Using Suet Feeders for Backyard Birds

Today, I’m going to discuss using suet feeders for backyard birds.  Food sources for backyard birds become scarce during the winter.  So, I decided to put up a couple of suet feeders in addition to my regular feeders.   What is suet you ask?  Simply put, it’s fat mixed with corn, fruit, peanuts, hot peppers and/or  dehydrated insects.  Furthermore, it comes in a brick or log form.  The bricks fit into most suet feeder cages.

suet feeders for backyard birds

Also, you can use suet cakes year round.  So, they’re not just for winter feeding anymore.  That just happens to be the time of year I use them because the birds need the fat and protein.  If you’re going to use suet feeders for backyard birds in warmer months, I recommend using the No Melt Suet.  Check the package to ensure you have the No Melt version before you leave the store.  It’s easy to get the packages mixed up.  Also, using suet feeders are cheaper than buying bird seed.  So, if you don’t want to invest a lot of money in bird seed, a suet feeder is the way to go.

Furthermore, I’ve discovered that some birds prefer suet rather than seed.  Suet is important to birds, especially during the colder months.  It helps to keep them warm.  Mostly insect lovers like Mockingbirds, Orioles, Nuthatches, Woodpeckers and Chickadees flock to suet feeders.  I have been able to get my Woodpeckers and Chickadees to eat from my platform feeder too.  They love black oil sunflower seeds.




As a matter of fact, I really hoped to attract Orioles this past spring.  I tried using oranges this spring, but no luck.  I did manage to attract a Mockingbird and Catbirds.  They are both beautiful birds.  The Mocking Bird loves my bacon birdseed cookies.



suet feeders



The Downy and Red Bellied Woodpeckers are frequent visitors to the suet feeder.  I purchase the bricks made specifically for woodpeckers; however, I think they will eat any that contain nuts and fruit.  They love it.  Also, they will visit the platform feeder and indulge in the black oil sunflower seeds.



suet feeders for backyard birds



It’s cheaper, and the suet cakes last longer.  That’s if the squirrels, Starlings or Grackles don’t find the suet cages.  They can devour a cake or two in a day.  As a result, I purchased this bottom suet feeder to try to deter them.  So far it’s working.  I can put 3 of the suet cakes in this feeder.  The woodpeckers love it.  I have both Red-Bellied and Downy Woodpeckers that visit.  For larger woodpeckers like Flickers, the cage suet feeders are better.  They are large birds, and it seems easier for them to hold on to the cages rather than the bottom feeder.



suet feeders


What backyard birds visit you?  Do you feed them?  If so, what methods do you use to attract them?   Check out my other posts on attracting backyard birds before you leave.


suet feeders for backyard birds



This is a Downy Woodpecker on a cage suet feeder filled with raisins and cranberries.  So, you can get creative and use other food besides suet in your suet cages.



