Is Your Child A Member of the Muffin Top Club?

Is your child a member of the muffin top club?  You are familiar with the term muffin top right?  It’s when you wear jeans and the bulge of fat hangs over the waist band of the jeans.  I see a lot of teenage girls with muffin tops, and occasionally adult women. I try hard to cover my stomach, I’m a muffin, biscuit, pancake, crescent roll and whatever other bread product you can think of.   
There’s also the term split muffin top.  Now that’s when your pants are low enough when you bend over to see the top of your butt crack, as if somebody would be interested in seeing that.  Some of us are comfortable enough to let it all hang out.  Normally I would say more power to you, if you think you look good work with it.  However, I’m sick of seeing muffins in every shape size and color imaginable.  Check out this video on YouTube, we are turning into a Muffin Top Nation people we really are.  

Low-rider jeans are the culprit.  We used to call them hip huggers back in the day. When we wore them in the 70’s, they sat low on the hips so the belly button would be exposed.  Their purpose these days are beyond me.  Can somebody explain their purpose in the 2000’s. 

We need to educate our daughters on how to dress appropriately moms.  When we see them heading out the door in this ensemble, we need to stop them.  If you can’t find it in your heart to stop them, damn it, send the fashion police after them.  They need to learn that it is not attractive.  I love seeing our teenage girls with confidence and self-esteem, but this is neither. We must teach them confidence, self-esteem and self-worth.  They must learn that just because a certain type of clothing is on the market doesn’t mean they can wear it, and it doesn’t make them unfashionable or less for it. Fashion etiquette starts at home moms. You don’t have to be a Fashionista be able to determine that this is not acceptable.      
Leave us a comment on what you think about the insurgence of muffin tops that have invaded us.  Do you agree that fashion etiquette starts at home?  Are you seeing muffin tops in your area?  Is your child a member of the muffin top club?  We would love to hear from you.   

No More Junk Food For You

It looks like our schools will be required to serve healthier meals to our children.  Lets hear it for the Obama administration, someone stepped up to the plate and said we need to take better care of our children.  Many would disagree with his decision.  We all have an opinion and this post is about mine. I signed on to Michelle Obama’s Lets Move program months ago.  Our children need healthier meals, we truly have a severe obesity problem with our children in this country and we need to teach them to eat healthy now so it becomes a habit. 
I was an advent fan of Maury Povich years ago, that’s before he started focusing on baby’s daddy.  I’ll save my opinion on baby’s daddy for another day.  Anyway, Maury was featuring obese children on his show.  OMG, the images will be ingrained into my memory forever.  The show featured toddlers that weighed 100+ pounds.  Mothers were literally feeding their children to death.  The children would scream and fight until they received their favorite foods and drinks, which consisted of Twinkies, soda, chicken legs, mac & cheese, chips, and the list goes on and on.  It was heart breaking.  These children were huge.  There was no way these children could be lifted to be hugged and kissed.  There was no way these children could run and play.  It still brings tears to my eyes years later just thinking about it. Statistics show that approximately 32 percent of our children are overweight or obese and the numbers are climbing.  Our armed forces are turning away recruits because they are too fat to serve in the military. Can you believe this, the recruits couldn’t climb a flight of steps if their life depended on it.  They surely can’t enter into combat to defend our country.

We must save our youth before it’s too late. They are our future, but if we continue on the path that we’re on they won’t be around to lead.  Health care costs are at an all time high, and much of the debt relates to obesity.  High blood pressure, diabetes, and respiratory issues are serious problems with our youth too.  Here’s a few questions for you:  Do you see children playing in your neighborhood? What happened to riding bikes and taking your children to the park to play on the swings and slide?  What happened to taking your kids roller skating?  We’ve allowed our children to become couch potatoes.  A video game is in one hand and a bag of chips or ice cream is in the other.       

How can we go wrong with the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (S. 3307).  This bill addresses the need for healthier meals for our children.  Let the fight against obesity begin. Many children would go hungry without the Free Lunch program offered in our schools. Many parents who are trying to feed their families are unable to purchase organic or other healthy choices because it’s just too expensive to purchase these types of foods.  They send their children to school, and what’s there?  Vending  machines filled with chips, chocolate, and soda.  When do they get a healthy meal?  Where do they learn to make healthy choices, it’s not an option in the home.  We are sending our children to school to get an education, shouldn’t healthy eating be a part of their education?  

