Judge Judy Rocks Bikini

Rock that bikini Judge Judy.  Amazing at 70 years old, Judge Judy shows the world that 70 is the new 30, lol.  She looks great!  Judge Judy, chatting with Katie Couric, is a mother to seven children and 11 grandchildren.   

Tori Spelling Shows Off New Baby

                                Photo courtesy of People Magazine

How adorable is little Finn Davey?  We’re so glad to see Tory looking so happy and healthy after experiencing complications during her pregnancy.  Tory was diagnosed with placenta Previa and rushed to the hospital.  Placenta Previa is normally associated with C-Sections.  Another possibility for the complications could be related to how soon she became pregnant, 1 month, after giving birth to her third child. She was ordered to have complete bed rest for 4 months.  Tory has stated that she is most likely done with having children. 

We’re glad everything worked out for the McDermott family.  Tory said she survived the experience by focusing and envisioning her holding a healthy baby. 

Michelle Obama Style

I love Michelle Obama’s style.  I truly believe she is truly one of the most beautifully dressed women in the world.  I also love the fact that she is a Princeton/Harvard graduation, so she is about education as well as style and keeping physically fit.  

She is the only First Lady that has so much elegance and grace, she is being compared to Jackie O.  Now those are big shoes to fill.  It’s obviously not a problem for the First Lady, she has a blog dedicated, Mrs. O, to her fashion sense.   


Designers would love to dress the First Lady for public appearances, but she shops at target and recycles her dresses.  She changes the looks of her dresses with different accessories, which includes belts, brooches, cardigans, and changing the shoes she wore previously. 

I’m looking forward to seeing Mrs. Obama’s inauguration gown in 2013, and following her fashion sense for the next 4 years.  I’m a big fan of her gowns.  What’s your favorite dress of the First Lady?  Leave us a comment, we love them. 

Celebrities Vote Too!

I’m so glad the election process is over.  For some reason, it just seemed to go on and on and on.  Maybe it was all of the negative ads, maybe they started campaigning earlier, or there was just more coverage on TV.  Regardless of who you voted for, I just pray that the country comes together to balance the budget, there are more jobs made available to reduce the unemployment rate, and everyone receives the health care they so deserve in this country. 

Mother-2-Mother discovered a few celebrities who casted their vote.  It seems that Usher caused an uproar with voters in Roswell, GA.  Apparently, he was ushered to the front of the line and that irritated voters.  Senior citizens and women with young children should be ushered to the front of the line in my opinion, but I saw many seniors and women with children standing in lines on major TV stations.  I guess he never heard of the Absentee Ballot, which is what most celebrities use to avoid standing in a line and causing a distraction.  They don’t look for special treatment. 

I also saw celebrities just behaving badly.  Mainly Donald Trump.  Regardless of your feelings toward the winner or loser of this Presidential Election, inciting revolutions, calling our election process unjust, and just being downright disrepectful was so uncalled for.  I wonder just how proud his wife and children were of him. 

Here are a few celebrities who cast their vote and proudly let their followers know via Twitter they voted and encouraged them to cast their vote too :

Mother-2-Mother doesn’t get political, but I am proud to be an American and I am thankful that I am allowed to vote for the candidate of my choosing win or lose.  From the words of our President Elect, “We will forever be the United States of America”. Should celebrities be allowed to move ahead of hundred of people who have stood in line for hours to cast their vote?  Why should they be given such a privilege?   Let me know what you think.