5 Benefits of Growing Chives

Today, I’m sharing gardening tips on the benefits of growing chives.  The flowers on my backyard garden chives are in full bloom, and they are beautiful.  I recommend that you plant a chive or two in your backyard vegetable garden.  The purple blooms are so pretty, and they enhance the flavor of many dishes.  Maintenance is easy, simply remove the spent flowers and cut the plant to back to 2 – 3 inches in the summer.

This should give your plant a good start for another harvest later in the season.  Furthermore,  removing the flowers is an important step.  Otherwise, the seeds will blow and the plants will take over your garden.  You will end up with volunteers, plants which have seeded and germinated from blown or dropped seeds.


garden chives



So, there are several benefits to growing chives beside them.  First, they are very easy to grow.  Once they are planted, they require regular watering and a little fertilizer.  My soil is so rich, I usually by-pass this part of the maintenance, but I do water them.  Here a few other reasons to grow and eat chives:



garden chives


Benefits of Growing Chives:


1.  They’re a magnet for beautiful butterflies.  You kids will love chasing the butterflies across the yard.  Pick up a few butterfly nets and identification books so the kids can research.  The can get some exercise chasing the butterflies and connect with nature.  Here’s another benefit, you can keep them occupied while you put up your feet and sip a cup of coffee.

2.  Also, they are delicious on baked potatoes, omelets and other dishes that call for onions.  I love them in salads as well.

3.  They are a great source of antioxidants and can help fight cancers in the breast, colon, prostate, ovaries and lungs.  This study is from the University of Maryland Medical Center.

4.  Additionally, they are a great source of Vitamin K.  Which, is good for bone strength.

5.  Furthermore, they help lower blood pressure and cholesterol according to the University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell.

6. Although I have not eaten them, the flowers on chives are edible.  For some reason, I just can’t get past the thought of flowers in my food.   On a cake yes, in my salad no.  However, they can be used to decorate a dish or vegetable tray.

7. Did you know that chives can be used fresh or frozen.  You can chop and seal them in an airtight container and keep them in the refrigerator or freezer.

8.  Chives return year after year.






Last, they are low maintenance, have health benefits, and enhance the flavor of your dishes.  Head to your local nursery and pick up a few plants.  Better yet, grow a few plants from seed.
