How to Enjoy Road Trips with a Baby

Today, I’m sharing travel tips on how to enjoy road trips with a baby.  While we are sure you will have a wonderful time, there will be stresses.   Especially, when your baby kicks up a fuss while you’re trying to navigate the highways and byways.  However, you trip doesn’t have to be entirely stressful or ruined.


road trips with a baby




Here’s a few tips on surviving road tips with a baby:


#1: Keep your baby supplies nearby

Don’t cram all of your luggage into the trunk of your car. When it comes to the items your baby needs, you are going to need them at hand.  Pack them into a large diaper bag that can accommodate most of your baby necessities.  For example, diapers, ready-made bottles of breast or formula milk, blankets, wipes, and toys. With everything you need in close proximity, you will quickly have what you need should your baby get bored, hungry, or both!


#2: Enlist a back seat passenger

Other than your baby, you might have a back seat passenger ready if you’re bringing other family members or friends along.  But, if it’s just you and your partner, you might want to tag team driving duties.  For example, one of you can sit in the back with your baby.  As a result, the back-seat passenger can take on the duties when crying or tantrums arise.  Additionally, this will ensure the driver isn’t overly distracted.  Duties can included feeding the baby to reading baby books or playing peek-a-boo.  Furthermore, the back seat passenger will be invaluable when it comes to keeping the baby quiet and entertained.


#3: Plan for breaks

Unless you want a smelly car, you will need to plan for breaks to give you the opportunity to change your baby’s diaper. You might want to change their clothes too if they have become sweaty or stained with food.  And, you all may need a little respite from the confines of your car.  Before you set off on your journey, download a rest stop locator app on your smartphone. This will be useful when planning where to take stops.


#4: Avoid the scenic route

We know road trips are often about taking those roads less-traveled.  But, when you have a baby to look after, you don’t want to run the risk of getting lost on your journey.  As we suggested, you will need a route that includes places to take a break, gas stations and food courts.  So, you might find traveling the highway is more practical than taking detours into the countryside.  Plan your route in advance; if you can find a scenic route with plenty of rest stops, then fine.  But if not, stick to the main roads for convivence sake.


Finally, traveling can be a fun when you learn how to enjoy road trips with a baby.  By following our tips, you should be able to minimize stress for both you and your baby.  Let us know what you think, and if you have any other useful tips for any road trippers this summer.  Please leave a comment below.

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