Wordless Wednesday

Your Days Are Numbered!



  1. That looks like one good turkey there! 😉

  2. nice…I have a turkey photo ready for Thanksgiving WW.

    Happy ww

  3. Poor turkey! Happy WW! Mine is up. I love your blog. I think this is the first time I’ve been here. Visit Healthy Moms for our latest giveaway.

  4. Poor turkey… glad I am a vegetarian, or I’d feel guilty.

    Wordless Wednesdays: Bike Race

  5. oh no. poor turkey.

    Here’s my entry.  Happy WW!

  6. Run turkey RUN!

    Our Tom is already in our freezer, and I bet he will be so yummy. 🙂

  7. Awwwwww poor Mr Turkey 🙁

  8. It’s funny how ugly their heads are.  Maybe if they were too cute we wouldn’t want to eat them.

  9. hahaha this is so cute!!

  10. Ha ha! Poor turkey.

  11. Gobble, gobble!!  That means ‘run for your life’ in turkey talk!!!

    My Wordless is a Boy George look a like…come on over if you have some time today.

  12. Really?  But he’s so handsome!  Let him be the one that is spared!!

  13. Pssst! Come over to my place; I’m a vegetarian!

  14. I bet it’s thinking “Just wait till we turkeys rule this planet” Happy WW

  15. The bus is fake, but Mr. Turkey will be meeting a platter soon.

  16. Amazing photo..


  17. All set for the dining table!

  18. The “bus” is fake one right? Poor turkey, see u on X’mas night. ;p

  19. Oh boy….I hope he has some running shoes. I have a feeling I know who’s on the menu next week. Happy WW.

  20. Run turkey, run . . . Fun shot, as long as the turkey doesn’t get shot (sorry couldn’t resist the pun).

  21. Oh man, that’s just cold!

  22. UH-OH!

  23. LOL! Poor little turkey! I feel sorry for him already!

  24. h – so funny! poor little turkey!