get the Right One

Perhaps the most important aspect of teaching bike safety to children is making sure they know how to use the bike they are riding. Make sure the bike you buy  is the appropriate age level for your child.  This means you shouldn’t expect your child to grow “into” the bike.

  • Make sure the purchased bike suits the abilities of your child. If you don’t think your child can handle two wheels, then perhaps training wheels could help. If you think shifting and gears can be too difficult, .then perhaps just a single speed bike could work.
  • Try to make sure your child is also aware of things that can happen to their bike that can result in their new bike ending up in a state of disrepair. Aside from regular maintenance on your end, teach your kids just why you’re having their bike repaired in the first place. That way, if they notice that something is wrong with their bike, they may not take it out and consult you instead.

teaching bike safety to kids


The Equipment: Using the Bike Properly

When you bought your kid a bike, chances are you bought the entire “package.” Aside from the bike, you may have bought them the various kinds of gear that the children in the packaging are also wearing. If not, then here are some of the equipment you need to make sure you have:

  • Always make sure your child has a helmet when they ride a bike. This is extremely important, regardless whether they’re riding at home or outside on the road.
  • When your kids are outside, make sure they wear clothing that is bright and reflective. If you can find cycling clothes adequate for your kids’ size, make sure they have them. It’s important that they know they should wear these clothes so they are easily visible by everyone on the road.

Teach Your Child Safely and Efficiently About Bike Safety

When it comes to road safety, it’s important that everyone is aware of their responsibilities of  drivers and pedestrians.  This includes motor vehicles, skaters, scooters, and bicycles. Having an accident related to a bicycle can still create problems for all parties involved.  It can even end up in serious injuries or death.

If your child wants to learn how to use a bike, it’s important that you be able to teach bike safety to them effectively.   They must know how to avoid accidents when riding roadside. If you want to know more about the legal implications of this subject, click here.


About the author: Dianna Charles

Dianna Charles is a promising young law enthusiast who hopes to bring her youthful spirit to her field. She tries to add a refreshing modern take to topics on the legal world that people can learn from. Dianna enjoys her free time with friends and family, and loves to cook for them.

Baby Safety 101: How to Protect Your Baby from Slips and Falls

Parents have it hard when it comes to taking care of a baby.  Care goes beyond meeting their basic needs such as proper nutrition and hygiene. When your baby learns how to walk and explore the world around them, the difficulty level of parenting shoots from “cute but hard” into “extra cute, but extra hard.”  When babies are in their cribs and they fall, you know they’re safe.  Mattresses cushions their fall. However, when babies are outside the crib, there’s no guarantee that they’re safe from slips and falls.  Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on baby safety.  



how to protect your baby from slips and falls



The fragility of a baby’s body can make slips and falls life-threatening.  If you have a new baby, these tips on how to protect your baby from slips ad falls may be helpful.   So, how exactly do you protect your baby from slips and falls?

According to the Mayo Clinic when a baby starts learning how to walk, it can be a source of pride and joy for parents. However, when babies are learning how to walk they get excited.  They may hit things around them that could cause them to fall.  If a baby slips and falls at the wrong angle they can be injured.  As a result, it’s a good idea to take action to prevent accidents.  Here are a few tips:

Avoiding Slips and Falls

Slips and falls can be avoided by trying to make sure things at home are designed with your child’s safety in mind.  Here are a few examples of how you can protect your baby from slips and falls:


  • Keep bathtubs safe by using mats. Mat help reduce the risks of slipping and falling while taking a bath.
  • Keep beds safe by installing safety rails on beds, especially if you have toddlers. If you have bunk beds, make sure kids six and older are the ones that use them.
  • Keep balconies safe by not letting your baby play unattended in these areas, especially when these areas are porches and fire escape locations. Children might use this opportunity to wander around the house and even the neighborhood.
  • Keep stairs safe by installing safety gates at the bottom and top of staircases.  Furthermore, you can place covers on doorknobs that lead to staircases, the basement and the attic.
  • Keep windows safe by using window guards.  You can also install stops that won’t allow windows to open beyond four inches.  Babies five years old and younger can fit through six inch openings. Try to make sure windows are also inaccessible even if you have to install railings.


how to protect your child from slips and falls


Keep the Outside Safe 

While the outside world is a scary place, you can make it slip and fall proof.  At least to a certain degree with proper care and guidance.

