Did You Know – It’s National Potato Chip Day!

It’s National Potato Chip Day!  Yep, March 14 is the day that American indulges in their favorite bag of chips and feels no guilt.  I love chips, so I love this day.  I confess, chips are my weakness.  I haven’t met a chip yet that I didn’t like.  My favorite store brought dip is Heluva Good French Onion,  but I have a yummy homemade dip that is much better.   I’ll take it either way.  My Xavier is a chip off the old block, he loves to eat chips and dip with Mama.  Here’s Xavier helping me make dip for our chips awhile back. It’s amazing how much he has grown since our last dip making session.  No more Nip Nip or Pull Ups.  

I love Martins and Grandma Utz chips.  If they are not available good ole Lays or Utz will do.  If they’re thin, crunchy, and flavorable you won’t get a complaint from me.  Did you know that potato chips were first created as a joke?  The history behind these delectable artery clogging goodness is that they were invented in 1853 by Native American George Crum.  Mr. Crum was a chef at a resort in Saratoga Springs, New York.  A dinner guest ordered french fries, but complained that the fries were too thick and sent the order back.  Well we all know that chefs don’t like their dishes returned.  Mr. Crum decided to get even by producing fries that were too thin and crispy to stick to the dinner guest’s fork.  It backfired, the guest loved the potato slices.  The rest is history, the slices became a hit and known today as potato chips.

I don’t know exactly when I fell in love with these potato slices.  According to the width of my belly, I’ve been loving them for many years.  I’ve given up many things over the course of the years, but I refuse to give up my chips.  I have learned to savour them rather than devour the entire bag at one setting.  Leave us a comment and let us know what you’re favorite snack is.  We would love to hear from you.    

Baby’s Growing

Xavier, are you eating Gran’s chips & dip?  Even though he got caught on camera and dip is all over his face, the response was no.  Whatever you ask him he shakes his head no. This picture was taken Christmas Eve.  It’s hard to believe that he is now 15 months.  I hope that he knows how much Gran loves him.  My eyes tear up with joy just looking at this picture. 

It has been amazing to watch all of the stages that’s he has been through.  As you can see, he loves potato chips and french onion dip.  Gran loves them too.  He is definitely a chip off the old block.  He just smiles and dances when he sees a plate containing these favorites.

Gran’s a little worried about her little sweetie.  The doctor said he is under weight.  He eats little and runs all day, so he’s burning up whatever he consumes.  I would love to hear from all of my readers, especially any moms who have experienced this problem and what steps you took.  Xavier has always been small, he was born about 2 weeks early.  Should I be concerned?