Hail Hitler – I Don’t Think So!

I was on Twitter early, and one of the ladies that I follow mentioned Hitler in her post. Out of curiosity I clicked on the URL. The video was entitled, Obama Hitler Youth Style Brainwashing. For those who aren’t interested in clicking over, the video showed a group of young men speaking of Obama and pledging to make various commitments. When I first viewed the video, I didn’t understand the connection to Hitler.

As I read further, there where more posts referring to Hitler. I soon realized the ladies were referring to the group of young men, their military style dress and the fact they were performing somewhat in unison. Most importantly, the fact that they were speaking of Obama. I realize there are people in this country who are displeased with the new President Elect; however, to compare him and our youth to Hitler was beyond my comprehension. At this time I don’t know anyone on the face of this earth that is comparable to Hitler, and what he stood for, Black, White, Asian, Latino, Native American, or Bi-racial.

I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I am a subscriber of this lady’s newsletter and a member of her forum. I have been for years. As a result, I let her know my displeasure with her comment. I stated that to compare Obama and those young man to Hitler was one of the most ridiculous statements that I have read on Twitter.

I also let her know that the movements in the video were used in fraternities across the country as a form of discipline. She responded by saying, it wasn’t used in any colleges that she had attended or in any that she knew of. I gave her a few colleges that used the method of discipline, and explained that it was a version of dance called Stepping. The colleges that use this method of dicipline or dance are Spelman, Morehouse, Howard University, Hampton University and many others. She stated that it wasn’t for her and her children.

As adults don’t we learn that not everything is for everybody. Is this video worthy of a comparison to Hitler? I don’t think so. Personally, I think it’s a sad day when Obama and these young men are compared to Hitler. The thinking is beyond me. I would love to hear your thoughts on this video and the comparison to Hitler.

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