15 Morning Habits to Make Coming Home Even Better

If you’re a working mom, your home can become a pretty complex place. Home is where you make memories with your family, and where you keep them safe.  It’s also where you relax and build your life with your husband or significant other. We all know that busy schedules can disrupt domestic harmony.  So, today we’re sharing tips on chores that you can perform in the morning.  Getting organized can put you on the path to empowering yourself and making coming home a pleasure.



house cleaning tips, kids chores



 You may prefer to leave cleaning and other jobs for the weekend. However, there are a few simple steps you can take on a daily basis to tweak your home.  For example, opening the curtains in the living room will fill the room with light and air.  Plumping up sofa cushions will make the room far more enticing.   Also, add flowers and/or a fragrance diffuser in the entry way.  Beauty and a fresh scent when you enter your home.  It’s a great way to unwind and have a positive attitude when you’re greeted by the children and your husband.
Another step is to make your kid’s beds in the morning or encourage your child to make their bed if they are old enough.  It will make their rooms feel tidy, and more appealing when bedtime arrives.  Don’t neglect your own bed either.  There’s nothing more comforting than the sight of a made bed and a fresh pair of pajamas.  Get in the habit of fluffing the pillows and decluttering before going to bed, and making beds in the morning.  You will find that it only takes a few minutes to perform these tasks.
If this already feels achievable, be sure to check out this new infographic which explores a handful of other tips for reviving your love affair with your home – without the burden of extra work.

15 Morning Habits to Make Coming Back Home Even Better