Lets Play Ball – Women Beaters

Do we put too much emphasis on sports in this country?  I like sports, but I do have a problem with the attention that it gets. It’s placed before school and grades, the players make more money than doctors who save lives, and now pro athletes can beat women and that crime becomes second to the game.   

I watched the video of Ray Rice throwing a left hook and knocking his now wife unconscious. I’m sure you’ve seen it too, it’s been on every TV station in the country.  I know that domestic violence happens everyday, but the sight of him dragging her out of the elevator with her skirt up over her behind and than dropping her on her face was just horrifying.  He never bothered to pull her skirt down even with another man standing there looking at her. He just steps over her like a piece of trash.  Did I mention, she’s the mother of his daughter? You can watch the hotel video courtesy of TMZ here and you be the judge.  

His punishment was anger management and a 2 game suspension from the NFL.  That is until this video surfaced.  The Baltimore Ravens than decided to fire him.  Not because they believed it was the right thing to do, but they had to calm America.  There are men and women who are enraged over this video and there are others who are wearing a Ray Rice jersey and wanting him back on the team. Those wearing the jersey include women, who believe the situation should remain a personal matter.  Has anyone informed these people that domestic violence is a crime in this country? 

Unfortunately, they have 14 additional players that are or have been involved in domestic abuse issues and they are still playing ball in the NFL. I’m sure there are just as many in the NBA, NHL, and other sports. I think this sends a pretty sick message to our youth who look up to these million dollar players.  You can beat your pregnant wife, girlfriend or your wife that is not pregnant and still make a million bucks in our league.  Sports is number one in this country.  Women will come and go, but football, basketball, baseball and every other sport is here to stay.  It’s so disgusting.  

Janay Palmer, the now wife of Ray Rice married him within 30 days of the knockout punch and apologized for her role in getting beat up.  When Ray Rice was fired from the Ravens, she blamed the media and enraged Americans for embarrassing them, making them feel alone and ruining their life.  Apparently, it’s not unusual for victims to marry their abusers.  Personally, if a man knocked my ass out and I mean that figuratively as well as literally, I would be running in the opposite direction.  There would be nothing inside of me that would believe that he wouldn’t do it again.  He knocked her out in a public elevator.  This wasn’t behind closed doors in their home.

I’m not being judgmental against women who stay in abusive relationships, we all have the right to live our life the way we choose, but there isn’t enough love or money that would keep me in that situation, I have a zero tolerance policy.  You put your hands on me once and I’m done.  I worked with a lady years ago who ended up killing her husband.  I worked with her 5 days a week for years and I had no idea she was being abused until she shoot him.  She didn’t receive jail time, but she has to live with killing her children’s father for the rest of her life.  

Domestic violence is a huge problem in this country. We wonder why men and women stay in abusive relationships and we wonder why the abuser hurts someone they claim to love.  Fear seems to be the biggest reason for victims who stay and control is the biggest reason for the abuse.  For victims who wish to get out of abusive relationships, it is advised that you have a plan. Check out The National Domestic Violence Hotline’s advice on how to establish a plan.       

You may also be interested in Your Penis Is Mine.  


Your Penis Is Mine!

Your penis is mine, your penis is mine, your penis is mine. Do I have your attention? I wanted to share this post with you because I believe the world is becoming more insane each day. I’m thinking that maybe I’m seeing it as insane because I’ve finally matured and gathered my senses, and when people do things out of the ordinary it gets my attention. You ask what’s out of the ordinary? How about setting your husband’s penis on fire.

A 44 year old Australian woman is accused of just that. She saw her husban hug another woman last week and became jealous. She poured an alcohol based substance on him as he slept, set him on fire and he died from the injuries. She wanted to burn his penis to let him know that it was hers. She stated, “I just wanted to burn his penis so it belongs to me and no one else. … I didn’t mean this to happen.”

Now think about that statement. Let it penetrate slowly. Where is it written that you set your husband’s penis on fire to claim it? Couldn’t she have claimed it by whispering “it’s mine” in his ear in a moment of passion? Hell, she could have claimed it over bacon & eggs on the kitchen table, but to rationalize setting her husband on fire is beyond my comprehension.

Well she rationalized it. When her husband realized he was on fire, he jumped out of bed knocking the alcohol based substance over, which caused the fire to spread. It eventually razed their house and their neighbor’s. He later died from his injuries. She has now been charged with his murder.
Becoming insecure when you think your husband may be giving his affection and attention to another would be natural. But wouldn’t you simply ask who the woman was that he was hugging rather than burn his penis. Now, if he didn’t come back with the right answer one of us would have been out the door and his next conversation would have been with an attorney. Some things are not negotiable with me and sharing my man is one of them. I would hope that my husband would introduce me to whoever it was that he was hugging, especially if I was standing there. If he made the mistake of not introducing me, we would have a serious conversation.

On that note, what happened to people engaging in verbal conversations and discussing whatever is happening with each other? Has society lost the ability to converse? The only thing that I can think of that would cause me to become violent is someone trying to hurt my children. You will see the claws come out and a bitch rearing her ugly head. I could loose all sense of right and wrong on that one. But a penis, I’m just not willing to go to jail for.

Between this post and the one where the husband is demanding his kidney back from his ex-wife I’m just beside myself. I pray for the world in which we live. Would love to know your thoughts on this post.