I debated this bill with a mom blogger this morning.  She believed the bill was another communistic act of the Obama Administration to control the country.  She believed she should be able to give her child money to purchase a treat, ice cream, if she choose to do so. She also had a problem with the fundraising being limited.  The children would no longer be able to sell candy bars to raise funds.  People were able to spend a $1.00 on a candy bar versus $30.00 for wrapping paper.  This statement proved my point, junk food is more affordable, which is why children are being feed junk instead of making healthier choices. Why can’t they sell fruit?  I purchase a case of mixed fruit every year around the holidays from the neighborhood children and make gift baskets for my family.  What about candles or a magazine subscription?  There are so many options other than candy that can be sold to raise money. I believe out of sight out of mind.  If we’re banning junk from the schools, why sell it for fundraisers?
I participated in the White House Feed A Neighbor Program several weeks ago.  The shelves were bare, and food banks were asking the community for help stocking shelves so families could have a decent meal for Thanksgiving.  It was a rewarding experience for me, but I have to say that fresh fruit and vegetables were not an option among the food brought in.  Food banks are unable to store perishable items.  They must have a self life.           
Most importantly, I wish someone had taught me how to eat when I was a kid.  I was not an obese kid, my weight problems started after my divorce.  I’m a stress eater, which is why I am so hell bent on teaching healthy lifestyles early.  I have gotten better with walking and moving as much as possible, and I’ve already signed up for a weight lose program starting 1/4/2011.  Stay tuned for my progress in the new year.  Although my eating habits were not great, my daughter did learn to eat healthy as a result of 12 years of formal dance training.  She has made it a part of her life and she’s passing that mind set on to her son.  To me that’s proof that healthy habits are taught.  

We would love to know your thoughts on this bill.  Do you believe the government should be regulating school menus and the removal of junk food?  Should the government be the initiator of the fight on childhood obesity?  How are you doing with  preparing healthy meals in your home? Leave us a comment, we would love to hear from you.         

Bullying Obese Children

Kathy Griffin is fighting back.  She has dubbed Bristol Palin aka “Pillsbury Dough Girl ” or try the “White Precious” and she’s standing by her comments.  Although she is being seen as a bully per Elizabeth Hasselbeck from The View, Kathy Griffin refuses to apologize for her fat jokes. Is  Kathy Griffin a bully for calling Bristol fat?  That depends on who you ask.  Some are defining bullying as an attack on a defenseless person who has done nothing wrong, and Bristol Palin is fair game.  After all, she is the only contestant who gained weight on Dancing With The Stars.  To add fuel to the fire, she shouldn’t have even been in the final competition.  If the show is truly based on one’s dancing ability, Bristol Palin is a joke according to Kathy Griffin.  
Other people went into a rage over the fact that Bristol beat out Brandy on DWTS.  So enraged one man shot out his TV and had a standoff with a SWAT  Team.  Now that is what we call Pissed Off.   
Now I don’t believe Bristol was a better dancer than Brandy; however, I am against bullying.  My daughter was bullied and I’ve written several blog posts on the subject.   It can devastating to the person who is on the receiving end and could possibly end in tragedy.  Do I see Bristol Palin as a child?  Not really, but she is a child to me.  Is she fair game for comedians?  Aren’t we all. Is she being bullied?  I personally don’t think so.  Although she is a child to me, she is in fact a grown woman who had to know that she would be the topic of discussion at breakfast, lunch and dinner if she participated on the show.  Hell her mother is the brunt of jokes for many comedians, so as far as I’m concerned she stepped into the line of fire.  Should her mother have warned her it could happen?  Was this a selfish opportunity that Sarah Palin used for her own political aspirations?  Is this a reflection of Sarah Palin’s parenting skills or lack thereof?     

Take a good look at this picture of Bristol Palin.  Would the medical field consider her fat?  Probably so. Should she be the brunt of a fat joke, no. People have criticized Michelle Obama for promoting healthier life styles for America’s children.  I’ve even seen a post where someone blamed President Obama for removing ice cream from the schools.  Is that really a bad thing?  What’s wrong with replacing ice cream with a piece of fruit?  That’s what a doctor would want us to do.  Kathy Griffin’s remarks about Bristol is a perfect example of why obesity needs to be promoted, discussed and dealt with in this country.  Fat jokes, humiliating comments toward our children, and the struggle in adulthood to loose excessive weight is real.  The truth be told, we do have some of the most obese people in the world right here in the good ole USA.  We come from the land of good and plenty, and we believe in indulgence. 

I think too much emphasis is placed on body images in this country.  It’s ingrained into our heads that thin is in.  When those of us who have weight problems can’t obtain that goal, we are the butt of cruel comments and remarks.  I struggle with my weight, and I have for many years. It can be painful at times.  I’ve lost track of the number of times that I’ve looked into the mirror nude and told myself that I was disgusting.  On the other hand, my self esteem is high enough when I can look in the mirror on other days and say diva, oh yes I am.  Not everyone has the strength to do that, and I am grateful for a healthy dose of self-esteem.  I’m not aiming to be thin, but I am aiming to be healthy.

As for Bristol Palin, she should really think twice about whether or not she wants to be in the lime light.  It’s kinda of like Sarah Palin on the hunt for a kill, if you put yourself out there, you’re fair game. I would love to hear your thoughts on Kathy Griffin’s fat jokes and the obesity problems that we face in this country with our children.  Please leave us a comment, we love them.