Should We Take His Pacifier?

As you can see my little sweetie is a character. Don’t you love his hat? He also has another attachment, his pacifier. He’s almost 2 and my daughter thinks he’s getting too old to have it. Pediatricians recommend that toddlers be weaned from their pacifiers by 2. She and my son-in-law want to put him in nursery school for a few hours a day so he can play with other children, and they believe he should be off the pacifier. How old should a child be when you take their
nip nip? He absolutely loves it. Gran thinks she should leave him alone and let him give it up when he’s ready. I don’t expect him to be walking around with his nip nip when he’s 3, but now it soothes him.

He was a thumb sucker when he was born, and I’m concerned that he will revert although research has shown that most toddlers don’t revert when they’re weaned. There are also other concerns, interference with speech, dental problems and ear infections. I’ve seen no signs of either. I think he will gradually give it up when he learns to sooth himself. I must admit he hangs on to it tightly. If you try to take it, he’ll fight you for it. I meant that literally.  If we have a discussion about it, he understands.  He will run to it, pick it up and suck on it for dear life. He’s such a sweetie and oh so adorable. I simply can’t stand to see or hear him in distress.

How old was your child when you weaned them? I would love to hear your story, please leave a comment.