  • Keep your child safe on the playground by choosing ones that include sand, rubber, mulch, or wood chips.  These types of area are safer than dirt and cement, which are likely to cause injuries.
  • When riding escalators carry your baby or hold your toddler’s hand. Additionally, make sure there aren’t any loose shoestrings, shoes, or clothing that can be caught in the escalator.  Make sure your children doesn’t sit or play while riding them.
  • Keep an eye out for obstacles.  Look carefully for wet patches that could cause you to slip, and take caution when walking through rain or snow.

 Safety Comes First for Baby

Take a proactive approach.  Make sure your baby is exposed only to things he or she can safely play with.

While this might seem to be an extra step in the plethora of things you have to do as a parent, this will definitely pay off in the long run.  Especially, if you have play dates and invited guests in your home.  Learning how to protect your baby from slips and falls is essential.  If you’re wondering just what the legal repercussions are due to slippery floors, you may click here.   We hope that you found our baby safety tips helpful.  You may also like:  Child Safety Tips


        About the author:  Vicki Haskett

Vicki is a law writing enthusiast who’s had over 25 years of experience in her field. She enjoys sharing her experiences with those who want to learn more about the legal world. In her spare time she spends quality time with her family and friends.

Kid’s Online Safety Tips for Parents

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on kid’s online safety tips for parents. First, learning how to use the internet is an important part of growing up in today’s society. In addition to being a valuable source of knowledge, it’s one of the ways kids build and maintain friendships. Unfortunately, there can be threats.  So, it’s important to keep children safe while they’re online.  



kids online safety tips




Kid’s Online Safety Tips for Parents:


There are two kinds of online problems that can leave parents worrying.  They are inappropriate content and breaches of privacy.  Fortunately, there are a number of fairly simple precautions that you can take against these.

Filtering Online Content

The easiest way to deal with problematic content is through the programs kids use to access content online.  This could mean: 1) using specialized kid-friendly programs  or 2) altering the programs they use with either built-in settings or add-ons.

So,  specialized kid friendly programs is better suited to younger children.  Especially, those who are just starting out with online activities. There are several kid-friendly browsers and search engines that you could use to introduce your kids to the internet.  Some focus on specific age groups; however, finding one to suit your needs shouldn’t be difficult.

Also, if you have older kids consider parental controls or content filters.  They are available on most commonly-used browsers.  Most of them rely on online databases and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to filter inappropriate content.  This includes search engines as well as websites accessed directly.  Both will allow you to manually block or unblock websites according to your preferences.


Protecting Online Privacy

There are two kinds of online privacy.  First is privacy in the usual sense, which involves personal information and communication. The second might be called customer privacy.  It deals with how much of a customer’s information and activities a service provider is allowed to access and monitor.  However, each type needs a different sort of response:

Next, guarding personal information online is essential.  A good guideline is that anything you wouldn’t do offline, you shouldn’t do online.  For example, don’t talk to strangers or give away private information.  There are some useful tools available for teaching children how to stay safe online.  Check out Google’s “Be Internet Awesome” project.

In the case of consumer privacy, it’s important to pay attention to privacy settings.  Furthermore, different programs request or require different settings.  Most importantly, if a program is able to access your child’s location, others might be able to as well. This has caused quite a stir in the market for kid’s smartwatches.

Malicious software can infiltrate your devices or monitor your networks to gather information on you.  It’s best to turn to digital security software to avoid this problem. Antivirus programs block most harmful software and can provide other functions as well.

Meanwhile, you can further secure your privacy with a Virtual Private Network (VPN).  VPNs encrypt the communications coming in and out of your network.  Additionally, it prevents other parties from looking into it.  VPNs provide other benefits as well.

Most importantly, these kid’s online safety tips work best when paired with active parental supervision. So, foster an environment of trust with your kids.  Make sure your children know that they can turn to you with any questions about online activity.  Let them know that you will be able to guide them better in their virtual lives if you know who they’re interacting with.

Additionally, know what sites they are accessing on the internet.  The more you know about your kids’ online habits, the better you’ll be able to adjust your security options to match.  We hope that our kid’s online safety tips for parents will be beneficial.

