Nadia Suleman’s Christmas Card

How do you get 10 children to sit still long enough to take a portrait?  This is Nadia Suleman’s, aka Octomom, Christmas card.  Yep, she’s back in the news.  She’s in need of money, who wouldn’t be with fourteen children.  Apparently, the mother of fourteen has been ordered to pay a $450,000 balloon payment on her home by December 31 or be homeless.  Apparently her father worked out a deal for Nadia to live in the home although it is owned by someone else.  Nadia would be responsible for making the payments.  If the home owner falls behind on the payments, a balloon payment becomes due.  According to the home owner, Nadia should be evicted from the home and he’s prepared to take legal action.  

It appears that people have lost interest in her, and offers for books, movies and reality TV shows aren’t coming in as she had hoped.  The financial well has run dry.  She decided to have a yard sale to try to raise funds.  People take desperate measures in desperate times.  Hell, I’ve never been able to raise more than a few hundred dollars when I’ve had a yard sale, how does one raise $10,000.  Unfortunately, Nadia was only able to raise $2,600.  She should have called Niecy Nash on Clean House.  She knows how to get it done.  The $2,600 was not enough, but not bad for a bikini that she wore on the cover of a magazine, her nursing bra, sofa, and a photo opportunity with her children.          

PETA made Nadia an offer to assist with the balloon payment.  They wanted to place a sign in her yard that read,   “Don’t let your dog or cat become an ‘Octomom:’ Always spay or neuter,”  How humiliating is that?  She accepted the $5,000 offer so she could keep a roof over her children’s head.   

I wonder what kind of life these poor children will have.  It’s impossible for her to give these children the attention they need and deserve.  Unless you’re filthy rich, it’s also impossible to feed, cloth, pay medical expense, save for college or everything else with fourteen children.  They are so adorable, and they deserve much better.  Without public assistance, what do these children have to look forward to?  

The state will end up taking care of these children eventually.  She was receiving food stamps and disability payments before you had the last 8.  As a single parent, I usually rally behind another single mother, but I find it difficult to have any compassion for someone who had 6 children that she couldn’t take care of and she selfishly brings 8 more into the world.  Can you imagine the chaos in that house with fourteen children running, screaming, crying, fighting and who knows what else.  I pray that there is no tragedy within the walls of that home. 

Rather than place this burden on the state, I think her fertility doctor should be made to take some responsibility.  We know that won’t happen, the best we can hope for is that he will loose his license.   

I wish the best for the children, and no ill-will toward their mother.  Since the children have a baby’s daddy, she’s all the support they have.  Leave us a comment and let us know your thoughts on Nadia Suleman and her fourteen children.          

I Screwed Up My Life

Nadya Suleman

“I screwed myself. I screwed up my life, I screwed up my kids’ lives. What the heck am I going to do?” The words of Nadia Suleman, it looks like the idiot is having a reality check. Hello girlfriend you couldn’t handle 6, what did you think would happen with 8 more. I’m sure she spends her waking hours thinking about it, but she will find not an ounce of sympathy here. I believe her motives were purely selfish, and she as well as taxpayers will pay for the rest of those poor children’s lives.
Fox will air a show on August 19 on Nadia Suleman and her 14 children. Take a look at this video clip, 14 screaming, crying children. She states the older children are negative, what’s positive in this situation for an adult let alone a child. In my opinion, you can not possibly give yourself whole-heartily to 14 children. Physically, emotionally or physiologically. America will be getting a first hand look at someone who thinks in the moment.

She also states that the older children are curious about their father. Now how do you explain to a child that their father was literally a sperm donor. You came from a frozen egg, honey. That’s like saying The Stork dropped you off. Apparently the father is married and has no intentions of being in the children’s life as a father or role model. Chances are there will never be a father figure or role model in their lives. What man is going to take on the responsibility of 14 children who are not his and being followed around by a camera for the rest of his life?

Normally, I don’t concern myself with others and how they live their life. However, this woman just rubs me the wrong way. I could slap that bitch each time I look at her. I need to take a deep breath, I feel the anger rising. I still think about her website seeking donations. WTH? Now you want people to help pay for your poor judgment.

I’ve debated as to whether or not I will watch this program. I still haven’t made up my mind. There’s a part of me that wants to see those adorable babies who did not ask to be brought into this world, certainly under the conditions that we’ve seen. There’s another part that is angry that a woman could be so stupid, and I don’t want to support her in any way. I want to knock this woman in the head, but I guess it too late for that. I wonder how she is going to keep what little sanity she has trying to raise 14 children. She’s already stating that she resents herself, when she will start resenting the children. Do you see that coming?

I hope something positive comes out of this insane situation, and these children will be blessed in some way. I’m sure in the end they will thank their mother for being a human incubator and bringing them into this world.

Feel free to leave your comments/opinions on Nadia Suleman and her 14 children.