How To Delegate Appropriate Chores for Kids

Please note that the title of this post does not ask if children should do chores.  As members of a family unit, of course, they should contribute.  Today, we’re sharing parenting tips on how to choose appropriate chores for kids of various age groups.



chores for kids


Preventing Pitfalls

Perfection is an unattainable goal. So, don’t expect it. Instead, take a more casual approach to chores and the way your kids accomplish them. As long as they make an honest effort, don’t discourage them by nitpicking the job they do, as per parenting pros at WebMD.

Next, don’t put off assigning chores to the kids who live in your house. If any child is earning an allowance, they are old enough to manage at least a few simple household errands.  For example, little kids can put their toys away and place their worn clothing into the hamper.  Elementary school age kids can scoop the litter box and feed the dog.

Most parents use an allowance as a tool for their children to learn money management.  Kids do well when they’re taught the value of a job well done too.   So, don’t always rely on money as proof of their contribution.  An allowance as compensation for chores rarely works on young kids who are not money motivated.

However, lavish praise and be consistent.  Express your happiness while your kid is actually doing the chore. This builds positive momentum and keeps your kid in action. Let your children know that you notice their efforts, and be sure to tell them they’re doing a good job, suggest Mom magazine.

Be Specific

Instead of telling your child to go clean your room, tell the exactly what you want them to do.  For example, put your dirty clothes in the hamper, put away your books and toys, or place your toys in the toy box,” is a much better way to give your kid the message. These are appropriate chores for kids that are young too.  Teach them how to make a bed before telling them to make it. Show them how to do the dishes before sending them into the kitchen to clean up. Make a chore chart and don’t micromanage. You want your kids to learn the joy of a job well done. Teach them to do it right, and let them get on with it.

Assign age appropriate chores

There’s no point in telling your toddler to wash the family car or take out the trash. You can, however, kindly instruct a teenager to do the same. Adolescents are able to manage most household chores sans supervision. They may not smile throughout the process, but they’re certainly capable of doing more chores than their younger siblings.

Teens who are newly licensed to drive may actually enjoy chores like using the family car to pick up needed items at the grocery store. Assign the chore of picking up their little sister at dance class, and you may even find your teen asking for more chores, suggests Mom magazine.

Make Chores Fun For Everyone

When you tell your kid to clean the bathroom, provide them with eco-friendly, nice smelling, biodegradable products. If they are not choked by fumes, they may welcome cleaning the tub and toilet. Stock up on a sweet selection of planet pleasing cleaning items from  Make sure these are appropriate chores for kids who will be responsible with the products.

From the age of five until they reach adolescence, most kids are able to contribute time and energy to household chores. For a third or fourth grader, assign daily chores such as making their own bed, unloading the dishwasher, and feeding the family pet.  Other appropriate chores for kids this age may include things like folding and putting away laundry, emptying trash cans and sweeping the kitchen floor.

Seasonal Chore Charts

If your family lives where leaves turn orange in autumn and spring brings April showers, you can assign seasonal chores to your kids. In the summertime, kids can wash and vacuum the car. In winter, they can shovel sidewalks, suggests VeryWell magazine.

Most importantly, show them how you want the job done and always enforce safety rules.  Aside from that, tell your kid what to do and let them do it.  Avoid nagging your teen. Offer kind and encouraging guidance, instead.

Finally, insist that your teen do their chores before they go out with friends.  Setting priorities is a good way for them to learn management skills too.

About the Author: Jack Gould is a hands-on Dad who is proud to call himself a house husband. His articles talk about parenting, raising strong, independent, healthy and happy kids.


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  1. Great tips! I am forwarding these ideas to my daughters. I found that cleaning their rooms (always a pig sty!) is more fun if we write tasks on slips of paper and then pull them out one by one as they are accomplished!