Child Safety Tips All Parents Should Implement

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on child safety tips.  So, there are lot of fears and worries that can arise both during pregnancy and when your baby is born.  Especially, if you are a first time parent.  But, it’s important to remember that a baby is an amazing and rewarding experience.  So, don’t allow quality time with your child to be tainted by panic.  However, there are many parental safety tips many either ignore or aren’t aware about. And it’s these tips that could possibly eliminate your worry or anxiety.




child safety tips




Child Safety Tips Parents Should Implement:  



Cover all electrical outlets

 Electrical outlets are solely for appliances, but to the curious eyes of a toddler they are just another thing to touch and explore.  Installed at easy-to-reach heights for most children, electrical outlets are often appealing.  Therefore, it gives them easy access to stick things into the openings.  In some cases, causing serious electrical burns.

Therefore, cover all electrical outlets throughout your home.  Outlet caps are widely available both in stores or online.  Using electrical covers will help safeguard against electrical harm.




child safety tips





Use the correct car seat and install it properly

With the huge range of car seats available, it can be difficult to make a decision on which one is right for you. The most important rule regarding any car seat is when to use a rear-facing or front facing seat.  It’s important to remember, to use a rear-facing seat until your baby is at least one year old and weights over 20 pounds.

In terms of installation, make sure all seat belts and straps are routed correctly.  Most importantly, make sure everything is in ‘lock mode’ when your child is seated and before you start driving. If you have a large family-friendly vehicle like the Dodge Grand Caravan, your installation experience will be much easier.  You’ll have more space and room to move around.


Make sure your crib is up-to-date 

Crib safety regulations change very frequently.  It’s likely it will need to be upgraded if it’s over 5 years old.

Today’s current standards state that the slats of a crib should be no wider than 2 3/8 inches apart to ensure your child’s body can’t slip through. It’s also important to remove any fluffy blankets or toys from the crib when your baby is in there.

It’s natural to experience fear and worry when you become a parent. But if you adhere to the above safety tips and ensure your child’s bed is as up-to-date as possible and assembled correctly, you’ll have no reason to question your baby’s safety!

Shopping Tips for Infant Car Seats and Strollers

Taking baby on the road? There are a number of things to keep in mind when you are shopping for strollers and infant car seats.  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on infant car seats and strollers.  First, consider the age of the child.  Furthermore, how will you be using the stroller or car seat before you buy.



tips for infant car seats



Buckle up baby

First, you will start with a portable infant car seat.  It will also double as a carrier and a rocking chair in a pinch.  Infant car seats are designed to be rear-facing (the safest seating for a baby) and it snaps into a base. You will find all-in-one car seats on the market.  They are a tempting choice because they could potentially save you money. However, the one-size-fits-all design may not work for smaller babies or smaller cars.  For example, these infant car seats are big and bulky.  They are a good backup car seat or great for a caregiver. One car that can accommodate any kind of car seat is the Jeep Compass. Make sure the seat you are buying will actually fit in your vehicle.

Traveling with a toddler

Your next car seat will be a convertible model when your baby is about a year old. Experts advise you to keep the seat rear-facing until your child is at least two years old.  So, the seat has to be able to accommodate the extra leg room while facing backward. When your child has passed the 40 to 50lb. mark, you will want to change the seat to a forward-facing installation.

Toddler booster seats are also available, and they are cheaper than convertible seats.  However, they are only safe for a child who has reached the recommended front-facing age of two years old.  Next, basic booster seats are designed to “boost” your child up to the proper level for seatbelt coverage.  High-back versions are recommended as a safer and more comfortable option.  Be sure to check your state’s car seat regulations.  They could vary from state to state. 

Let’s go for a stroll

Before you buy a stroller, consider how you will be using it.  Will you be walking through the city or down a country road? You will need a durable, comfortable stroller with strong wheels and a safety harness. Some strollers collapse down into a lying position so baby can nap comfortably and safely.  This is perfect for trips to the mall or other events.

If you are moving baby from car to stroller for your walks, you may appreciate the kind where you can strap the car seat right into the frame. As baby grows and is able to sit up, walk and toddle away, you may want to switch to a lightweight, collapsible stroller that is easy to pack when not in use.

As with any baby equipment, it is important to take your time.  Most importantly, do your research and invest in a car seat or stroller that you feel good about. Once you do, pack up baby and hit the road.