I’m Someone’s Child Too

How do people learn hatred?  I have my beliefs and I’m very passionate about certain things, but I would never intentionally set out to hurt another person as a result of those beliefs.  
Amber, shown, used to be David.  She is now transgender.  In October, she went to a DMV in San Francisco, and changed her name and gender.  I’m sure she was thinking this is the beginning of my new life.  What she got in return is a letter condemning her to hell and telling her that she should be put to death from a DMV employee as well as a pamphlet from a church condemning her sexual orientation.  

It seems the DMV employee accessed the system and used her personal information to send the condemning letter.  Now let me make sure I have this right, this high and mighty employee accesses some one’s confidential information, which is an Ethics and Conduct Violation on most jobs and grounds for an immediate dismissal, to condemn someone to hell.  Hmmmmmmmmm!  

Allegedly, this same employee refused to help another transgender person last year.  He was given sensitivity training, and allowed to keep his job.  He obviously didn’t learn anything from the sensitivity training.  It’s hard to expunge hatred from human beings with a Power Point presentation?  It takes hatred years to fester and really get into the pores of human decency.  After all, we aren’t born full of hate.  
The employee has since resigned from the DMV.  I’m sure Amber Yust would have preferred the employee being fired rather than being allowed to resign.  This leaves the door open for him to find another job without a smear on his record.  How fair is this?  Hopefully there will be justice for Amber in the end.  Sending hate mail through the US Postal service is a federal offense.  This man should be prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law; otherwise, there will be another recipient of his hatred.

When I hear these type of stories, I wonder what makes the person so holy.  I wonder why they believe they are the chosen ones who should deliver the condemnation.  I wonder how many hours they spent listening to bigotry and hatred in their homes or church.  I can relate to Amber Yust.  Not because I’m transgender because I have been the recipient of hate mail.  Although it has been years ago, I remember the evening clearly.  I had just walked through my door from a business trip and was going through the mail.  My letter was sent from the coworker from hell.  My response was shock and disbelief.  It’s frightening, it’s funny, and in the end you feel sadness for someone who is that sick and thinks you’re the problem.  My letter contained a grave with a headstone.  On the headstone was RIP.  Another had me hanging from a tree.  My harasser spent a year behind bars in a federal prison.  She had a lot of time to think about her acts.  She apologized at her sentencing.  I didn’t accept it because I don’t believe it was sincere.   She was facing prison time, she was sorry she was sitting exposed as the sick cookie that she is.  What was truly amazing was that she tried to portray  herself as a great mother.  She really set a good example for her children with her acts of hate didn’t she.  I am thankful that the judge saw through her, and gave that bitch exactly what she deserved.  A year and a day and 3 years p robation. 

In time you do forgive, but you never forget.  Who has the right to scar another person for life?  What does a person have inside of them that makes acts of hate seem appropriate?  In my opinion, hatred is like cancer.  It will eat you alive.  I look at Amber and I think that she should be able to live her life the way she wants.  It’s her life, she has to live it and answer for her choices and decisions like we all do.  I feel no hatred toward her, she’s somebody’s child too.  Have you been the recipient of hate mail or discrimination in any manner.  We would love for you to share your story or thoughts on this post.  Please leave us  a comment, we love them.