Homework for Kids Tips That Will Reduce Stress

Today, I’m sharing parenting tips on homework for kids.  If you’ve got kids in school, you know that homework is inevitable. But, if you find yourself stressing out about homework, it’s time to make some changes. Most kids feel overwhelmed when it comes to homework too. Luckily for you, there are things you can do to lessen the stress.  



homework for kids tips




Homework for Kids Tips:  


Setting up a routine – The first thing you need to do is set up a routine for your child.  The routine should not be difficult. When you set the routine up, make sure that your child knows what to do once they get home.  For example, eat a snack and start doing their homework if any.  

Homework daily – Make sure that your child knows what is expected of them in getting their homework assignments completed.  Make sure rules are clear.  Not having clear rules will make it difficult for them to complete each assignment to the best of their ability.

Know all your child’s abilities – If you know what your child is capable of and exactly what they are not capable of, it will give you insight on what you need to do to help them.  If they are struggling with a particular subject, offer assistance or get a tutor.  Not completing the homework assignment is not an option.  They must understand that, and so should you. 

No extra assignments – Set up your child’s homework so that they can focus on their primary homework assignment.  They will be more confident and manage the stress they feel if they see the end goal.  If they need additional work on a particular subject, add the worksheets/homework in the next day’s schedule.  

Reduce distractions – Sometimes, you need to make sure that your child is not distracted while doing their homework. Removing distractions will help them focus on the task at hand and also help them complete it correctly. Turn off phones, the tv, video games or music.   



homework for kids tips




Homework Strategy for Parents


Make up for lost days – If your child misses school, you need to make up their assignments to ensure they don’t fall behind.  Be sure you contact the school for any homework they need to complete.  

Create a schedule – If you can’t fit all of your child’s homework into one night, create a schedule.  It will prevent any misunderstandings between your child and you and keep them on track with their assignments. It’s important you give them enough time to complete the assignment without feeling rushed. 

Have a bedtime schedule – It’s vital that your child get plenty of rest.  Make sure they stay on their bedtime schedules each night.  Set a specific time to be in the bed, allow a little time for reading and than lights out, period.  

No additional stress – As a parent, you may sometimes feel the need to add more pressure on your child by stressing about their grades or the lack of completed homework.  Both are valid concerns; however, t’s vital that you control this type of stress.  If you feel like your child is not doing well in certain subjects, talk with the teacher and put together a plan to help improve your child’s grades.  about these topics.

Spend time with your child – Your kids should know that you are interested in their homework. While it’s normal to have a slight separation when it comes to your kids and their school work, you need to be open and willing to discuss any problems they may be facing. If they know that you’re there to help them out, they won’t feel embarrassed or overwhelmed when they come to you with questions.   

Make sure they’re prepared for test day – Furthermore, if your child is taking a test, make sure they understand what they will be tested on and they take time to study.  They can review prior homework assignment or worksheets.  It will help them study for the test with confidence.


Homework Tips for Preschoolers


Lets discuss your preschool child. Too much homework can lead to preschoolers being unhappy with school.  Furthermore, it can lead to behavioral problems like acting out or becoming depressed. Sadly, your child may not be learning as much as they would if they weren’t feeling pressure.  Find fun ways for your child to learn and develop without stress.  

For example, look into placing your child in a preschool.  Early childhood development is so important in our children’s life, and you can turn to certified teachers to help develop your child.  Not only can they learn academically, they can also learn the importance of sharing and socializing.  

If you need motherly advice on how you can better help your children develop themselves, subscribe to my blog now. I will be glad to share parenting tips with you!



Homework Tips: 5 Ways To Help Your Child With Their Homework

There are plenty of parts of being a parent that are harder than others. One thing that is particularly difficult is to get your child to do their homework.  Most likely, they have had a long day at school and the last thing they want to do is more school work.  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on ways to help your child with their homework.

However, doing homework is incredibly important.  So, how can you encourage and help your child with their homework? Here are 5 homework tips that you can try out for yourself:



homework tips



Don’t Try to Multi-task

When you are helping your child with their homework focus  on that particular task. There are plenty of parents who will try and help while they are cooking, making tea or  ironing clothes.  However, this may take your focus away from the homework and lead to confusion for both of you.


Google If  You Don’t Know

It can be a little embarrassing if you simply don’t know how to help your child.  So, rather than muddling through and frustrating your child,  utilize the tools that you have at hand.  For example, Google. It isn’t cheating, it is making sure that you get to the right answer.


