9 Tips for Repairing Strained Mother and Daughter Relationships

Mother and daughter relationships are sacred.  Both will be affected if there is a breach or tension.  If you are the daughter or the mother, these nine tips may be helpful in repairing strained mother-daughter relationships.  The first three tips will be helpful when there is a profound breakdown in the relationship.  The rest of the tips will help both of you relate to each other positively.  Lets get to the tips so you can become empowered in your relationships!


mother daughter relationships



However, both of you need to have at least some desire and willingness to work towards genuine reconciliation. If the relationship has become toxic, it may be best to refrain from further contact. It’s imperative that you protect yourself from further damage.  Assess your relationship and decided if you want to repair your relationship.  If so, use these mother and daughter relationships tips to help you move forward:

  1. Make a date to meet together…

First, call your mother or daughter and ask if the two of you can meet for coffee and chat. Depending on your circumstances, decide whether a public place such as a restaurant would be more convenient than meeting in one of your homes.  Don’t include other family members.

  1. Talk things through thoroughly…

Decide what you want to say before you get together. First, thank your mother (or daughter) for meeting you and assure her of your love. Tell her how much the relationship means to you and that by all means you would like to be reconciled with her again. Take ownership of whatever your part may have been in the breakdown. Be honest about whatever the issues are. This is not the time to let your ego get in the way.  If you really want the relationship to be restored it will require a degree of humility.

  1. Decide to go forward…

Both of you will need to make the decision to go forward together. That means putting the past behind you and letting go of whatever caused the break down.  You need to see the future as a blank page waiting to be filled with new stories and experiences in your unique relationship.

  1. Practice forgiveness…

When you have both decided to rekindle the connection, you need to be prepared to navigate the way.  Forgiveness is essential if you want to make any progress.  Remember, forgiveness does not mean that you are condoning or minimizing what happened.  Instead, it means that you decide to let the matter go.  As a result, you can let go of   torment and bitterness.  Forgiveness should be given and received regularly by both parties.

  1. Be realistic and clear about your expectations…

Unrealistic expectation cause disappointments and damage emotions. Sometimes for an adult daughter it is difficult to realize that her mom may not always be available to nurture or rescue her.  Furthermore, she may not be able to meet her needs on a daily basis.  And for moms it can be a shock when their daughters want to fly out of the nest and make their own way. Both of you need to adjust to what it means to have an adult relationship, with clear and realistic expectations.

  1. Learn to listen carefully…

Often the words you say is not what you’re really thinking and feeling. That is why it is so important that you learn to listen carefully. Try to reflect back what the other person is saying so that you can be sure you understand what she means.  At first your mom may sound overly critical.  However, when you realize how worried she is about your safety you may be able to recognize her love for you.

  1. Learn to communicate carefully…

Don’t expect the other person to be a mind reader.  We need to communicate carefully and clearly.  Be gentle as you speak your heart . Harsh words pierce deeply and can leave a painful wound, even if you didn’t mean it that way.

  1. Make time for each other…

One of the most common complaints from mothers is that their adult daughters no longer have time for them. However, it can work both ways. It takes wisdom to find the balance of knowing how much time to spend together.  How much is enough, and how much is too much. Too much togetherness can cause petty irritations to surface. Yet,  not enough togetherness leads to isolation and a disconnection.  So seek to find the healthy balance of what will work best for both of you.

  1. Know your boundaries…

Boundaries are essential for any good relationship.  This includes mother and daughter relationships. If there has been bitter arguing or name calling, make it clear that you will leave if that restarts. Once you have set a boundary, be ready to enforce it for your own mental and emotional health. With perseverance and love it is possible to repair and maintain the powerful and precious mother and daughter relationships.

Author Bio:-

Sylvia Smith is a relationship expert with years of experience in training and helping couples. She has helped countless individuals and organizations around the world, offering effective and efficient solutions for healthy and successful relationships. Her mission is to provide inspiration, support and empowerment to everyone on their journey to a great marriage. She is a featured writer for Marriage.com, a reliable resource to support healthy happy marriages.

Inspirational Quote – Requirements

relationships, quotes, inspiration, encourage

5 Reasons You Should Keep Your Word

Know that what you do or don’t do affects other people in your life.  People want to feel that they can depend on you and that you will be there for them when needed.  They want to know that you’re believable. These traits are essential when you have children involved and also come into play with friendships and intimate relationships.  Not keeping your word is hurtful.    It make people feel unimportant.  Today, we have tips on why you should keep your word.   Keeping your word ensures others that they can depend on you.  And, reliability is a great way to get on the path of empowering yourself.




  • Your children will follow your example – Children do as they see and repeat what they hear.  If you don’t live up to what you say why should they?
  • Demonstrates that you’re untrustworthy –  People don’t trust others who don’t mean what they say and why should they.
  • Could possibly damage the self-esteem of others – If a person depends on you and you constantly let me them down it will eventually affect their self-esteem. They may feel unworthy, not cared for and eventually give up on you or worst themselves.
  • You’re unreliable – You will never become a part of a team or a relationship.  You will demonstrate that you can’t carry your weight and you’re not a team player.  Making a commitment could become a problem.
  • You lack character – Where I come from, your word is your bond.  It’s what makes you stick to another person or a task.  It’s equivalent to a hand shake.  So, character is a reflection of who you are, your values, and your morals.


Furthermore, at some point we must all grow up and bend over backwards to keep our word.  Life is not all fun and games, and letting another down can be devastating.  Being responsible is what separates the men from the boys and the women from the girls.  Learn to follow through when you say that you will do something and demonstrate that you can be depended on.

Most importantly, not keeping your word is a serious character flaw that must be improved if you want to be a good parent and maintain other important relationships.  Are you teaching your child to keep their word and are you demonstrating how?  Are you in a friendship or relationship where you are constantly being let down?  If so, you may want to reassess it. People dish out what you’re willing to accept.


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