6 Reasons Learning to Forgive Is Good

I’ve endured many hurtful events in my life.  They actually started in childhood.  Growing up in an alcoholic home, having an emotionally unavailable and abusive mother, being called names by others, teen pregnancy, and divorce added to my pain.   I remember being called names because of skin color, my hair, or because I was skinny.  There were times when I just didn’t feel loved or cared for.  On an emotional and psychological level, it leaves your hurt, angry,  and depressed.  It also causes you to lose your confidence, self esteem and faith.  Today, I’m going to share tips on why you need to forgive those who have hurt you.  When you do, it allows you to let go, move on and that in itself is empowering.  


learning to forgive



Even at this stage of my life, a few of my relationships are rocky.  However, I have acquired the tools to deal with relationships and situations so they don’t cause emotional damage in my life.  For example, I have learned that forgiveness is a powerful tool to have in your arsenal.  I have learned that forgiveness is key in getting rid of baggage that most of us carry through life.

As a matter of fact, learning to forgive is the first step to empowering yourself.  It’s the first step in taking back what is rightfully yours, that is your life.  You have the right to live your life without being a victim in its entirety.  Without forgiveness, we continue to hold on to things that bind us to the hurt and pain that we endured.  There’s a saying, forgive and forget.  I won’t ever tell you to forget it, but I will say let it go and move on.

Why, because learning to forgive is a freeing experience.  Remove the weight of the burden you have been carrying for years with forgiveness.  Learning to forgive also provides the following benefits:

Moves You Forward – Once you learn to forgive, it frees you to move on with your life.  So, remove the shackles and the weight that once held you down.

Helps Heal Emotional Wounds –  Emotional wounds can be just as damaging as physical wounds.  I played the hurtful words that were said to me over and over again in my head.  It was like a broken record.  The words seep into your soul, and if allowed they will become your voice.

Empowers You – Forgiveness returns your power back to you.

Renews Your Faith – Forgiveness helps to re-establish your faith.  If you’ve left your church, return and join a bible study group.  Feeding your soul is important in your growth.

Forgiveness is About You – Forgiving your abusers/victimizers is not about them.  People don’t forgive because they believe their abuser is getting off the hook. Wrong!  You forgive so you can let yourself off the hook.  You free yourself from the secrets, shame, hurt and pain.

Brings a Sense of Peace –  Once you’re free from the people who hurt you, you will find peace.  Forgiveness allows a calm to enter your life, and it clears your head to make rational decisions for you and your family.

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