Know When to Get Them Extra Help

It can be hard to admit, but sometimes it becomes apparent that your child needs more help with their homework that you can’t give. This means that you may need to speak to a tutor or your child’s teacher for additional help. This is a much better idea than trying to pretend that everything is going okay.


Pick the Right Place To Do Homework

There is no point trying to get your child to focus on their homework with the rest of the family around and the TV on. Instead, you need to head to a place where the distractions are at a minimum. Bedrooms with desks, at the dining room table, even out in the garden if the weather is nice. The main thing is that your child give 100% to their homework and not be distracted.


Be Patient

There is nothing more frustrating than knowing the answer to something only to find that your child doesn’t. This is particularly true if the answer is obvious or it is simple to work out. The thing to remember is that you have to stay calm. They are still learning and it can take them some time to come to grips with some aspects of their education. They will appreciate your patience and it will help to keep them calm too.


No-one wants to have to force their children to do their homework. So, if there are ways that you can make things easier, then it makes sense to try these homework tips out for yourself.



6 Tips to Make Homework Fun for Children

Homework Tips for Children


Your children may illicit moans and groans when you prod them to do homework. But focusing on reading, writing and math is important for kids academically. If you’re not up for the constant battle that comes with their studies, you may want to find a more positive approach. The following are 6 tips will make homework fun for children.

Create a Fun Environment

As you’ve probably noticed throughout your own career life, work can be mind-numbingly and boring at times. Even people with the most exciting of jobs can find it difficult to focus at times. If you’re looking to instill productivity in children after a long day of school, design a creative and fun setting for your kids to work in. Busy areas of the household may hold a variety of distractions, so you want to pick the right location.

You also want to set limits on the use of technology such as smartphones and television. Include your child in the process when you’re looking for a place. You may also want to paint the room an exciting color that instills brilliance and creativity. Prepare the environment with essentials your child will need to tackle their homework. This could include a calculator, pencils, paper, scissors, pens, crayons and a stapler. If your child is assigned books to read, find a cozy chair that is comfy enough for them to peruse the literature, but won’t promote falling asleep.

Be Productive Together

It can be challenging for your child to focus on homework when you’re busy running all over the place handling laundry and other household chores. According to a maid service out of Atlanta, you can enjoy having a germ-free and spotless home every day by leaving it in the hands of the pros and still be free to work beside your child. Whether your time is spent catching up on work, personal emails, bills or planning a vacation, this time together makes it easier for your child to concentrate.

Enrich the Senses

Fidget spinners are a popular tool that engages your child’s sense of touch. It’s also a method that can ease stress and help them focus. If you’re looking to enrich your child’s other senses through learning, stress balls and white noise machines are essentials for stimulating their sense of hearing and touch. Baking cookies or a cake is another learning tool that helps hone a child’s math skills through measuring ingredients. It also engages the sense of smell. You can make learning about the body’s senses fun by placing a silk scarf over your child’s eyes and finding objects that they can touch, taste and smell. Reward them with stickers or a treat when they guess correctly.

Designate Office Hours

Your child may need assistance with their homework. While you may want to hover as they sift through their book work, set up allotted times your children can come to you with questions. This method may sound regimented, but it can prevent you from taking over their homework. It also allows them the self-esteem children need to do their own work. You can model good academic behavior by teaching them the importance of reading a book instead of watching T.V. or listening to the radio while your child studies.

Use Visual Aids

Children are visual learners, so you want them to see their progress.  Another way to make homework fun for children is to set up bulletin boards.  Yocan display work assignments and when they are due. Place encouraging messages or posters that instill positivity. Post graded work assignments both good and bad. If the homework received a good grade, this can encourage them to keep up the good work. If they received poor marks, find ways to lift their spirits, so they will do better next time.  Silly jokes and anecdotes can ease tension if your child is stressed over a test or finals.

Prepare Smart Snacks

If your child is hungry, they may be tired, unmotivated and cranky. You can provide your child with the energy they need to focus on their homework by preparing smart snacks. Allow your child to help in the preparation and choose from a list of healthy foods. Apples with nut butters provide energy. Your child may also benefit from healthy grains such as whole-grain crackers and cheese cubes or baked tortilla chips and salsa.

After your child has spent the entire day at school, motivating them to do their homework can be a difficult feat. But don’t sweat their lack of motivation. Using the above 6 strategies, you’ll be able to transform their math or vocabulary lessons into a fun adventure.  Make homework fun for children!